Miles Mediation & Arbitration neutral Christopher "Smitty" Smith moderates a discussion with employment lawyers Sarah Lamar and Wade Herring about the challenges employers face with bringing their employees back to work. Smith, Lamar, and Herring are partners in HunterMaclean's Savannah office. 
Published 06/05/20
In this episode, Winter Wheeler of Miles Mediation & Arbitration speaks with Georgia Court of Appeals Judge Kenneth Hodges about mental health in the legal profession, particularly during COVID-19. 
Published 05/21/20
In this episode trial lawyer David Fried, founder and partner of Fried & Bonder discusses the effects of COVID-19 on the legal industry, including the long-term effect on business cases, personal injury, employment disputes, and the types of claims that will arise in the future. Fried is interviewed by Miles Mediation & Arbitration neutral Winter Wheeler. 
Published 05/12/20
In recognition of the first annual Lawyer Well-Being Week, Stacey Dougan, Denise Gaskin, and Kristy Weathers discuss strategies and resources aimed at encouraging well-being for lawyers, their support teams, and institutional stakeholders. This episode also provides an overview of what lawyers and legal professionals are experiencing during the pandemic crisis and how law firms and organizations can help in meaningful ways. 
Published 05/06/20
In this episode, Carla Wong McMillian, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Georgia, and former Judge of the Georgia Court of Appeals joins Miles Mediation & Arbitration Neutral, Hon. Jason T. Harper to discuss her background and the range of cases from complex business litigation to traffic tickets, she has presided over. The judges provide an insider's perspective on the realities and logistics of running a courtroom from security protocols to support staff management.  
Published 05/05/20
In this episode, Miles Mediation & Arbitration neutral Julie Jun interviews Kira Fonteneau, a Partner at the 5 Points Law Group, whose employment and civil rights practice covers both Georgia and Alabama.  She currently serves as President of the Board of ACLU of Alabama, Vice-Chair of the American Diabetes Association's National Legal Advocacy Sub-Committee, and a member of the Alabama State Bar Board of Bar Commissioners and the Alabama Civil Justice Foundation. 
Published 04/23/20
This episode features Ed Buckley, one of Atlanta’s leading employment and civil rights lawyers. Buckley is one of the founding partners and current Managing Parter of Buckley Beal LLP in Atlanta. Buckley opens up about his law practice; charity work; his recent novel, All the Way Home, and much more. He is interviewed by Miles Mediation & Arbitration neutral David Nutter. 
Published 04/23/20
In this episode of "The Future of Resolution" Podcast, Miles neutral Leigh Wilco interviews Marty Ellin, who has served as the Executive Director of the Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation since 2001. The Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation (AVLF), founded in 1979, is the largest provider of pro bono legal services in Greater Atlanta.
Published 04/23/20
This episode features Roger Quillen, Managing Partner and CEO of Fisher Phillips in Atlanta. Under Quillen's leadership, Fisher Phillips has tripled in size and is consistently recognized as one of the country’s top labor and employment law firms.
Published 04/23/20
Miles Mediation & Arbitration CEO and senior neutral Joe Murphey discuss the impact of the Coronavirus on law firms and how attorneys and legal professionals are adapting by leveraging technology to keep cases moving. 
Published 04/09/20
In this episode, John Heinen and Julie Barker of the Georgia Lottery Corporation (GLC) discuss Georgia’s evolving statutory and regulatory COAM (coin operated amusement machine) law, including a detailed overview of the COAM industry, enforcement procedures, reporting data, and dispute resolution. At GLC, Heinen serves as the Senior Vice President, and Barker is a COAM attorney with the organization.
Published 12/09/19
Shelby Guilbert, a partner with King & Spalding, addresses the Uniform Mediation Act in Georgia and International Mediation in the latest episode of “The Future of Resolution” Podcast. Shelby aids large businesses and financial institutions in insurance recovery actions, high-stakes contract disputes and cross-border litigation.
Published 09/13/19
In this episode, rising star plaintiff’s attorney Mike Rafi continues a discussion with Miles senior neutral Gino Brogdon, Jr. about the future of personal injury law, the importance of mediation, and a range of other topics.
Published 08/21/19
In this episode, rising star plaintiff's attorney Mike Rafi opens up about the challenges of starting a law firm. Additionally, he discusses the importance of achieving work-life balance, the role mediation plays in his law practice, and much more. Miles senior neutral Gino Brogdon, Jr. leads the bold discussion with Rafi. 
Published 08/21/19
In this episode, Lisa Smith, author of A Girl Walks Out of a Bar, shares a raw account of her alcohol and drug abuse and journey to recovery. She details her struggles with imposter syndrome while practicing law, her predisposition to mental health disorders, and what resources have helped her in recovery.  Miles neutral and co-host Bianca Motley Broom also participates in the discussion.    
Published 07/09/19
In the U.S., nearly half of all lawyers have experienced anxiety and depression at some point in their careers. Robin Frazer Clark, Jonathan Ringel, and Stacey Dougan offer insights on attorney well-being and suicide prevention and explore how the culture of the legal profession must change to promote mental health.  The group provides helpful recommendations to manage mental health problems among law students and attorneys at large law firms, small firms, and those in solo practice. 
Published 07/09/19
Prominent Atlanta-based neutral Rex Smith shares mediation best practices, his thoughts on diversity and the future of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) during an in-depth discussion with Miles Mediation & Arbitration CEO John Miles. 
Published 04/23/19
In this episode, prominent family law attorney Randy Kessler discusses his prolific practice and the complexities and benefits of domestic mediation with Miles neutral Hon. Jason Harper.
Published 04/02/19
In this episode, Miles senior neutral David Nutter sits down with Nekia Hackworth Jones and Wade Malone, partners in the Atlanta office of Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP to discuss their roles in managing the Atlanta Bar Association’s Summer Law Internship Program (SLIP). Malone is a co-founder of  SLIP, and Hackworth Jones is an alumna of the program.
Published 02/28/19
Season 2 of The Future of Resolution Podcast kicks off with former American Bar Association president Linda Klein. In this episode, Klein touches on a range of important issues impacting the practice of law, including the importance of diversity in alternative dispute resolution; judicial independence; and attorney wellness initiatives. 
Published 01/28/19
Brian D. “Buck” Rogers continues a discussion about the future of trucking litigation; ADR best practices; and the importance work-life balance. Rogers is the immediate past president of the State Bar of Georgia and a partner with Fried Rogers Goldberg LLC in Atlanta.
Published 12/19/18
Brian D. “Buck” Rogers discusses his impressive career; the future of trucking litigation; alternative dispute resolution; and the importance of attorney work-life balance. He also provides thoughtful advice for young attorneys seeking to grow a meaningful law practice. Rogers is the immediate past president of the State Bar of Georgia and a partner with Fried Rogers Goldberg LLC in Atlanta.
Published 12/10/18
Former Georgia Supreme Court Chief Justice Leah Ward Sears shares fascinating details about her distinguished career and recent biography, Seizing Serendipity: The Life and Career of Leah Ward Sears. Additionally, she discusses professionalism and changes within the practice of law and the value of alternative dispute resolution.
Published 11/15/18
Miles neutrals Jennifer Grippa, Stephen McKinney and Matt Thiry continue a discussion about arbitration. This episode explores the importance of crafting the right arbitration clause; additional ways an arbitrator can effectively guide parties throughout the arbitration process; and additional insights on how to achieve successful outcomes.
Published 10/26/18
Miles neutrals Jennifer Grippa, Stephen McKinney and Matt Thiry continue a discussion about the risks and rewards of arbitration.
Published 08/30/18