Our heroes count their treasure... and look for creative ways to get rid of it. Azlo receives a startling message. Shabba gets a ticket to ride. Tokas takes to toxins.
Published 09/04/23
Will our heroes defeat the monstrous beast they have roused from its lair and reap the spoils of battle? Azlo may not be around to find out. Shabba gives a heads up. Tokas strikes the fiery blow.
Published 08/21/23
The party returns to Sulchea to find out the latest on the the Yrdrazu saga. Azlo gets absolved. Shabba laments his herd. Tokas suggests a team-up.
Published 08/07/23
Our heroes have some unfinished business to attend to. Azlo faces his family. Shabba imagines the future of the troupe. Tokas proposes going on the offensive.
Published 07/24/23
As they rot in prison, our heroes lament Felmindar's escape and wallow in the hopelessness of their plight. Azlo determines the mode of his archrival's exit. Shabba is parted from his best friend. Tokas enjoys the food.
Published 07/10/23
The situation intensifies as our heroes seek to force a confession around Felmindar's verbal dance. Tokas predicts future repercussions. Shabba is coerced to violence. Azlo goes psychic.
Published 06/26/23
With their plans in order, our heroes prepare to attend what promises to be the performance of a lifetime. Azlo considers the consequences of future actions. Tokas calls upon buried treasures. Shabba makes a threat.
Published 06/12/23
With the imminent arrival of Felmindar's troupe in Tai'ver, our heroes set their plan in motion. Shabba spreads the word. Azlo makes contact. Tokas plays lookout.
Published 05/29/23
Our heroes hit the streets of Tai'ver to tackle their to-do list in advance of Felmindar's arrival. Azlo hits a snag in the process. Tokas starts a government conspiracy. Shabba goes job hunting.
Published 05/15/23
In the dark aftermath of a frightening ambush, the party is left wondering how it could've happened. Shabba does some tanning. Azlo peruses his mental rolodex. Tokas forms a new bond.
Published 05/01/23
With Azlo and Shabba out of the fight, Tokas and his trusty War Ham must deal with the mysterious cloaked assassin and the equally mysterious flying creature harrying him from above.
Published 04/17/23
Dream turns to nightmare in the midst of a late-night disturbance on the road. Azlo suffers a character assassination. Shabba is felled by a fell beast. The future lies in Tokas's gauntleted fists.
Published 04/03/23
The battle for the caravan has reached a fever pitch. Shabba bids farewell to magic. Tokas suggests an alternative course of action. Azlo is inexplicably alone.
Published 03/20/23
The fight against the bandit caravan continues as our heroes attempt to minimize losses for their merchant clients. Tokas floats. Shabba deals mayhem. Azlo has a boss battle.
Published 03/06/23
The party gains new insights regarding a few of its older and long-forgotten treasures. Tokas thanks his past self. Shabba peruses the local niche merchantry. Azlo neutralizes some threats.
Published 02/20/23
Our heroes await the will of Sulchea's town council, which may determine the viability of their plan to aid its people. Shabba purchases a herd. Tokas bought it after all. Azlo's throat is at stake.
Published 02/06/23
Our heroes hold a celebration to thank those who were instrumental in their victory. Tokas attempts to redraw the lines of succession. Shabba puts the ball in the mayor's court. Azlo's head is heavy.
Published 01/23/23
With only the mysteries of the untold depths awaiting him, Shabba plunges into the bowels of the earth. Tokas gets worried. Azlo stays the course. Stripey wheels and deals.
Published 01/09/23
With the fight leaning in their favor, our heroes must find a way to finish the job despite the obstacle they have unwittingly thrown into their own path. Tokas takes off in hot pursuit. Shabba exercises inadvertent restraint. Azlo won't stop the healin'.
Published 12/26/22
Our heroes and their allies stand before the cave's gaping maw, ready to face whatever may come. Tokas gets slime-timed. Azlo circumvents the material. Shabba commands the back line.
Published 12/12/22
Our heroes seek an audience with Belvera, Mayor of Sulchea, in efforts to aid the town with its troll problem. Azlo gives an inspiring speech. Shabba's rangey senses tingle. Tokas does some extreme longstriding.
Published 11/28/22
Our heroes spend a week immersed in smooth golden bliss before falling into a convenient gig as caravan guards on their journey toward Tyv's capital. Shabba makes peace talks. Tokas makes a show of force. Azlo makes a deductive leap.
Published 11/14/22
A friendly neighborhood spice merchant offers to connect our heroes with the upper crust of Mosnalim. Azlo sets his sights. Shabba takes a bath. Tokas solves a long-standing mystery.
Published 10/31/22
Alternate weaponry is the name of the game as our heroes are beset upon by a strange creature from beneath their very feet. Tokas goes ham. Azlo gets psyched. Shabba blades out.
Published 10/17/22
Having dispatched the gnollish threat, our heroes assess their surroundings and find a strange reward awaiting them. Shabba browbeats. Tokas makes it plain. Azlo acknowledges a betrayal.
Published 10/03/22