Fantastic listening
Loving what you guys are doing in this longer format podcast.. have always loved your videos and now finding even more value from these conversations. Your positive enthusiasm is a tonic in itself. Would love to hear more about your own journey, especially with your local community. As always, you inspire me.. thank you! Loved the episode with Eamon and Bec.. you and they are go to You tubers!
fun & laughter via Apple Podcasts · Great Britain · 05/17/21
More reviews of The Happy Pear Podcast
You, guys, are incredibly inspiring, cheerful and bring so much kindness to the world! Your Podcast guests are amazingly interesting and there is so much we can learn from them! I stopped eating meat since 12 and people here in Moscow still think it’s super weird. It’s just so heartwarming...Read full review »
Olga Shults via Apple Podcasts · United Arab Emirates · 09/14/21
Vogue7 via Apple Podcasts · Great Britain · 01/23/23
One of my absolute fav podcasts ever! I just adore the laughter, the joy, the energy, the info, the wisdom & most of all the inspiration for an inspired and conscious life! Thank you & blessings! 🌱✨🌱
Amberlavintage via Apple Podcasts · New Zealand · 10/18/23
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