Mischelle Manis works for Reaching Souls International, an organization which supports national, indigenous missionaries, and as the director of women’s ministries with the organization, she is passionate about equipping and encouraging women to understand God's heart for them. We pray you'll come away from this episode encouraged and fired up for how you, too, can advance the Kingdom right where you are.   ~What Reaching Souls International does     ~How efficient and affective it is to...
Published 07/01/23
Today’s solo podcast episode is a re-release of an episode from my podcast series based on my book, Lies Moms Believe (And How the Gospel Refutes Them) with a chat all about what success in motherhood looks like, what it is, and what it isn’t.  I hope you walk away from today’s conversation feeling encouraged. What I Chat about in Today’s Episode: ~The next 2 lies covered in my book: 21.  My success as a mom is directly tied to how my children turn out. 22. I don’t know what it means to...
Published 06/21/23
Fox and Rob Richardson experienced being separated by incarceration for 21 years. They come on the podcast today to share about their experience, what God did in the midst of it, and how we as the Church are to be the hands and feet of Christ in the face of injustice and oppression. May you come away from this episode inspired to make a difference. WHAT WE CHAT ABOUT ON THIS EPISODE: ~Fox and Rob’s documentary, Time, and book, Time: The Untold Story of the Love that Held Us Together When...
Published 06/13/23
On today’s solo show, we are tackling the topic of "wokeness" and the importance of pursuing truth as a Christian. My perspective on these topics may just surprise you a bit, and will hopefully give you something to mull over this week!  What I Chat about in Today’s Episode: ~The importance of truth for a Christian; the priority we are given to pursue truth ~The apostle John and how he was very passionate about truth ~How Jesus describing Himself as being THE truth in John 14:6 shows us...
Published 05/24/23
Kristen Rosener is a wife, working mom of 3,  and writer who recently launched an incredible book entitled  Where Joy Is: Finding Joy in the Midst of Suffering, chronicling the story of the hardest season of her life and how God saw her through. WHAT WE CHAT ABOUT ON THIS EPISODE: ~Kristen’s new book, Where Joy Is: Finding Joy in the Midst of Suffering, what led to its release, and what readers can expect ~Kristen’s backstory of how she grew up and what she was taught to believe ~Kristen’s...
Published 05/03/23
For today's solo podcast episode I am actually re-releasing the fifth solo podcast I ever recorded. As we are quickly approaching yet another big election year (how are we here again already?), I felt it important to talk again today on the topic of patriotism and the Christian. On today’s show we chat a bit about nationalism, the nationalization of Christianity, and what a believer’s role is regarding patriotism. May you find this episode helpful as you prayerfully begin to think through how...
Published 04/26/23
Leslie Means is a wife,  mom of 3, columnist, former journalist, founder of Her View from Home, and also an author who recently launched an incredible book entitled So God Made a Mother, which contains nearly 100 stories and essays on all aspects of motherhood from a list of contributing writers. We hope you come away from today's episode feeling encouraged by God's heart for mothers. WHAT WE CHAT ABOUT ON THIS EPISODE: ~Leslie’s new book, So God Made a Mother, what led to its release, and...
Published 04/21/23
Katie Davis Majors is a wife, adoptive and bio mom, New York Times Bestselling Author, founder of Amazima Ministries in Uganda, and author of the brand new book, “Safe All Along: Trading Our Fears and Anxieties for God’s Unshakable Peace“. Our prayer is that you would come away from this episode feeling equipped and encouraged to walk in God's peace no matter what chaos life brings. WHAT WE CHAT ABOUT ON THIS EPISODE: ~Katie’s newest book, Safe All Along: Trading Our Fears and Anxieties for...
Published 04/07/23
On today’s solo show, we are tackling the topic of how to raise your littles in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. My prayer is that you'll come away from this episode feeling equipped and encouraged, knowing that raising your littles in this way does not have to be complicated. What I Chat about in Today’s Episode: ~Ephesians 6:4 and what is interesting about the word "nurture" coming before the word "admonition" ~The crucial foundation of nurture and why our training of our children...
Published 03/30/23
Jasmine Holmes is a wife, mom of 3, writer, teacher at heart, and author of the brand new book,  “Never Cast Out: How the Gospel Puts an End to the Story of Shame”. She comes on the show today to encourage us with the truth of how the gospel frees us from shame. WHAT WE CHAT ABOUT ON THIS EPISODE: ~Jasmine's new book, “Never Cast Out: How the Gospel Puts an End to the Story of Shame”, what led her to write it, and what readers can expect ~The impact shame has on women especially ~The wrong...
Published 03/23/23
On today’s solo show, we are tackling the topics of what the gospel is, social justice, and the importance of kingdom living now. I hope you come away from this episode edified, encouraged, and fired up to live out your God-given call to be the hands and feet of Jesus every day of your life. What I Chat about in Today’s Episode: ~Asking (and answering!) the question, "What is the gospel?"; understanding that, at its foundation, it is first and foremost about our eternal salvation, but that...
Published 03/15/23
Power duo couple Patricia Heaton and David Hunt are well known for their work in the entertainment industry, their comedic natures that will leave you in stitches, and their love for the Lord and people. They join me on the show today to share about the brand new movie they have directed and produced, Unexpected. And, of course, we also had to spend some time reminiscing about Everybody Loves Raymond, The Middle, and Mom's Night Out! We hope you come way from this episode built up,...
Published 03/01/23
Today I am re-releasing the third solo podcast episode I ever recorded, this one on the topic of  the mommy wars. This is a topic I have written about extensively and shared about on other podcasts, as well, so I'm excited to be sharing about this topic again on this podcast! What She Chats about in Today's Episode: ~Defining the term "mommy wars" and covering a bit of its history ~How the mommy wars show up in our current culture ~8 problems with the mommy wars - 8 main ways in which...
Published 02/25/23
Celia Miller is a wife, writer, blogger, author,  online community leader, and follower of Christ who is passionate helping equip others to slow down, seek still moments, and behold God's presence with them in the everyday. She comes on the show today to answer the question, "Are contemplative spiritual disciplines New Age?", and to equip us to grow in our walks with the Lord. I think you'll find this episode to be very helpful, encouraging, and edifying.   What We Chat About on This...
Published 02/16/23
On today’s solo show, we tackling some common myths surrounding women in the Bible. My prayer is that you would come away from this episode feeling encouraged and better equipped in your ability to study, understand, and interpret the Bible for yourself, to allow Scripture to interpret Scripture, and to delight in God's design for and view of women. What I Chat about in Today’s Episode: ~5 common myths surrounding women in the Bible (and what the Bible actually says!): *Bathsheba seduced...
Published 02/09/23
Scarlet Hiltibidal is a pastor’s wife, mom of three, and author of several books including her newest one, “You’re the Worst Person in the World: Why It's the Best News Ever that You Don't Have it Together, You Aren't Enough, and You Can't Fix It on Your Own”. She comes on the show today to share with us the good news and encouragement of the gospel and how it applies to our everyday lives.   What We Chat About on This Episode:   ~Scarlet’s new book, “You’re the Worst Person in the...
Published 02/01/23
On today’s solo show, we are re-releasing my talk on the topic of “Bible Study 101”.  Though this is a re-release of an episode originally recorded three years ago, it seems timely again as we are feeling fearful in these times and needing to grow in our knowledge of the Bible and our ability to study it. May you come away from this episode feeling encouraged and equipped in your ability to study, understand, and interpret the Bible for yourself. What She Chats about in Today’s Episode:...
Published 01/26/23
Rachel Norman is a wife, mom of 5, certified baby and toddler sleep coach, blogger at A Mother Far From Home, and author of the new book, “If Mama Ain’t Happy: Why Minding Healthy Boundaries Is Good for Your Whole Family“. She has a passion to help moms be ok, to be able to uncomplicate family life and go back to the basics. Today on the show she encourages and inspires us to craft lives that serve us and our families well.   What We Chat About On This Episode ~Rachel’s new book, “If Mama...
Published 01/20/23
  On this week’s solo podcast episode, I am re-releasing an episode where I took to the show to talk all about New Year’s resolutions, goals, walking by the Spirit, and holding fast to the gospel in the midst of it all. What I Chat about in Today’s Episode: ~Why so many of our resolutions “fail” and why wrong theology is shooting us in the foot here ~The impact of the gospel on our guilt surrounding “failing” in our resolutions and goals ~The important first steps to take when drafting up...
Published 01/11/23
Lisa  Appelo is a widowed mom of 7, Bible teacher, and author of the new book, “Life Can be Good Again: Putting Your World Back Together After it Falls Apart“. She comes on the show to encourage you that, with the Lord, there is always hope and goodness to be found even through the hardest of seasons.   What we Chat About on this Episode ~Lisa’s new book, “Life Can be Good Again: Putting Your World Back Together After it Falls Apart“, what led her to write it, and what readers can expect ...
Published 01/05/23
This week we are bringing to a close our solo podcast series based on my book, "Good News for a Woman's Heart: An Advent Devotional Study",  with our final podcast episode of 2022.  Today we are focusing on week 4 of the study, which centers on remembering the peace we can have in Christ for our weary hearts. What I Chat about in Today’s Episode: ~The fact that it is no accident that this very week - when the enemy most tries to steal our peace - is the very week of peace in the Advent...
Published 12/23/22
Dorena Williamson is a pastor’s wife, mom, Ever Eve stylist, and author of several childrens’ books, including the newest one, Brown Baby Jesus. She comes on the show today to help us better understand the historical and cultural context of the Christmas story - and why that context is so important. This is the second part of a two-part conversation I had with Dorena that I believe equips us all well to be the hands and feet of Christ. What We Chat about in Today’s Episode: ~Why it’s so...
Published 12/14/22
This week we are kicking off week 3 of our  brand new solo podcast series, this one based on a book I wrote a few years back entitled "Good News for a Woman's Heart: An Advent Devotional Study".   Today we are focusing on week 3 of the study, which centers on embracing the joy we can have in Christ. What I Chat about in Today’s Episode: ~This season as one that can too often being really lacking in joy for many ~They enemy's conniving ways of stealing our joy right at the time of year when...
Published 12/07/22
Dorena Williamson is a pastor’s wife, mom, Ever Eve stylist, and author of several childrens’ books, including the newest one, Brown Baby Jesus. She comes on the show today to help us better understand the historical and cultural context of the Christmas story - and why that context is so important. What We Chat about in Today’s Episode: ~Dorena’s new book, Brown Baby Jesus, what led her to write it, and what readers can expect ~Why understanding the historical background of Scripture is...
Published 12/01/22
This week we are kicking off week 2 of our  brand new solo podcast series, this one based on a book I wrote a few years back entitled "Good News for a Woman's Heart: An Advent Devotional Study".   Today we are focusing on week 2 of the study, which centers on living out of the love we have in Christ. What I Chat about in Today’s Episode: ~An in-depth look at Mary's life and what we can learn from her example ~Why studying Mary's story is a great way to commemorate the Advent week of love ...
Published 11/17/22