How Much Revenue Do I Need to Quit My Day Job?
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"I'm sick of working for someone else."  "My dream is to start my own business." You're ready to take back control over your life and happiness by starting your own business.  But, there's one thing stopping you: the fear of not having a grip on your financials.  Because how much money should your business be making to match your current salary on payroll?  In this episode, I take you through 4 steps to calculate the revenue your business needs to make so you're bringing in the same amount of money that you're currently making.  Start calculating and take the leap into happier circumstances!  PS Once you know how much you need to make to quit your job and be your own boss, you can work out a plan to make it happen and hit that target. This will make it so much easier to take the leap! If you want to find out what your hourly rate should be in order to hit this target, simply use my free Hourly Worth Calculator. All you have to do is fill out your different costs and my calculator will do the maths for you. 👉 Do so through ​​ Do you want to stop being a slave to your boss, your schedule or your clients?Become your own boss with my coaching program, the Business Freedom Elevator™ Fast Track, as more than 1500 entrepreneurs have done before you. Grab 1 of the first 100 spots and your €500 discount NOW at Follow me on Instagram for more business and mindset tips: Discover my free trainings and ebooks:
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