 titles never can capture all the awesomeness of my interviews. I love that a hymn helped Bronwyn to have courage to move forward through her fears. After her preemie was born at 26 weeks via classical cesarean, having another baby was high risk and doing a VBAC even a higher risk. I love the many different paths and guidance that God gave Bronwyn, to have not 1, but 2 babies after her preemie. Her 5th baby she calls her Hallelujah baby, which I love. Listen to find out...
Published 09/19/22
We are doing a give away of 2 books - 1 book for each winner.  :) 1 copy of Swaddle Me Up: Baby Wrapping and Baby Wearing for Everyone  and 1 copy of The Gift of Giving Life. Details on our Instagram Page  or at the Show Notes if you don't have Instagram. Also I am changing our podcast episode frequency, to every other week!   When I do interviews, it is very time consuming to edit and get everything posted,  so I took it to God and got the OK to change the frequency. I feel ok...
Published 09/05/22
This was a wonderful interview with Liz, who shared 2 birth stories. One where she felt angels singing as her baby was born. Another where the understanding of her role as the veil helped carry her through challenging parts of her birth. There are a lot of other wonderful gems in this interview. Sit back and enjoy!  TOPICS [00:01:26] "I fell in love with the book" [00:02:09] Such an incredible experience with second birth [00:03:53] The Thinness of the Veil During Birth [00:05:40]...
Published 08/29/22
When Phoebe was 18 months old I realized that I still had her placenta in my freezer.  I had just started to date (I was a single mom through most of my pregnancy),  and a boyfriend found the placenta box and asked, “What’s this?”  That’s when I realized it was time to do something with it. I had always planned on burying it under a tree,  but I wondered if there was some sort of ceremony I could perform. Todays episode is the ceremony that Felice did with her placenta.  If you want...
Published 08/22/22
I have moms ask about making noises while pushing and thought this episode would be a great way to demonstrate different sounds as well as other ways we use our voice while birthing. TOPICS COVERED [00:00:37] Audio is better to demonstrate pushing [00:01:03] It is normal to make or not make noises while pushing [00:01:26] A Few Pushing Options [00:02:19] Breathe Baby Out [00:02:24] Grunting [00:02:43] Roaring [00:04:01] Swearing [00:04:18] Calling on Heavenly Help [00:05:29]...
Published 08/15/22
I have been feeling discouraged in my motherhood lately,  wondering if anything I am doing really matters.  I yearn to change the world in big ways,  and sometimes feel so limited by the walls of my home and the needs of my children.  Yet, as I watched Elder Eyring speak about his mother  I had a powerful realization that what I am doing as a mother  is one of the most important things I will ever do,  and that I am exactly where I need to be. In today's episode we will hear what...
Published 08/08/22
Amanda had 2 very inspirational stories to share with us on this weeks episode.   - The Power of Prayer turned a nightmare into a miracle - The timing of turning her will over to God, regarding having a 3rd baby, was indeed divine. As well as some really great advice. - Ask lots of questions - Still do your normal things! And more.   TOPICS [00:00:32] Meet Amanda [00:01:52] The Power of Prayer Creates a Miracle for Amanda's 2nd Baby [00:06:09] Turning over her will to God,...
Published 08/01/22
Jessica, mom of 1 year old Julia, had quite the journey getting her here to earth.     I was inspired by her faith and the experiences that helped her,  pre-conception as she suffered through a miscarriage,  then struggled to get pregnant  and then throughout her pregnancy and birth.   Listen in as we talk. Topics Covered [00:00:12] Meet Jessica [00:00:46] Jessica has Felt Spiritually Uplifted from Listening to the Gift of Giving Life Podcast [00:02:28] Married at 26, got pregnant...
Published 07/25/22
5 days after Kayla's 6th birth, she had a very scary experience and it made her plead to God to not have any more babies. God reassured her that it was OK and there was that baby girl still waiting for her. She did go on to have a safe and successful hospital birth,  Welcoming her last baby to the earth. Topics Covered [00:00:17] Kayla Introduction [00:00:59] Strange Symptoms for Kayla - Lead to some Scary Moments 5 days after his birth [00:04:00] Seeing God's Hand in the...
Published 07/18/22
Kayla knew from when she was a teenager she would have a boy and his name would be Jacob. It took her quite a bit longer than she expected to have him! He ended up being baby number 5! In this part of the interview you will hear about her first 6 births. Ranging from 3 medicated hospital births, to a birth at home where the midwife didn’t make it in time. Topics Covered [00:00:43] Spiritual Impressions About Children Starting as a Teenager [00:01:17] First Baby - Kayla was planning...
Published 07/11/22
McKenna shared her experience last week of losing her 11 month old baby girl. Today we will hear her tips for surviving and healing through grief as well as tips for those of us loving and supporting someone through grief. Topics Covered Feeling Supported Right After Loss [00:05:30] Be OK that They are Not OK [00:07:03] Transmute the sadness into a greater love [00:10:12] Reach up instead of horizontally Helpful Links Find McKenna Here Instagram @mothersofedennft Twitter...
Published 07/04/22
McKenna shares 2 beautiful birth stories. Claire was an unassisted birth which was lovely.   Sadly she died in an accident at 11 months old.  McKenna discovered she was pregnant a month after Claire died and after a pregnancy filled with grief,  she had a healing birth of Eden,  exactly a year after Claire's death. Listen to this beautiful and tender story, have kleenexes ready.  Segments [00:01:27] Introducing McKenna [00:02:42] Finding the Podcast [00:03:33] Shifting from...
Published 06/27/22
I was so happy to hear Orchid say, there is hope for my sneeze pee problems!  Orchid is a prenatal and postpartum yoga instructor and has created an online class for moms with fix any ab separation and fix any pelvic floor dysfunction. This is part 2 of my interview with her. She shares 3 don'ts for postpartum exercising. And she shares her inspiration for creating Reconnection Ab Lab. Topics Covered [00:02:02] postnatal recovery tips [00:02:09] no sit ups! [00:03:36] no frontal...
Published 06/20/22
I loved interviewing Melissa and hearing her experiences and wisdom.   As a mom of 8 and birth worker, she had amazing things to share. I especially loved her experiences with angels at her VBA3C. Topics and Time Stamps [00:00:12] Book Review [00:00:58] Meet Melissa - Mom of 8 and a Birth Worker [00:01:51] One of Our First Readers! [00:02:42] Reading The Gift of Giving Life Increased Her Spirituality [00:04:07] Turning To God, Pleading for Chance to Have a VBA3C [00:07:18] Angels...
Published 06/06/22
 was so great to interview Maile, a mom of 8 and hear about her different births and the way The Gift of Giving Life helped her with births.   Sadly, there were a few connection issues while we were recording. I tried to edit them best I could, but you can always read the show notes if it isn't clear.  www.thegiftofgivinglife/maile-harnessed-the-power [00:00:31] Meet Maile and learn a bit about her 8 births [00:01:49] Feeling the presence of another baby [00:04:32] How Maile's 5th Pregnancy...
Published 05/30/22
Meleah found herself unexpectedly pregnant with her 5th baby and it was a struggle to accept. Especially because it seemed like the Lord went silent. This is the 2nd half of my interview with Meleah, where she shares how she started seeing the Lord in her life again. How life is even sweeter with Miles in it. She shares how a part of the Gift of Giving Life, that she thought SHOULDN’T be in the book, she now appreciates that it is there. This experience has brought her greater...
Published 05/23/22
It was such a pleasure to do this interview with Meleah about her unexpected pregnancy of her 5th baby. She was so honest and vulnerable as she shared her and her husbands experience and emotions as they faced this situation, during the already tulmultuous time of being in lockdown during Covid. This is part 1, where she shares her struggles and how it felt like The Lord was silent throughout the pregnancy. Our next episode will be part 2 and she shares how everything turned...
Published 05/16/22
It was so great to be able to talk to Meggan in this interview. Meggan is a mom of 8 children. She had an amazing experience with her 4th baby, where she was prepared by God to have an unassisted birth. Also her friend who was there at the birth, had a dream before hand, where she was tutored to know exactly what to do. Take a few minutes to listen to this amazing interview. HELPFUL LINKS This weeks episode transcripts and/or show notes –...
Published 05/09/22
After Valerie had her 3rd baby, her doctor advised her to not have any more. The Spirit reassured her it was ok to and also led her on a journey of healing. She turned to natural healing methods and after years of healing, she got a second opinion of having more babies and got the OK She went on to have 5 more babies! I loved interviewing Valerie. She was one of my Hypnobabies Student – 2 times, for baby number 7 and 8! I also was her doula for those 2 births. She had Toxemia (high...
Published 05/02/22
When one of my dear friends got preganant and wanted me to be her doula,  I really wanted to be there, but her guess date was near a cruise my family had planned. She had other friends that were planning on being there too,  which ended up being a good thing, as she had a major change of plans the day before I left! Listen to hear the miracles that happened.  
Published 04/25/22
I have been thinking about the Atonement of Jesus Christ lately. We talk a lot about it in church and we all sort of theoretically get that he descended below all and some way, which neither chemistry or physics can explain, took upon Himself all of our sins, suffering and pain. I’ve used the Atonement many times in my life, for repentance, but mostly for the healing from sorrows and pain. And it amazingly works. But each time something new and painful or sorrowful comes up in my life I...
Published 04/18/22
We have an Easter Slant on sympathy pains and discuss how watching with people, holding space is helpful, in all challenging situations.  I don’t know if Christ’s apostles could see Him as He prayed. The scriptures aren’t entirely clear. Perhaps they could see Him or yearned to help Him. Or perhaps they could simply feel a small portion of the heaviness and pain projecting from Him as He accomplished the Atonement. They offered “sacred support” in much the way fathers and doulas support...
Published 04/11/22
Robins musings as she attends Sacrament Meeting in the midst of the struggles of the First Trimester. Here is a snippet: My mind turned to the Savior.  He was tired – heavy the scriptures say.  Was he overcome with nausea as his body lurched forward taking upon Him the sins of all mankind?  I’m sure his bones ached with tiredness.  I sat humbled knowing that the cup that He begged taken away was not removed but filled to the brim and consumed willingly.  What He suffered for me was much...
Published 04/04/22
I am likely not the only woman to have felt her “mind called up to serious reflection” regarding the war of words concerning pregnancy and childbirth. Each pregnancy and birth has brought feelings that were especially “deep and often poignant.” Every time I have felt a certain measure of conflict inside me between the fear-based medicine of the world and the faith-based wisdom of God. I can never take for granted that I know it all. Each pregnancy has offered me the opportunity to study...
Published 03/28/22