Damo (in a hotel in London) chatting about the effects of porn addiction on young men in the martial arts and Qigong world. He also looks at the effects of a lack of physical exercise in developmental years, the nature of video-gaming, online interactions and male competitiveness. 
Published 08/03/23
In this episode, Damo is giving a more personal account of his views on and contact with the subject of violence. He looks at why violence should never be glorified and why it is a complex aspect of martial arts. In his own classes, violence is a part of the training but not the mental focus and in this episode, he explains why.
Published 07/02/23
Damo chatting about his recent trip to the United States (Maryland, Washington DC and Louisiana) as well as his views on American/Western media. He also looks at one of the prime principles for developing within the arts - this is the principle of organising 'practice intent' according to the idea of Cause, Effect and Conditions. Not filmed in the usual Podcast spot due to being on the road in the USA still. 
Published 06/28/23
A rambling podcast by Damo Mitchell on the various ways in which he understood Qi, the difference between belief and knowing, the impact of the internet and the danger of restricting yourself to fixed definitions. This is a talk that wanders around and looks at various topics, so dont expect a structured and systematic exploration of Qi so much as a loose chat on Qigong. 
Published 06/02/23
In this episode, Damo and Adam Mizner are in Bali, chatting about the nature of cultivation and what place the various arts such as Taiji, Qigong and Meditation play on this path. They discuss their personal entry into Taiji, the nature of pushing hands, Zhong Ding, meditation and more.This episode was filmed on a day off after they had been practicing together for the month of April in order to further develop their skills and help each other out in their practice. TRIGGER WARNING: To those...
Published 05/10/23
In this episode, Damo is giving his personal opinion on the recent 'tongue sucking' scandal involving the Dalai Lama. The nature of cultural differences are looked at, along with public shaming, honest mistakes, red flags for abusive behaviour and the dangers of attributing divine qualities to humans, no matter how kind they may seem. It is important that people don't jump to sensationalised opinions whenever something unexpected happens, but we should also not ignore potential risks as...
Published 04/17/23
Damo talks about his experiences of finishing the first week of a five year long martial arts retreat in Bali. Over five years, a group will be going deep into both external and internal martial arts, meditation and medicine. After the first week, Damo sits down and discusses his first impression of teaching the retreat and the mindset behind the people in attendance. 
Published 03/13/23
In this episode, Damo is testing out new sound equipment and talking about power issues in Qigong, Taijiquan and associated arts. He looks at the nature and difficulty of teaching, why teachers are so controlling and why they spend so much time badmouthing all of their rivals or perceived competition. Damo also discusses his experience of the politics of training in China and spending time with Chinese masters.
Published 03/06/23
In this episode, Damo Mitchell is discussing both the benefits of a conceptual model such as that laid out within the Daoist tradition as well as its limitations. He then goes on to describe the Wu Shen (5 Spirits) in Chinese medicine and why they are a model of fragmented psychology rather than a model of spiritual divinity.
Published 02/28/23
In this episode, Damo is chatting to his good friend, Joey Nishad. Joey is a Yang Taiji practitioner who gives his view on training, teaching, the internal arts scene and the arts in general. The discussion then goes on to Joeys experience at the recent ‘Martial Man Camp’ held in Chiangmai before it gets personal with a look at mental health in the internal arts. 
Published 02/28/23
In this episode, Damo is talking to his father, Paul Mitchell in his personal training space in the South of the UK. They chat about Paul's training history, his views on the arts and how martial arts and inner training has served him over the course of his life. 
Published 02/27/23
In this episode, Damo is on his own and chatting about the importance and weaknesses of lineage, systems and traditions. He looks at the nature of spiritual practice, awakening and how this takes place according to the various methods contained within traditional training.
Published 01/22/23
In this lengthy episode, Damo is discussing what it means to be a male in the martial and cultivation arts. He talks about his own insecurities and what he had to overcome to become strong and confident in himself. Many young males are feeling lost these days and this is looked at in this podcast. Please note that this episode is really aimed at younger males and may not be relevant to other groups of people. 
Published 01/03/23
The third episode of the Damo Mitchell Podcast features Asa Hershoff discussing his experience of many years in Vajrayanan Buddhism. Asa has spent over 40 years in the meditative traditions, completing his training as a full Tibetan Lama in 1989 including the full 3-year long personal retreat. For more information on Asa Hershoff please visit his site at: http://www.drasahershoff.com Or at: http://www.5elementenergyhealing.com
Published 12/29/22
Damo sits down with Adam Mizner of Heaven Man Earth Taiji to smoke cigars, drink whisky and chat about various aspects of the internal arts after they completed a month of practice in Bali, Indonesia. This was an informal chat where various topics were covered BUT we had a couple of issues: Firstly, there was an issue with Adam's mic which meant that it cut in and out. We had to edit the footage because of this and so some of Adam's parts were silent and so removed from the video. We managed...
Published 12/26/22
This is the short introductory episode to the new Damo Mitchell Podcast. Here, Damo introduces the new studio and talks about his recent move to Bali, Indonesia, the future of his school and his movement away from lineages and tradition.
Published 12/23/22