The mindset behind M&A technology due diligence
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As the pressure of the deal clock ticks, it's easy for tech acquirers to get caught up in revenue projections, legal and HR, when they need to stay core to the actual target's function, the product they sell.In episode 3 of The Due Diligence show, we chat about how the value of Technology due diligence is often a misunderstood area of the M&A process.Many acquirers consider technology as a "tick box" item that is simply covered contractually, the problem is that if the core tech asset that drives a company's revenue can look great at face value, but can often be poorly executed and unfit for the buyers "deal thesis".Beyond inspecting the source code asset, there are many complementary activities that the Thought Source team discuss which will bring material information to the other diligence work streams such as customer sentiment, future fit and scale, potential misuse of open source, key contributor retainment, future team investment and more.