This week we're celebrating the best bits from our 1000 minute live stream.
Published 04/22/21
This week we're celebrating the best bits from our 1000 minute live stream.
Published 04/21/21
This week we're celebrating the best bits from our 1000 minute live stream.
Published 04/21/21
This week we're celebrating the best bits from our 1000 minute live stream.
Published 04/20/21
This week we're celebrating the best bits from our 1000 minute live stream.
Published 04/20/21
This week we're celebrating the best bits from our 1000 minute live stream.
Published 04/20/21
This week we're celebrating the best bits from our 1000 minute live stream.
Published 04/19/21
It's the first hour of our 16 hour live stream celebrating episode 1000! We give a tour of the set up and eat some b&e rolls made by Jess! We also play a montage of the last 1000 episodes made by GB!
Published 04/16/21
We chat about the studio setup and guest lineup for episode 1000, how you can score a Big Cup for FREE, the Siri fail that revealed more than Apple wanted and letting strangers in your house.
Published 04/15/21
We chat about having worms, buying Crypto, more golf and episode 1000 guests!
Published 04/14/21
We chat about Bonsoy, Golf with Scooter Derek, branded cars, nostalgia and finding fun moments in life.
Published 04/13/21
We chat about people still in lockdown around the world, subsistance living, people lacking soft skills, the vaccine rollout and conspiracy theories.
Published 04/12/21
It's Fat Friday and we're cooking a block of Caramilk chocolate, wrapped in puff pastry in an air fryer. We also give you the low down on how to get a big cup and what's happening on ep 1000.
Published 04/09/21
We go deep into parenting, generational change and choosing not to have kids.
Published 04/08/21
We chat about Tommy's long weekend away with the family and Josh's golf filled weekend.
Published 04/07/21
Jess & GB join us! We chat about bad band names, our excursion to Tommy's mum's house, Josh's golf obsession and realise we've stuffed up the maths leading up to episode 1000!
Published 04/01/21
We chat about Tommy's car service, start planning for episode 1000 and reflect on the last 1000 episodes!
Published 03/30/21
We chat about Shahs of Sunset, Tommy's friend on OnlyFans, Bodhi getting something stuck up his nose and bat smell!
Published 03/29/21
We chat about WWE wrestling, open a package sent in from Gronk Fabian, read an email from Charlotte and talk about getting good sleep!
Published 03/29/21
We chat about the worlds best vanilla slice, career paths, looking back on our education, regretting the past and changing our perception.
Published 03/26/21
We chat about time perception before delving into a heated conversation about how Josh feels when Tommy says certain things.
Published 03/24/21
We chat about our dream office, Josh's proud moment at a cafe, spirituality, our sense of self and we dive deep in to lying.
Published 03/24/21
We chat about Tommy's Avocado saga, cosmetic surgery, Gordon Ramsey and the unusual method of taping your mouth shut to prevent snoring.
Published 03/23/21
We chat about Tommy & Amy's Hypnobirthing graduation, the flooding in Sydney, beachfront living, Bodhi's toileting and left handers!
Published 03/22/21
We chat about our Fat Friday order, GB's fun history fact, vocal fry and how Josh and Tommy trigger each other.
Published 03/19/21