We are back after a brief break last week and we are finally at the Luffy v. Crocodile fight! Not only is Luffy approaching this with a different fighting style, but also showing off his battle intelligence. We get more hints at a background on Miss All Sunday along with a showcase of her intellect. We are climaxing right now and it is amazing. Next week we get the wrap up of the Alabasta Arc! Next Week: Episodes 126-130
Published 12/14/23
Im just gonna say it, this MVPiece came out of nowhere, but isnt that what this podcast is about. Throwing you off the game in any way we can with the random rants we get into. Bewbs and Moons and Santa having to buy his milk and cookies from Sandradee. The Alabasta Arc is getting closer and closer to its close. Something is building, but in the mean time, a majority of the straw hat crew is wrapping up their fights! Next Week: Episodes 121-125 Instagram, Twitter, Tik Tok:...
Published 11/30/23
Luffy struggles to get out of the kiddy pool but gets help from an unlikely source. The hero returns and once again makes his way to the front runner for the MVPiece award. After Usopp's 2 seconds of non glory we finally get our first fight as we get closer to the end of the Alabasta Arc. It's Chopper an Usopp v. Mr. 4 and Miss Merry Christmas. Not only that, but Sanji and Mr. 2 are just getting warmed up! Next Week's Episodes: 116-120 REMINDER!!!!! Next week the new opening starts so if...
Published 11/23/23
SWEEEET CAROLINE! BA BA BA! I had it in the title. I couldnt not continue it somewhere! We are finally learning more and more about the strategic brilliance of Crocodile as well as his powers along with Miss All Sunday's powers. Amanda thinks she is onto something in the near future. We also get an interesting team up in this episode that is surprisingly running at a 100% efficiency together. A FANTASTIC cliff hanger leads us into the beginning of the final battle in the civil war of...
Published 11/16/23
We are here to skip the last filler of the Alabasta Arc. The rest of the Baroque Works agents reveal themselves as we get a wicked scene with the boss, Mr. 0. Luffy whips out some of his character depth to help Vivi grow. We also have a new member of the Will of D (if is wasnt mentioned last week and we just missed it). Tensions continue to rise as our Straws are finally in the same building as the head of Baroque Works! Next Week: Episodes 106-110
Published 11/09/23
We are back reviewing the anime after 2 Months off reviewing the live action! While these episodes did not have the quickness of pace that the anime did, there were definitely events that remind us the true characters of the Straw Hats! The mysterious Ace is in town and we find out his connection to Luffy. Smoker is on their tail, but he is also sensing that something is going on in the country of Alabasta that is more than meets the eye! Next Weeks Episodes: 100-101, 103-105 98, 99, and...
Published 11/02/23
We wrap up our review of the Live Action One Piece this week with Episode 8! We had 2 very special guests joining us this week, Mad Trivia John from the Mad Trivia Podcast as well as a returning guest, Annabelle from the Variant Vendetta Podcast. Make sure to check out the show and thoughts overall, more anime comparisons, and the question that is on everyone's mind; Would watching the live action be a replacement for watching the first 45 episodes of the One Piece anime? Next week, it is...
Published 10/26/23
Massive thank you to our friend Emmy from the Abingers Podcast for joining us. The Going Merry hosts are all massive fans of the Abingers so having Keith on a couple weeks ago and Emmy on this week was fantastic. Now Brandon just needs to get off his ass. The scene that Derek has been waiting for is finally here and again, he breaks the rules of the MVPiece. When will he learn? We are approaching the climax of the Live Action and this build up is all about Nami and her past. Next Week's...
Published 10/19/23
Thank you to our friends Garrett and Brandy for joining us this week to review Episode 6 of the Live Action! Definitely some changes in this episode that are different from the anime! We are breaking this episode down from the outside looking in as well as the inside looking out. Derek went for the double up on MVPiece but his ground was shaky so it didnt take. We are looking forward next week as the live action gets to the pinnacle of the East Blue arc!!! Next Week's Episode: Live Action...
Published 10/12/23
Very oversized thank you to our friend Keith aka FilmKritter for joining us this week. He is also a host of the Abingers Podcast as well as of the Gamma Analysis with our friend Smash Trivia John that has made appearances in the past. This episode was absolutely full of action and we got introduced to some of our favorite characters from the anime. We have talked about him a lot already on the show, the much anticipated arrival of Sanji to the live action screen. What an episode and what a...
Published 10/05/23
The Marines are on the island as the tension continues to build between the Black Cat Pirates and the Straw Hats. With the Straws all separated, they most come together to finish off Kuro and his 2 crewmates. Massive bomb drop in this episode and we also get a surprise visit from Big Silver Dick. Pleasure to have you on with us! Next Week: Live Action Episode 5
Published 09/28/23
The 3 "friends" have reached Syrup Village and come across a strange individual that has an very rich friend. Nami must confront pre-consumptions about people living many different styles of life. Zoro hunts for more booze, and Luffy has his eye on a sheep. Not a lot of action in this episode, but a lot of scenes had our eyes and ears captured. We are really looking forward to seeing what this episode is building to and how the ending of this show may impact a large fork from where the anime...
Published 09/21/23
Big thank you to our friend Tom for joining us this week on the Going Merry. It was great having you on with us! Luffy Nami and Zoro have been taken hostage by the Buggy Pirates. I feel like hostage means that there will be a ransom or some sort of blackmail involved and thats not really the case? map maybe? kinda? maybe captive is a better word. Either way, Luffy is going up against his first opponent that is also a devil fruit user. We had a lot of fun looking at these characters, breaking...
Published 09/14/23
We are finally here! The Live Action has arrived and already there is a lot of hype surrounding it. Big thank you to our friend Matt from the Variant Vendetta podcast for joining us this week. Both Amanda and Whitney absolutely are loving the live action, and while Derek is loving it too, he has some small things bugging him. There are definitely some changes that were done. Let us know what you are thinking of the live action so far! Make sure to give Matt and Annabelle's podcast a follow...
Published 09/07/23
So quickly after leaving Drum Kingdom, we are alrady getting a ton of build up as we make landfall on Alabasta. We are finally getting a look at some of the top foes that Baroque works has to offer, not to mention adding a new crew member in the process! Tension rises as Mr 2 and Crocodile demonstrate what they can do while Miss All Sunday, Mr 1, Miss Double Finger, Mr. 4, and Miss Merry Christmas all remain a mystery for the Straw Hats. All this build up just to take a 2 month break as we...
Published 08/31/23
We are getting close and closer to the release of the live action!! The straw hats are continuing their adventure on Drum Island with some heavy episodes this week. It seriously is amazing that a cartoon can make you feel so much emotion. There was every kind of emotion in these episodes for sure. It seems like the outcome of this arc has been kind of spoiled, but none the less, the journey is the important part! Next Week's Episodes: 88-92
Published 08/24/23
The Straw Hats have arrived at Drum Island. Nami is being a total attention hog in these episodes. Amanda sems to know something that the rest of us do not know. We have a new villain and while he is absolutely ridiculous, he's also leaving an effect. Hints were dropped at more devil fruit information in these episodes. Sounds like we are going to be taken to Devil Fruit School soon! Also, Derek announces that at this point in the show, we have officially met his favorite Straw Hat crew...
Published 08/17/23
These episodes had their moments both good and bad. There is 1 character in particular that is an absolute gem. Derek finally busts a small gasket over a scene in One Piece. We have now had a proper chance to evaluate the new Boroque Works agents introduced at Little Garden. We head to the next island as our 3 hosts eagerly await the arrival of the Live Action hitting Netflix on August 31st. Next Weeks Episodes: 78-82
Published 08/10/23
The Straw Hats arrived at a new location in these episodes. Last week, Miss All Sunday warned the crew of the dangers they faced ahead. Do they live up to her warnings? Boroque Works is on the scene again and we meet some new agents who are extremely mysterious. Also, one of the most beloved characters in all of One Piece makes his arrival in a very sugar hangovery sort of way. I really hope you enjoyed this weeks episodes. Let us know your thoughts! Next Week's Episodes: 73-77
Published 08/03/23
Thank you to our friend Annabelle for joining us again this week! It’s always fantastic to have you on! We watched the first 6 episodes of the Alabasta Arc tis week and these were some excellent episodes. A lot of fun and a lot of action. We definitely debated a lot in this episode and went off the rails quite a bit toward the end. This episode could end up leading to a change on the podcast in the future. These debates have lasting effects, just like Laboon does on our hearts. Next Weeks...
Published 07/27/23
We are wrapping up the East Blue Arc in this episode! It is time to move on to The Grand Line, but not before we look back on some of our favorite characters and stories from this arc. We got to know a lot of people over the last few months of reviewing and there are definitely some that still have question marks. We are excited to see what happens next week as this entire arc has been about the build up to The Grand Line and WE ARE HERE!!!! Next Week's Episodes: 62-67
Published 07/20/23
Thank you to Smash Trivia John for joining us again all the way over from the Gamma Analysis Podcast! We had a great time in these episodes getting to meet some new characters and learning more about the world of One Piece. Whitney found more eye candy and John is frustrated with his. Tension is building as it looks to be 3 Devil Fruit users converging on the same spot for the first time in our watch through. We also got a chance to learn more about Gold Roger and the way that he left this...
Published 07/13/23
We are wrapping up the Arlong Park arc and have gotten to the point of the 45 episode challenge that was issued in our introduction episode. We had some more emotional points in these episodes and a lot of excellent quotes. Now it is time to enter the last smaller arc before wrapping up the East Blue and head into the Grand Line. Next Weeks Episodes: 46-51
Published 07/06/23
These episodes were just plain all over the place in a good way. There were several very emotional and tough scenes to watch and also several scenes that make you laugh every time. The tension continues to build in Arlong Park as the Straw Hats enter the fight. Nami's backstory hits its peak. John Travolta makes his appearance. Emily Rudd has a hell of a bar to live up to when the live action comes around. Next Weeks Episodes: 41-45
Published 06/29/23
We are joined this week by our good friend Annabelle and it was an absolute pleasure to have her with us. These episodes hit as we get introduced to some major One Piece world building and start diving in to the backstory on one of the most disliked characters on this particular podcast. We also get introduced to a new island and some new characters. Zoro also just cant help but turn heads at any point in time. We also discuss the newly released trailer of the live action One Piece show...
Published 06/22/23