Which life lessons matter most? Join me to learn from my late father-in-law memories of things his parents taught him. You'll leave encouraged, knowing that the most important things you can give to your children are not things.  About Janice Janice Campbell, a lifelong reader and writer, loves to introduce students to great books and beautiful writing. She holds an English degree from Mary Baldwin College, and is the graduated homeschool mom of four sons. You’ll find more about reading,...
Published 12/27/23
Looking for a fresh start for your year? In this episode, Jessica shares her family's homeschool daily schedule -- for each member of her family. She will explain what led her to schedule everyone's day to fifteen-minute increments and what it taught her. Jessica hopes this will be an encouragement as you see a very normal, real-life schedule for a homeschooling family! About Jessica Jessica is a wife, homeschool mom of three, author, and blogger. She lives in sunny North Carolina on a big...
Published 12/26/23
One of the things that the homeschooling movement has sought to address is the inordinate degree of separation that modern society has inculcated between parents and their children. Bringing children home has helped to restore the privilege of acting as the primary influence in their lives back where it belongs–with the parents. However, as good as the desire is to hold tight to our children and shield them from harmful influences, we must be careful not to hold them too tight (particularly...
Published 12/05/23
The perfect homeschool recipe is different for each child. Others can suggest ingredients, tools, and timing, but ultimately we must create our own homemade homeschool. Here are 7 tips to remember as you write your own unique homeschool recipe. About Jennifer Jennifer Cabrera, the Hifalutin Homeschooler, is the writer of homeschool truth, humor, and inspiration.  Jennifer lives in Salado, Texas with her husband and three brilliant boys.  She is a licensed Physician Assistant/MPH, but set...
Published 11/28/23
About Jessica Jessica is a wife, homeschool mom of three, author, and blogger. She lives in sunny North Carolina on a big family farm with chickens, goats, cousins, and lots of mud. Resources  Memory-Making Mom by Jessica Smartt Pioneer Woman Cinnamon Rolls Jotham’s Journey by Arnold Ytreeide One Wintry Night by Ruth Bell Graham Hallelujah: Advent Traditions by Cindy Rollins Behold the Lamb by Andrew Peterson Connect Jessica Smartt | Instagram | Facebook | Website ...
Published 11/21/23
Grading papers is usually not a favorite chore, especially if the paper is what I call "perfectly parsed piffle," but did you know that writing evaluation can be a teaching tool? That is exactly what it can be! Almost every writing assignment can help a student grow as a writer, as long as it is evaluated in ways that are constructive and designed to teach. Here are some tips. About Janice Janice Campbell, a lifelong reader and writer, loves to introduce students to great books and...
Published 11/20/23
Of all the opposition that we meet as homeschoolers, some of the worst comes from within. "Can I really do this? I'm just a mom! I don't have a teaching degree. What on earth am I doing?!" This is understandable. One look at the public school system with its university educated teachers, modern facilities and plethora of programs can have this effect on us. But what if you're measuring yourself up against the wrong standard? What if all that your homeschool lacks in comparison to the public...
Published 11/07/23
In this short but jam-packed episode, Jessica shares her most valuable home and homeschool organizing tools and tips and how she uses them to simplify and ease stress! About Jessica Jessica is a wife, homeschool mom of three, author, and blogger. She lives in sunny North Carolina on a big family farm with chickens, goats, cousins, and lots of mud. Resources  Things 3 Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity Episode 392 | Overcoming Life Overwhelm: Two Books and One App...
Published 11/03/23
I think we all know that too much screen-time can be a problem. It has been linked to developmental delays in babies and mental health and relationship issues in older children and teens. If your family has struggled with how to limit screens in a constructive way, here are a few tips on how to change habits and shift to healthier activities. About Janice Janice Campbell, a lifelong reader and writer, loves to introduce students to great books and beautiful writing. She holds an English...
Published 11/03/23
It's the most wonderful time of the year...and the most hectic. With all the hustle and the bustle, the rich opportunity for us to help our children consider the people and events that make Thanksgiving and Christmas truly memorable often escapes us. It doesn't have to be this way. In this episode we'll talk about practical ways that you can set up altars of remembrance in your home through simple, routine devotions. These devotions are truly the gift that keeps on giving and will remain with...
Published 10/25/23
Screens in homeschooling are as prevalent as they've ever been, and they don't look to become less prevalent any time soon. Whether it's your desktop computer, tablet or even your phone, your child can interact with educational programs in ways (and in locations) that would have been almost unimaginable to previous generations; but is it really all for the better? In this episode we'll explore the issue of the incursion of screens into our homeschools and we'll examine the potential pitfalls...
Published 10/10/23
As fall comes speeding into view, homeschool fallout can occur from calendar conflicts, holidays & head colds. The need to do-it-all and enjoy the season may overwhelm, but remember, there’s no need. Relish your right to a homeschool slow down or hiatus! About Jennifer Jennifer Cabrera, the Hifalutin Homeschooler, is the writer of homeschool truth, humor, and inspiration.  Jennifer lives in Salado, Texas with her husband and three brilliant boys.  She is a licensed Physician...
Published 10/03/23
If you've ever said your kid is half a freshman or in 3rd-ish grade, you might be a homeschooler. But should we adhere to grade levels more strictly? Or ignore them entirely? How should we respond when asked about our kids' grade levels, graduation requirements, and future plans? In this episode we'll discuss the pros and cons of labeling our kids with grade levels and expectations. I'll share what my surveyed homeschool readers had to say, and some suggestions for polite but confident...
Published 09/26/23
Whether you're just getting started or have been schooling for a while, there are a few basic things to know that might make your life easier. When I started homeschooling, I was lucky enough to have done enough reading and non-traditional learning so I knew that the "school-at-home" model wasn't what we wanted. That helped. However, I started out expecting that I'd be able to make perfect plans and schedules and keep exactly on track every year. As you might guess, that was — well, let's...
Published 09/19/23
Our lives consist of an innumerable series of "Yes's" and "No's". Our job is to make sure we're giving the right answers to the right questions and this certainly applies to our homeschools. Are we saying "Yes" to things that are proving a distraction to our homeschool and ultimately our family? Are we too often saying "No" to simple requests on the part of our children to spend time with them? Our homeschooling efforts are made up of such questions and our respective answers determine their...
Published 09/12/23
Recently I found myself in a season of complete stress and mental overwhelm. In God's grace, I found two books that completely changed how I live my day-to-day life as a homeschool mom. I am sharing them in this episode in the hopes that they are helpful to you as well! About Jessica Jessica is a wife, homeschool mom of three, author, and blogger. She lives in sunny North Carolina on a big family farm with chickens, goats, cousins, and lots of mud. Resources  Essentialism Getting Things...
Published 09/05/23
Do we need a laminator and some chickens? Asking random nervous questions is part of becoming a homeschool parent. No need to flail about in an ocean of possibilities. Ask away! We veterans won't laugh (out loud). Allow me to tackle a few that may have popped into your head. Though someday you may look back and laugh too, every obvious answer you need to hear now will placate your fears and insecurities, and show you... You got this! About Jennifer Jennifer Cabrera, the Hifalutin...
Published 08/29/23
Sometimes life changes abruptly in ways we can’t control, and it can leave us feeling tired, anxious, or sad. As I’ve read the daily newspaper over the last few months with its grim news of weather disasters, fires, political instability, and war, I thought it might be time to revisit some thoughts I shared at the beginning of the Covid-19 event that changed many of our lives for at least a year or two. I hope you find these thoughts helpful as you navigate whatever uncertainty has touched...
Published 08/22/23
Another school year is before us. This year, as with so many year's past, you probably have high hopes for how the school year will unfold, and that's wonderful; but have you counted the cost? In other words, are you prepared to not only start but finish strong? Let this episode serve as a pep talk or, if you like, a rally cry for all the potential and all the possibility that lies in the year ahead. About Sean Sean Allen is the founder of The Well Ordered Homeschool, husband to his...
Published 08/15/23
Some days resistant learners spend more time complaining about what must be done than it would take them to just do the work in front of them. Sigh. Chug more coffee. In this episode I share my tips for enticing those seemingly uninterested kids and how to reach them by providing interest and purpose.  *Plus I've got a special Hifalutin August offer from HomeScienceTools.com!     About Jennifer Jennifer Cabrera, the Hifalutin Homeschooler, is the writer of homeschool truth, humor, and...
Published 08/08/23
Is it imaginable that freedom of speech and freedom of religion could be suppressed where we live at some time in our future? History would indicate so. How do we prepare ourselves and our families for such a contingency? What curriculum might best prepare us for persecution, even martyrdom? How do we cultivate necessary virtues without sparking burdensome fears? Listen in as Janice Campbell and Andrew Pudewa explore this challenging subject. About Andrew Andrew Pudewa is the director of...
Published 08/01/23
A while back, I came across an interesting comparison of two middle school reading lists — one from 1908 and one from a bit more than 100 years later. The original article compared the lists based on time period, thematic elements, and reading level, and I'll share that comparison along with a few ideas for interesting middle-grade reading. About Janice Janice Campbell, a lifelong reader and writer, loves to introduce students to great books and beautiful writing. She holds an English...
Published 07/25/23
Discipline (or the lack thereof) can make or break your homeschool. Helping your children build good habits cannot help but make your homeschool more enjoyable and successful. In this episode we emphasize the importance of helping your child experience a sense of ownership over their tasks and the transformative feeling of a job well done. If you start with some simple tasks and stick with it, your child will be well on their way to building character qualities that will serve them for a...
Published 07/18/23
In this episode Jessica interviews Lyndsey from Treehouse Schoolhouse about all sorts of things related to homeschool mom life. They chat about why Lyndsey and her husband decided to move from Florida and buy land to build their dream home as well as how to balance physical health goals, homeschooling, and running two businesses from home! About Lyndsey Lyndsey is a homeschool mom of four and the founder of Treehouse Schoolhouse. Before motherhood, Lyndsey had a career in children's...
Published 07/11/23
A homeschooling mom of nine years, Jessica has tried quite a few types and kinds of curricula. Here she shares her family's favorites, as well as a few they've tried and ended up ditching. About Jessica Jessica is a wife, homeschool mom of three, author, and blogger. She lives in sunny North Carolina on a big family farm with chickens, goats, cousins, and lots of mud. Resources  Jessica’s Curriculum Reviews (Blog Post) Connect Jessica Smartt | Instagram | Facebook | Website ...
Published 07/04/23