Published 04/20/23
Published 04/12/23
Published 03/08/23
Published 03/01/23
Ryan talks about a demo he built in Next.js 13 with React Server Components. He explains how RSC driven by the URL eliminated client-side states, how he used React 18 Transitions to enhance the UI, and how he was able to fine-tune the experience differently for the initial render vs. subsequent client-side navigations.
Published 02/15/23
Ryan and Sam discuss an article that explores how shipping small and fast can impact a product.
Published 02/08/23
Sam and Ryan talk about seams in TypeScript programs where lies can sneak in. They chat about how API calls, form inputs, and URLs all relate to this problem, the similarity between drifting types and service mocks in testing, zod, and how type-safe languages like Elm eliminate this problem entirely.
Published 01/26/23
Ryan tells Sam about a side project of his that involves running the text-to-image deep learning model Stable Diffusion on his laptop in response to web requests. Ryan asks Sam questions about animating this UI, including how to animate indeterminate progress, how to avoid unintentional layout animation, and how to automatically repeat a set of items while scrolling rather than stopping at the end.
Published 01/19/23
Ryan talks about the pros and cons of exposing Build UI’s environment-independent CMS from Hasura via schema stitching. He also talks about writing a Postgres function to add a derived field to a database model. Sam shares a debugging story about fixing his personal website due to a breaking change in a minor version of npm.
Published 01/11/23
Sam and Ryan chat about how to avoid a flicker of content on initial render due to mismatched server/client rendering. They also chat about the pros and cons of React Hooks, and using StackBlitz containers to debug OSS issues.
Published 12/29/22
Sam and Ryan chat about issues they’ve run into in the past when building media sites that store content alongside other dynamic data like user accounts, and how they’re using a CMS to alleviate these problems in Build UI. They also talk about the approach they’ll be using for access control to the CMS.
Published 12/02/22
Sam and Ryan chat about building their new site using services, and how they’re thinking about testing it. They talk about how testability is one of the biggest costs of using third-party hosted services, why they continue to like services in spite of this downside, and the fact that you always end up testing your app whether you eventually automate it or not.
Published 09/16/22
Ryan shares his experience getting end-to-end type safety from a Hasura backend into a React application. He tells Sam about the different ways GraphQL codegen can be used to generate types, and how he ultimately landed on a solution that combines the TypedDocumentNode type and the zod library.
Published 09/02/22
Ryan tells Sam about some experiments he’s been running using Server Components in Vercel’s new edge runtime. He talks about how components that suspend in the node runtime cause the static build of your Next.js app to wait until they unsuspend, while components that suspend in the edge runtime stream back fallback responses as data is being fetched. Ryan also tells Sam about a blocking JS trick he learned to alter the initial render of your clientside app based on client-specific data, like...
Published 08/22/22
Sam and Ryan chat about issues with default HTML buttons on the web across different devices and browsers. They talk about the Extensible Web Manifesto, how the React Aria library helps standardize button behavior across platforms, and the difference between state-based and event-based animations.
Published 07/20/22
Sam and Ryan talk about whether you should use merge commits or you should rebase commits in your PRs when working on large, fast-moving codebases. They also talk about implementing build-time client-side search with Stork, and why layering in animation code shouldn’t materially affect your existing React code.
Published 06/06/22
Sam and Ryan read and discuss the first two sections of the new Next.js Layouts RFC, Nested Layouts and Server Components. They also reflect on their experience using nested layouts in other frameworks.
Published 05/31/22
Sam and Ryan talk about the new useEvent RFC, and how useEvent lets you extract event logic from your side effects. They also read and discuss Dan Abramov’s recent Twitter thread on how useEvent addresses the problems people are encountering with React 18’s Strict Mode behavior around running effects twice on mount.
Published 05/12/22
Sam and Ryan talk about the motivation behind the changes to Strict Mode in React 18, and in particular why React simulates an immediate unmount and remount by re-running component effects. They also talk about the tradeoff between database consistency and speed.
Published 05/06/22
Sam and Ryan share their experiences building with Remix for the very first time. Sam built a simple exercise tracking app using the Indie starter stack, and Ryan built a blog using server rendering in both Remix and Next.js, and talks about the differences between the two frameworks. They both discuss what the larger React community can learn from the ideas that Remix has to offer.
Published 03/25/22
Sam and Ryan chat about Remix and the differences between data fetching and mutations on the client vs. the server. They also talk about whether a framework’s APIs or the actual apps it enables developers to build are more important when choosing which tool to use.
Published 03/17/22
Sam and Ryan chat about adding authentication-based route guards to Next.js, tradeoffs between one-shot data loading vs. reactive pages in React apps, and instrumenting errors with Sentry.
Published 03/08/22
Sam and Ryan talk about why Suspense for Data Fetching isn’t ready yet, and how both it and the Server Components feature of React 18 rely on the ability to evict a cache that’s internal to React. They also talk about Transitions.
Published 02/25/22