One of the most magnificent titles given to Christ is that of the complete and perfect King. Paul reflected on both the might and majesty of the risen Jesus as he detailed the immensity of the hope we find in His name. Though we are prone to falter and fail, Christ in His completeness remains...
Published 11/20/23
Amidst the darkness of the crucifixion story, the promise of new life in Jesus sprang forth. Here in these passages, the truth of Christ’s victory became known first to His closest followers and then was spread throughout the rest of the world.  With what power was Jesus raised from the grave? How did these events...
Published 11/13/23
Here in the New Testament crucifixion accounts, we read of Christ taking to the cross on our behalf. In this place where Jesus was stripped of His dignity, we find ourselves clothed in His righteousness by faith. Why did the omnipotent Jesus choose the cross? How did the suffering of Jesus lead to life everlasting...
Published 11/06/23
All four Gospel accounts of Jesus’ trial revealed the innocence of the Son of Man amid the injustice of the court’s proceedings. From the plotting of the chief priests to the scoffing of those in the crowd, each detail revealed the reality of the Savior’s choice to step forward as the substitute for our sins....
Published 10/30/23
It is difficult to comprehend the gospel’s richness without understanding Christ’s role as perfect priest. Because we do not live in the same religious and sacrificial system that the early church was so familiar with, we may struggle to savor the nuances of all this divine position entails.  Throughout the promises of the old covenant,...
Published 10/23/23
Christ’s arrest and betrayal remain some of the darkest accounts we read in the Scriptures. The sinless Savior experienced rejection at the hands of His closest friends, knowing the darkness of death He would soon encounter in the hours that followed. The recurring theme that resurfaced throughout each unfolding event was that Christ foreknew all...
Published 10/16/23
The time came nearer for Jesus and His disciples to celebrate Passover together. Christ knew the betrayal would take place soon, yet He earnestly desired to break bread and recline at the table with His closest friends. He was aware of the suffering that was soon to come, too, yet He still took to the...
Published 10/09/23
The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and John all recounted Christ’s anointing in the last days before Passover. As Christ, His disciples, and friends all gathered to remember what God had done for His people so long ago, Mary anointed Jesus. We continue to celebrate the legacy of her worshipful act, just as Jesus proclaimed we...
Published 10/02/23
In today’s passage from Deuteronomy, Moses spoke to the Israelites about the prophet God promised to raise up from among them. Unlike the imperfect Moses, his successor would prove to be even greater and better than himself. This coming prophet would be the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promises of old. Only Jesus could be the...
Published 09/25/23
The parables in Matthew 25 called for God’s people to lead lives ready for the Great Master’s return. These passages dwelled specifically on the importance of being moved to action rather than halted by complacency or fear. This infamous parable demonstrated the call to be doers of the Word rather than mere hearers through the...
Published 09/18/23
Jesus spent the bulk of Matthew 23 rebuking the Pharisees and Sadducees’ unloving nature. He criticized the self-importance in their hearts and how it served as a stumbling block to those around them. Christ warned these religious leaders against making so much of themselves that they were blind to their own need for a Savior....
Published 09/11/23
Matthew 22 recounts an instance of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming together to try to test, trick, and teach Jesus a lesson. They had heard and witnessed so much about this man from Nazareth but were determined to be the ones to put Him in His place. They sought to do so by means of...
Published 09/04/23
In all four Gospel accounts of the triumphal entry, we uncover the truth that Jesus reigns as the sovereign King over everything. From the need for a processional donkey to the praises spilling from children’s mouths, He continued to fulfill the Old Testament requirements for the coming Messiah—the One promised since the beginning. Why were...
Published 08/28/23
Each year, numerous local churches fill backpacks for children in their communities who have limited access to school supplies. They may schedule a Saturday morning to pack hundreds of backpacks full of pencils, paper, notebooks, scissors, erasers, and more to ensure that children are well-equipped for school.  Imagine if they filled the backpacks with candy,...
Published 08/21/23
The account of Jesus’ raising Lazarus from the dead is a foundational passage in the New Testament. Not only was a dead man brought back to life, this passage in John 11 also contains the shortest verse in the Bible and a glimpse into the humanity of Jesus. John 11:25 says, “Jesus wept.”  In this...
Published 08/14/23
As the end of Jesus’ ministry on earth was drawing nearer, large crowds of people followed Him from each town and village. So the question someone raised in Luke 13:23 may seem unusual: “Lord, are only a few people going to be saved?”  Jesus had spent time with the crowds. He had fed them, taught...
Published 08/07/23
What makes someone worthy? Have you ever wondered that? What makes someone worthy of the situation they find themselves in? What makes someone worthy of high degrees of responsibility or leadership? What makes someone worthy of recognition or acclaim?   For someone who has been exposed to the things of God, it’s common to ask, what...
Published 07/31/23
Jesus often used parables to teach about the kingdom of God. These were fictional stories that illustrated larger points, and those who heard them were often perplexed by their meaning. In Matthew 13, Jesus gave clarity to two important questions that readers of the parables often ask: why does He teach this way, and what...
Published 07/24/23
Let’s set the scene: It’s Monday morning, you’re running late for work, where you have an important meeting scheduled first thing. But before you can make it to work, you have to drop off the kids at school. And before you can drop the kids off at school, you’ll need to get everyone in the...
Published 07/17/23
Have you ever wondered, Does Jesus care more about what I believe or about what I do? That’s one of those questions that can’t be answered in a word.  We learn in the Bible of the danger of a “belief” that is only external. We find warnings like Matthew 15:8: “This people honors me with...
Published 07/10/23
What do you think would happen if you stomped on a ketchup packet? Would you expect only air to escape the contents of the packet? Undoubtedly, the pressure of the stomp would result in an explosion of ketchup, and perhaps a messy shoe.  Oddly enough, we don’t always predict our responses to specific situations accurately....
Published 07/03/23
When we study the miraculous works of Jesus—Jesus’ calming a storm, healing sickness, multiplying food, walking on water, turning water into wine, helping blind people see, or any of the other miracles that Jesus performed—it’s possible to miss the larger story being told and the purpose of these encounters. Like standing too close to a...
Published 06/26/23
As you read of the miraculous multiplication of bread and fish in Matthew 15 pay attention to what captures your attention. What stands out most? Consider these astonishing observations: Thousands of people had been following and listening to Jesus for three days with nothing to eat. The disciples doubted Jesus’ ability to provide something substantial...
Published 06/19/23
When someone you know is sick, how do you respond? Do you press in with compassion and prayer, offering to take a meal? Are you tempted to withdraw and leave their needs to others? In today’s passage, we will see Jesus repeatedly draw near to people in their time of need.  The Gospel accounts provide...
Published 06/12/23
As Jesus worked miracles, people were curious and amazed. Large crowds started following Him. Among those most interested in the works of Jesus were the Jewish leaders who looked unfavorably upon both the actions of Jesus and the following that He was gaining. Though they were interested, they felt increasingly threatened.   The Pharisees and teachers...
Published 06/05/23