Published 03/21/23
Published 02/28/23
Published 01/10/23
Published 10/25/22
Published 09/13/22
Dr. Tony talks about what patient-centered approach includes and why it is truly the best approach for the patient. He also explores what that will look like in the near future, improving the options that scoliosis patients have when it comes to treatment.
Published 05/02/19
Published 05/02/19
While some people think general chiropractic care can help fix a scoliosis curve, that isn't the case. Dr. Tony contrasts chiropractic care vs scoliosis-centered chiropractic to help clear this up. Dr. Tony also shares about this contrast, because he has been on both sides of the coin, and is now an expert known worldwide for his expertise in this matter.
Published 05/01/19
The functional approach to scoliosis treatment utilizes four key pillars, when put together, allows scoliosis patients to actually see reductions in their curve, as well as improving quality of life. And, Dr. Tony talks about what these pillars are, and how each individual patient and curve requires a different mix of these four pillars of treatment. One-size-fits-all just doesn't work in scoliosis treatment, even for people with the same degree of curve.
Published 04/30/19
For parents of a child with a scoliosis diagnosis, Dr. Tony says that they need to be their own advocate and he shares some insights into how to best address this tricky situation. He also talks about how myths about scoliosis can really affect treatment options that are considered.  
Published 04/29/19
Dr. Tony addresses an aspect of a scoliosis diagnosis that many people do not think about: the emotional side of things. Yes, scoliosis is a structural and physical issue, but it can affect patients emotionally. He also shares what can often lead to frustrations with certain treatments, that then lead to other decisions about treatment.
Published 04/28/19
Is scoliosis painful? Dr. Tony dives into this common concern, and answers this questions and busts some myths about scoliosis pain. Dr. Tony also looks at how scoliosis affects adolescent scoliosis patients vs adult patients.
Published 04/27/19
In this episode, Dr. Tony talks about the traditional treatment model which includes "watch and wait", traditional bracing, and surgery. He also shared how the more modern, functional approach to scoliosis treatment is working for people, and how newer bracing techniques compare with the most popular types of braces.
Published 04/26/19
In this episode, Dr. Tony talks about how both diet and exercise can affect scoliosis, and how they can help if you're getting the right kind of treatment. What foods are good or bad for scoliosis? What exercises are good or bad for scoliosis? Dr. Tony sheds light on these popular questions.
Published 04/25/19
In this episode, Dr. Tony explores some of the popular myths about scoliosis, and also helps answer questions people have about confusing aspects of scoliosis and scoliosis treatment. He also explains why "watch and wait" is one of the worst myths regarding scoliosis treatment as well as why scoliosis pain is not the best indicator for scoliosis. Also, he discusses pregnancy myths related to a scoliosis diagnosis.
Published 04/25/19
In this episode, Dr. Tony talks about the couple known causes for scoliosis, but also talks about some confusion about what causes most cases of scoliosis. He also helps ease fears of idiopathic scoliosis, and why the cause of the scoliosis isn't as important as you may think. A lot of people think certain activities can cause scoliosis and Dr. Tony addresses that concern.
Published 04/24/19
In this episode, Dr. Tony shares what scoliosis is and is not, by breaking down popular scoliosis myths. Is scoliosis hereditary? Does it always cause pain?
Published 04/24/19
In this episode, Dr. Tony shares his past, the medical conditions he had to deal with as a kid, and how he found relief from that. He also shares about his experiences that led him to becoming a chiropractor, and then what ultimately led him to specialize in scoliosis and become one of the world's leading experts in scoliosis.
Published 04/24/19