Today I'll be covering a topic that’s often left in the shadows: Erectile Dysfunction. It can be a sensitive subject for many, But it is one I feel the need to shed some light on because of how much ED affects the world of dating and relationships. So much so that it’s not uncommon for me to get dm’s (mostly from women), Describing all the ways their partners lack the ability to get “it” up in the bedroom, is hurting their relationship. I asked the men on an Instagram poll this...
Published 11/02/23
Chances are you’re sabotaging your own 1st dates without even realizing it.. Don’t worry though; this is a very common problem that affects both men and women. But I’m here to change that for you. Because it’s part of my job to give you the skills you need to get yourself a 2nd date with that cute guy or girl you’re into. In today's “Dating With Katy Podcast” episode, you’re going to learn 5 things you could be doing wrong to mess up that 1st date, And more importantly.. How to avoid...
Published 10/31/23
Chances are you’re sabotaging your own 1st dates without even realizing it.. Don’t worry though; this is a very common problem that affects both men and women. But I’m here to change that for you. Because it’s part of my job to give you the skills you need to get yourself a 2nd date with that cute guy or girl you’re into. In today's “Dating With Katy Podcast” episode, you’re going to learn 5 things you could be doing wrong to mess up that 1st date, And more importantly.. How...
Published 10/25/23
Do you know how to spot whether or not she’s a gold digger? Or have the ability to recognize if she has genuine intentions with you? Because as I'm sure you may already know.. It’s not always so obvious. The reality of dating is that most women find a competent man who has his finances in order to be very attractive. But there is a very big difference between a quality woman who actually has something to bring to the relationship.. And one who is shallow that only has her eyes on your...
Published 10/17/23
“Katy, where are all the quality men hiding?” I get this question all the time. If this thought has ever crossed your mind, then it’s time for you to get practical and try this new approach. If you’re at all serious about finding yourself a good guy that is.. and by good guy I don’t mean the “Nice Guy” aka the “Simp.” In today’s quick podcast I share with you new places to find quality single men that you are probably overlooking, some qualities of the “Good Guy” that you want in your life,...
Published 09/19/23
Today I hope to leave you with some motivation and inspiration for YOUR future honeymoon. As you may already know, I became a married woman earlier this year. And I just recently returned home from an amazing honeymoon with my new husband. Which is why I’m excited to share with you some of the highlights, Along with how and why we picked the locations we did. So get ready, Because in today's 15 minute podcast we’re diving into some of my honeymoon details, Including where we went, the...
Published 09/12/23
I’m back from my honeymoon and we have so much to catch up on. After 2 months, “The Dating With Katy” podcast has returned and in today’s episode I hope to leave you with some encouragement. With a reminder that finding the person of your dreams is within your reach. As long as you have a little bit of patience, and are putting in the work to develop the proper dating skills, you will find your forever person, because.. If I can do it, I promise that you can too! In today’s podcast you and I...
Published 09/07/23
If you care at all about finding love.. It is inevitable that you will at one point or another feel let down by dating. Feelings of anxiety and frustration are becoming more and more common. Especially in today's day and age with the added elements of things like ghosting. Not to mention men and women not making their intentions clear when it comes to things like one night stands. Or the overwhelming dating app algorithms, And so much more as I’m sure you already know.. Which is why I want to...
Published 06/20/23
The cold hard truth about dating when your 50+ is that.. It’s simply not going to be as easy as it was when you were younger. Which is why you are going to have to put in some extra effort if you want to stand out, and find success when dating in your golden years. But please do not be discouraged. Because it is definitely possible to find love in that age group. For example, one of my coaching clients just got married in her 50’s.. I’ve even seen couples get married in their 80’s and it's...
Published 06/13/23
How did I know my fiancé was ‘The One’?? What were some of the signs and “green flags” that helped me decide whether or not, He was the person I’d like to spend the rest of my life with? Today I continue to answer some of the questions you guys have been asking me, Questions that could help you vet your potential life partners when dating. Along with some of the more ‘personal’ questions like, Whether or not my fiancé and I had any break ups in our relationship leading up to the engagement.....
Published 06/06/23
Yes that's right.. I’m getting married soon. But believe it or not, There was more “drama” leading up to the proposal than you might have guessed. And in today’s 15 minute podcast I'll be filling you in on the back story, As well as some dating tips along the way, PLUS, I’ll be answering in detail, Some of the question’s you guys have been asking me on my Instagram. Questions like: How did he ask? How long have we been together for? How many men did I date before I met him? And more.. So make...
Published 06/01/23
Men, if you want the ladies to take you seriously on a date, you need to avoid these styling choices at all costs. I went to my instagram to ask the women what they like, as well as what they dislike a guy wearing when on a date. And they made themselves very clear on what it is they cannot stand to see a man dressed in when they first meet. Not to mention the amount of complaints I get from coaching clients about their dates' sloppy and mismatched clothing choices. Don’t let yourself become...
Published 05/18/23
I did a survey asking men what styles they find attractive on a woman. And I’m sharing the results in today’s 15 minute podcast. PLUS, some of the fashion secrets I share in my paid “7 Steps to Sexy” course. I asked men their opinions on everything from which women’s hairstyles they find sexy, All the way to the types of clothing and shoes that are a MUST to wear on a hot date. I even get into the details of which style of high heels men simply cannot resist. So if you want to learn how to...
Published 05/16/23
“Katy, how do I manifest the person of my dreams?” This is a question I get asked a lot. But can a “manifestation” practice actually help your dating life? Or is it just a waste of time? I’m going to share with you 5 beliefs that I have on “manifesting in dating” Which I think could benefit your search for love greatly. All of the beliefs and opinions I’m sharing with you are based on my over 10 years of DatingCoach experience As well as my own dating life experiences. GET IN MY NETWORK...
Published 05/09/23
Do you know how to tell if you’re settling for less than you deserve? It’s very important that you do. Even if you’re not currently in a relationship.. Because having the ability to recognize if you are settling or not, Can save you a ton of time and heartache in the future. Which is why today I’m sharing with you some of the telltale signs that you might be settling with your partner, As well as some of the more positive signs that your relationship might be heading in the right...
Published 05/02/23
If you’re sick and tired of being alone, I need you to understand this one very important concept. The difference between preferences and non-negotiables when it comes to dating. If you acquire the ability to recognize this difference, Your chances at finding an amazing partner will increase dramatically. Doing so is much easier than you think, as long as you have an open mind and can follow my direction. Because on top of being able to find an amazing partner myself, I’ve managed to...
Published 04/25/23
Check out these 11 powerful tips that ex-monk, and Life Coach, Jay Shetty and I both think you should be focusing on when dating. I read Shetty’s latest book, “8 Rules of Love: How to Find It, Keep It, and Let It Go”, While on a recent trip to Bali, And was surprised to see just how similar a lot of our views on dating are. Jay Shetty has provided enormous value to millions of people struggling in dating, relationships, and life, all around the world. Which is why I’m excited for you...
Published 04/18/23
Today's podcast may come across as controversial to some, but I think it's very important that you know why men should be paying on the first date not only for the woman's benefit, but for theirs as well! GET IN MY NETWORK AND ON EMAIL LIST: https://datingwithkaty.com/pages/work-with-me 14 DAYS TO DATING SUCCESS : 14 Day short video course https://datingwithkaty.com/products/14-days-to-dating-success 7 STEPS TO SEXY: Video Course for Women...
Published 04/11/23
10 ways to know whether or not you have the IT factor! Do you have the IT factor? You know, the swagger that certain men and women have that draw everyone's attention every time they walk into a room. GET IN MY NETWORK AND ON EMAIL LIST: https://datingwithkaty.com/pages/work-with-me GET IN MY NETWORK AND ON EMAIL LIST: https://datingwithkaty.com/pages/work-with-me 14 DAYS TO DATING SUCCESS : 14 Day short video course https://datingwithkaty.com/products/14-days-to-dating-success 7...
Published 04/04/23
The last two episodes of The Dating With Katy Podcast covered some amazing lines to use in your online dating profile. Well, in today's episode I will be sharing some of the WORST dating bio lines that I've come across. These dating profiles come across from all the way from lazy, to disrespectful and downright pathetic. DO NOT make these online dating mistakes! GET IN MY NETWORK AND ON EMAIL LIST: https://datingwithkaty.com/pages/work-with-me 14 DAYS TO DATING SUCCESS : 14 Day short...
Published 03/28/23
Today's dating profile covers MORE of the best lines to use in your online dating bio. Feel free to use the hilarious and intelligent dating profile lines I'm about to share with you. They work whether or not you're a man or a woman! https://datingwithkaty.com/pages/work-with-me 14 DAYS TO DATING SUCCESS : 14 Day short video course https://datingwithkaty.com/products/14-days-to-dating-success 7 STEPS TO SEXY: Video Course for Women...
Published 03/23/23
The Dating with Katy Podcast is back for season 3 and we are starting off with a banger. Today I go over some of the best and most effective lines and one liners that you're more than welcome to use for your own dating profile! GET IN MY NETWORK AND ON EMAIL LIST: https://datingwithkaty.com/pages/work-with-me 14 DAYS TO DATING SUCCESS : 14 Day short video course https://datingwithkaty.com/products/14-days-to-dating-success 7 STEPS TO SEXY: Video Course for Women...
Published 03/21/23
In today's dating podcast I go over 12 qualities of the good guy. Ladies this is the type of man you want to date, and gentlemen, this is the man you should strive to be!   GET IN MY NETWORK AND ON EMAIL LIST: https://datingwithkaty.com/pages/work-with-me   7 Steps to Sexy COURSE FOR WOMEN: https://datingwithkaty.com/products/live-masterclass-7-steps-to-sexy-for-women   Confidence 101 COURSE FOR MEN: https://datingwithkaty.com/products/confidence-101-master-class-workbook-included  Get my...
Published 02/13/23
This dating podcast covers the all too common mistakes that men make when dating and how they can get better with women and stop being pansies!    Get your finances in order with my guy Ryan below: Ryan's Phone #: 949-561-7501 Email: [email protected]  Website: https://www.northwesternmutual.com/financial/advisor/ryan-chang/ GET IN MY NETWORK AND ON EMAIL LIST https://datingwithkaty.com/pages/work-with-me 7 Steps to Sexy COURSE FOR WOMEN:...
Published 02/08/23
Today's dating podcast shares 5 quotes and principals from the bible that will help you with dating and relationships regardless of whether or not you're a Christian! Get your finances in order with my guy Ryan below: Ryan's Phone #: 949-561-7501 Email: [email protected]  Website: https://www.northwesternmutual.com/financial/advisor/ryan-chang/ GET IN MY NETWORK AND ON EMAIL LIST https://datingwithkaty.com/pages/work-with-me 7 Steps to Sexy COURSE FOR WOMEN:...
Published 02/07/23