Our Pleasant Inheritance: Freeing Yourself to Flourish :: Shelley Giglio, Daniele Flickinger, & Kerri Stanfill
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In today’s episode, we hear from some of our longtime Grove leaders:: Shelley Giglio {visionary of the Grove} Daniele Flickinger {director of our Flourish mentoring program} + Kerri Stanfill {Grove Leadership Teammate + wife to worship leader, Kristian Stanfill}. These friends sat down to have a conversation around understanding a women’s role through the lens of Scripture and how a proper understanding of that calling creates freedom for any woman, in any stage of life, to flourish where she is planted. Take notes as our guests discuss their unique spaces of life openly while supporting all of their different seasons with the truth in God’s Word. To learn more about the Flourish Mentoring Journey mentioned in this episode, visit FlourishMentor.com and begin your flourishing journey today!
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