My guest today is Lana Makhzoumi, co-host of the DXBabies podcast, host of the Tell Me Everything podcast, and a TikTok influencer. We discussed what it's like to grow up as part of the meme generation, tackling everything from social media addiction and body image issues to dating, Bridgerton, and periods.
Published 03/05/21
My guest on the podcast today is Dubai-based children's author Stephanie Robert, who has a background in psychology and a passion for mindful parenting. Stephanie is opening up for the first time about raising a child with anxiety and Tourette's syndrome and what this experience has taught her about herself . She also shares helpful tips and advice around mindful parenting and positive psychology.
Published 02/25/21
My guest on the podcast today is Dr. Shefali Verma, an integrative medicine doctor based in Dubai. She's joining me to discuss the impact of our modern lifestyles on our health, what exactly is leaky gut, how to mitigate stress, and how to supplement correctly.
Published 02/19/21
My guest on the podcast today is Dr. Shefali Verma, an integrative medicine doctor based in Dubai. She's joining me to discuss the impact of our modern lifestyles on our health, what exactly is leaky gut, how to mitigate stress, and how to supplement correctly.
Published 02/17/21
Dr. Carole Chidiac is a Family Medicine Specialist living in Dubai. While quarantining at home after contracting COVID, she joins us to shed some light on the virus, its long-term effects, and the various vaccine options available and shares her thoughts on why so many of us feel let down by conventional doctors.
Published 02/11/21
Rania Masri ElKhatib is a mom of two and corporate powerhouse living in Dubai. Up until last month, she was Chief Transformation Officer of Chalhoub Group, one of the region's biggest fashion empires. After 2020 brought our normal lives to a screeching halt, forcing so many of us to slow down and introspect, Rania started to question her path and how fulfilled she felt. In January 2021, she announced that she would be taking a sabbatical. On this episode of the podcast, she explains what led...
Published 01/27/21
Luz Villamil was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 30, and it turned her world upside down. Here, she shares the hard but valuable lessons that she learned along the way.
Published 01/21/21
Tilda Timmers is a therapist, author, and mom of two living in the Netherlands. Following the launch of her new book, she's sharing her personal journey, what to expect during the fourth trimester, how to deal with postpartum mental health, and  how to break free of the perfect mother conspiracy.
Published 01/16/21
Alaa Balkhy is a Saudi creative director working at the intersection of fashion, design, and culture. On this episode of the podcast, she shares her experience as a third-culture kid, her perception of identity, and her efforts to stay connected to and to celebrate her Middle Eastern roots.
Published 01/13/21
Anisha Oberoi launched Secret Skin, an  e-commerce discovery platform for sustainable beauty, after recovering from a battle with breast cancer. On this episode of the podcast, she shares what she learned after many years working at Amazon, some insights into starting your own business (in 2020 no less), how to overcome entrepreneurial doubt and imposter syndrome, and how to maintain some semblance of balance in your life when you’re just starting out.
Published 01/06/21
Alison McLaughlin is a certified yoga teacher, registered dietitian, and Master Trainer for Rad Mobility. After giving birth, she experienced severe hip pain and postpartum depression. Here is what helped her rehab her body after childbirth. This story was first published on Goodness' website on August 6, 2019.
Published 01/03/21
One brave woman shares the story of how she overcame emotional abuse in her marriage and made it out stronger. This story was first published on Goodness' website on October 2, 2019.
Published 12/19/20
Maria Abi Hanna is a registered dietitian living in Dubai. She has been practicing for over ten years and specializes in eating disorders, the no-diet approach, and intuitive eating. Ahead of Christmas and the holiday season, she’s joining me to break down the main principles of intuitive eating and tips to navigate the holiday season with as little guilt as possible.
Published 12/13/20
Dr. Sandrine Atallah, a consultant in sexual medicine and certified psychosexologist, has really been breaking boundaries in the Arab World and pushing the limits of what is and isn’t discussed when it comes to sex. On this episode of the podcast, she's breaking down sex in long-term relationships, discussing the unrealistic expectations that we carry around this topic, and sharing helpful tips.
Published 12/07/20
In a story that will resonate with so many, Dubai resident Georgie Bradley chronicles her experience of burnout, from depression to disordered eating to taking a sabbatical. This episode was first published on Goodness' website on October 9, 2019.
Published 11/30/20
Sandra Sharpe is a functional medicine health coach living in Dubai. She works with women who have hormonal imbalances, including PCOS, PMS, and thyroid problems, educating and empowering them to take control of their health.
Published 11/24/20
Sandra Sharpe is a functional medicine health coach and former fitness trainer living in Dubai. Earlier this year, she was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, which forced her to take a closer look at her lifestyle and definition of health. This is her story of recovery and what she learned along the way.
Published 11/21/20
What should the professional worth of a modern woman really be measured by? With digital entrepreneurs and young leaders taking over with bold voices, it’s important to acknowledge that age no longer determines value. This story was first published on Goodness' website on June 13, 2020.
Published 11/04/20
Dina Ghandour is a Dubai-based yogi and certified Doula. Through her work, she provides educational, practical, and emotional support to parents by offering childbirth education, assisting at the birth through hands-on comfort measures, and sharing postnatal support with regards to such things as breastfeeding counseling, sleep advice, mother and baby care, and much more. On this episode of the podcast, she's explaining exactly what a Doula is and does, busting some common birth myths,...
Published 11/01/20
Fida Kiblawi opens up about her infertility journey, from IUI to IVF to accepting the diagnosis that she would never have children. This is her story.
Published 10/21/20
When The Goodness Podcast host Noor Tehini first met Layla Kardan, she was still working a corporate job and dipping her toes into the music industry. Today, she’s a recording artist with an international following. On this episode of the podcast, we caught up with Layla about her journey and we discussed everything from Cardi B’s WAP single to the crystals she uses to protect her energy.
Published 10/17/20
Following the tragic death of Anthony Bourdain, Grace Gordon looks back on the life of the celebrity chef and his secret struggles with mental health issues, reflecting on her own battle with depression and anxiety. She shares the steps that helped her along the way, the lessons she learned, and her thoughts on why we tend to keep our mental health issues a secret. This episode was first published on Goodness' website on June, 12 2018.
Published 10/12/20
In honor of Wold Mental Health Week, we've teamed up with Lululemon, Dani Hakim of Safe Space, and Lululemon Ambassador and yogi Neha Duseja to talk about mental health. Together, they're busting some of the most common myths around meditation and sharing the most transformative moments on their personal journeys. This podcast was created in collaboration with Lululemon.
Published 10/10/20
Marianne Tafani is a Pilates instructor known in the UAE as the "core strength guru". Three years ago, she gave birth to her first son, Adam, but things did not go to plan. Marianne had decided on a natural birth, but an unfortunate series of events and neglect on behalf of her care providers resulted in a traumatic experience. Warning: This episode may be triggering to you if you’ve had a negative childbirth experience, but you might also find her advice to be helpful.
Published 10/05/20
Miriam Lancewood and her husband Peter have survived for almost a decade in the wilderness of New Zealand. Here, she shares their journey, the moments they live for and those that make them fear for their lives, and what they've learned along the way. This article was written by Miriam Lancewood and published on Goodness' website on February 2, 2020.
Published 10/02/20