Prady Tewarie & Leandro Molina discuss what it was like being first time business owners and how to not let the little "Sh*T" get to you that can derail you from your success.
Published 02/15/19
Prady Tewarie and Leandro Molina tackle the topic of mainstream morals and how they go counter with what it takes to be make f**k you money success. *MUST LISTEN*
Published 02/12/19
In this Episode, Prady Tewarie & Leandro Molina are joined by The Get There Company's Founder & CEO an social media icon Brendan Griffin as they discuss some heavy hitting topics around how to become a social media influencer in today's crowded market, the future of big data, and why word of mouth STILL dominates.
Published 02/07/19
Can Entrepreneurship be taught? Prady Tewarie & Leandro Molina sit down to dissect the meaning of the "entrepreneurial gene" and debunk the myths around entrepreneurship and life success. If you're thinking of quitting your job and going all in, it's probably smart to listen to this episode
Published 02/05/19
So you've made a commitment to grow and take the next step in 2019. But, how do you actually go about that? What mindset and tools do you use to go from 0 to 100? To get out of the grey zone and set yourself up for mastery?
Published 01/15/19
Trying to upgrade your life in 2019? You've tuned in to the right episode! Listen in as Prady Tewarie & Leandro Molina discuss why playing small & safe are the riskiest strategies for 2019 and why scaling is the name of the game.
Published 01/08/19
We're joined by Steve Trezek - Pro Bodybuilder, Motivational Speaker, Life Coach, and arguably the most motivational person on all of instagram to hand it to us straight. What's holding you back from you goals? What's causing that little voice in your head that's telling you to stop, to not go forward on your side hustle? On your blog? On your podcast?
Published 11/29/18
How do we build lasting wealth in a society that doesn't value asset ownership anymore? Prady & Leandro discuss wealth creation in a gig economy and why information and personal branding are the new oil
Published 11/13/18
Are Millennials are Quitting too soon on their craft? Leo & Prady discuss how they started their podcast, what it takes to see things through, and why pushing through is the best thing one can sometimes do.
Published 10/30/18
In 2018, political correctness is the name of the game -but have we taken it too far? Prady & Leandro discuss why PC Culture stifles innovation and progress and why strict censorship seriously stunts personal development.
Published 10/16/18
A lot of millennials embark on the journey of self-development because they feel that something in their status quo is "off" but in doing so often act without any concrete plan in mind. Yes, you want to quit your job and travel the world, but what after that? You want to escape the 9-5, but what will you do instead? Prady and Leandro take on a very charged conversation around the topic of digust, self-development, and planning your life out.
Published 10/09/18
We live in the social media age and everyone's trying to scramble how to WIN in this game. What gets lost in all this tech talk is the fact that on the other side of your smartphone is just ANOTHER human - like you. So, perhaps the key to winning on social isn't hiring the next big hashtag identifying firm or post scheduler, but just using the SAME social skillsets that allow you to win in real life...on social. Radical idea? Leandro Molina & Prady Tewarie are joined by fitness tech...
Published 10/02/18
Many millennials are juggling job after job and growing various side hustles to achieve one goal: the ultimate financial independence. On today's show, we invite a man who has accomplished precisely that - Justin "The Hustle" Hall. Justin is the CEO of Supplement Snoop, a company he built with NO prior knowledge or connections, just hard work, grit and determination. On this episode he speaks to us as to what it *exactly* took for him to get from point A to Z, from the good times of...
Published 09/18/18
Millennials today are constantly reacting - from the minute they wake up they respond to their texts, to the demands of their bosses, to their s****y significant others, and most significantly, to the "GODs" of social media. Prady & Leandro discuss how a constant cascade of mindless reacting leads to prejudices and limitations which will choke human spirit and enlightenment This is a heavily packed show with a ton of INTENSE information.
Published 09/11/18
Millennials are taught to work in co-working spaces, that team work is noble, and that sharing is "caring." With team dynamics becoming more important than ever, how do we structure our personal and business relationships for maximal success? Prady and Leandro discuss the important of "complementing" a relationship versus "supplementing it" and the importance of going "solo" as long as possible and how common superficial similarities are HIGHLY overrated.
Published 08/28/18
In the age of political correctness and conflict avoidance, millennials are increasingly choosing to nurse symptoms of their failing health, relationships, friendships, and careers rather than dealing with it, BALLS DEEP. In this episode, Leandro Molina & Prady Tewarie discuss why avoiding conflict is a CARDINAL SIN for those looking to perform at peak levels. Success mandates conflict and facing difficult situations. Not only do these forge men of character, but they also lead to a...
Published 08/16/18
Guys like Vaynerchuck, Robbins, and Thomas talk about “going all in” but skip the part about what exactly one should go ‘all in” for, we should work hard, but on what exactly? We should never quit, but on which things exactly? We should wake up at 4 AM, but do what exactly with those extra three hours? Leandro and Prady delve deep into this topic and give a NON-PC answer.
Published 08/10/18
In the Age of Social Media where everyone has a voice and communication is a cheap commodity, *Effective* Communication is mandatory. (If you want to be heard at least.) Nevertheless, millennials are increasingly beating around the bush and doing everything possible to avoid direct communication. As a result, many of the most talented millennials are getting overlooked, are feeling depressed, left out, and anxious. Prady and Leo discuss this phenomenon and provides some NO-BS solutions! A...
Published 07/24/18
Humans have been programming machines and computers, but when it comes to our lives we leave things up to chance. What if you could program your life with predictable, universal laws that could yield the same results every time? Prady and Leandro dive in!
Published 07/20/18
In life only two things are guaranteed - death and taxes (at least for most of us....(cough cough corporate America). Armed with that knowledge, maybe we should #YOLO it up and make the most out of our lives instead of watching it pass by like most of us do. Prady and Leandro delve deep into the topic of life & death, and leaving behind a legacy by grabbing life by the balls.
Published 07/11/18
Networking isn't a "on-off" on-demand service that so many millennials are used to - it is a byproduct from a long-term investment you made in someone before they could ever offer you anything. Mind = Blown! Prady & Leandro dive in more deeply into this topic.
Published 07/06/18
Too many millennials let the opinions of others derail their dreams. Protect that sh*t, its yours. Learn to fight for it, to nurture it, and to take care of it like your life does - because it actually does.
Published 07/05/18
Millennials are notorious for seeking the approval from strangers - to the extent that it is causing massive depression and anxiety. But in that quest for acceptance, are we forgetting the people who have been there for us since the beginning? Follow us on instagram.com/TheEnlightenedMillennial Subscribe to us on iTunes/Stitcher
Published 06/29/18
Dreaming big is always in the back of your mind, always the end result. As Stephen Covey says, "begin anything with the end in mind." But before you achieve the big goal, don't neglect the little goals that will get you there to your end goal. There are many definitions of success such as: "Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal", and that worthy ideal is only achieved by constantly winning, big, medium or small. Attention to detail is key, so don't neglect the small...
Published 06/26/18
As millennials we're spoiled - we live in an on-demand world where everything we want becomes an instant reality. However, success doesn't work like that. It's not enough wanting success - success is a result of who you are and not what you want. Tune in as Prady & Leandro delve deep into this topic.
Published 06/25/18