In life, things don't always go as planned. Certain matters get delayed or simply never pan out. What then? Should you just roll up and accept it? No!! Giving up should never be in your vocabulary because as we all know: when there's a will, there's a way. This week on The Hood Morning Pod we ACCIDENTALLY get very personal contrary to the norm. Awale and Stretch share their experiences with failure and how they managed to get to where they are today. Oh and Stretch also finally does his...
Published 09/30/22
This week on The Hood Morning Pod we bring on Aman, a longtime friend from Awale's high school days. The two recount and tell Stretch a variety of tales from their youth from racist teachers and classmates to an INSANE prank on a very unfortunate victim. How good was this prank? Well if you tuned into Episode 10, this possibly rivals Stretch's notorious kidnapping prank. But we'll let you be the judge of that. Sit tight and join Stretch in listening on to the greatness. If you are driving,...
Published 09/23/22
This week on The Hood Morning Pod, Stretch and Awale perform yet another duet. Please come home Roy. We miss you. This duet is called "Passion". How do you incorporate passion into your individual lives? And is your passion and love for THMP strong enough for you to stick around until we actually discuss this? Find out ;) I need to stop saying, "Find out". Need to expand my trailer vocabulary.
Published 09/17/22
This week marks one full year of The Hood Morning Pod Universe. On September 8th, 2021 The Hood Morning Pod came to fruition. We didn't address it this episode because we recorded earlier than usual so here we are in the description giving ourselves a well deserved pat on the back. But guess what? That isn't even the best news. This week on THMP we bring on the MOST unique specimen to exist. The one and only Tanker. It doesn't get better than this honestly. Usually we bring guests to discuss...
Published 09/13/22
Regular schedule programming returns with the pure and innocent Hood Morning Pod. It’s easier to appreciate the sun after a dark dark night am I right? This week, on the second episode of The Hood Morning Pod’s third season, we bring on our good friend Bruce. Quite the character honestly. We discuss a number of happenings amongst us and eventually get to what the episode title and graphic are hinting towards. Any idea what it is?
Published 09/02/22
Hood Night!!! Welcome back to the very illustrious and well received "after dark" series where we get a little more unhinged than usual. After the feedback from the first Hood Night episode, we knew that we had to make the series official. (It would've been made official regardless). But um, yes! This week on The Hood Night Pod we bring on a brand new pair of guests in A2 and Najeb. We discuss dreams, fat shaming, and a number of childhood stories. Very very incomprehensible summary but yall...
Published 08/26/22
*SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC* Upon delivering the 2 greatest seasons in podcasting history, The Hood Morning Pod’s trio disappeared once again scattering across the land in chase of their individual summer goals. For over 2 months people wondered when the podcast would return for a third season. Others wondered if the podcast would return at all. Many achieved greatness once. Less achieved it twice. But only few did it three times. To be a dynasty, you must deliver and prove the doubters wrong time...
Published 08/19/22
Welcome back for the final episode of season two Hood Morning listeners. We appreciate the continued support and we hope to see you guys back in season three. We spoke about the recent tragedies and issues regarding gun control which somehow ended up with the long awaited clash from Awale and Stretch. It ends off with a long winded story about a love story gone wrong and remembering the first remembering. Also Stretch did all the work this week. Awale did nothing. Goodbye!!!
Published 05/29/22
Well hello there. It's Saturday. Hood Morning Pod Veterans heard this song before. Was it a difficult Friday without us? We hope not. IF it was though, have no fear because we are here. Rhyming accidentally. This week on The Hood Morning Pod we share ideas and stories that don't really make sense without extreme visualization, 0 initial criticism, and incredible explanation*. Who is the "final boss" of our world? How on earth did Stretch not see THAT?? Why do people follow celebrities AFTER...
Published 05/21/22
Continuing where we left off last week, in Part 2 of The Hood Night Pod Episode 1 we explore what it is to be a "Dirty Mack". How far can one insult a friend to capture the heart or interest of a person? Is it okay to "dirty mack" someone if they are aware? And how would you act if you and a friend were both gunning for the same person? Find out what we think by like actually clicking the play button on the episode. Reading this won't give you the answers to those questions pal. Or pay...
Published 05/13/22
The Hood Night Pod. Interesting. Uhhh. So what's the difference? Great question. The Hood Night Pod will be a series, if God wills, where we bring on the more *unhinged* opinions so to speak. Marginally more than usual. Just a little bit. Barely noticeable. Not necessarily bad, just *unhinged*. Yall are smart, yall get it. After recording what was supposed to be Episode 23 of The Hood Morning Pod, we realized that we accidentally did just that. The *unhinged* stuff. For the very first...
Published 05/06/22
The last 10 days of Ramadan is upon us! Hope you are taking advantage! This week on The Hood Morning Pod we literally do a freestyle improv. We had no idea what to discuss so we simple discussed. You catch my drift?? Hence the title: improv. But, somehow we brought it all together. What can I say? We really do this man :D
Published 04/22/22
Fever Dreams. An experience that has you desperately holding onto reality by the thinnest of threads. You hate it, don't you? Well, this episode has that feeling written all over it and it's just something that came with the great new powers bestowed upon us. Ladies and gentleman, this right here is Episode 9 + 10 of The Hood Morning Pod. If you're a historian, jot this down as the turning point in our history cuz we go absolutely bonkers with brand new equipment delivering Islamic reminders...
Published 04/15/22
Ramadan Kareem dear listeners! Alhamdulilah we've made it to yet another Ramadan. May Allah forgive those who are no longer with us and may He make us of those who take perfect advantage of it. This week on The Hood Morning Pod we, as per usual, talk all over the place. But! One thing is for sure... "One slap could move a rock at will" - Anonymous
Published 04/01/22
Ever get in trouble at school and witness an accomplice absolutely throw you under the bus? Or have a random bystander try to accuse you of something for no reason? When it comes to the dire moments there are the real n****s and there are the "snitches". The people who end up telling the 5 W's and How. EVERYBODY's pet peeve of a human being. This week on The Hood Morning Pod we bring in the authority on the matter, our good friend Jalo (or Yellow), to navigate the ins and outs of the...
Published 03/25/22
Turns out that Awale's weekly Twitter this and Curious Cat that actually paid off somewhat because this week on The Hood Morning Pod we answer your questions! An episode powered by you guys, our precious listeners. Considering that we are open to having episodes like this, for our next Q&A if you would like to join the discus-
Published 03/11/22
Ever been in a group setting and seen a friend or an acquaintance say or do something absolutely wild knowingly or unknowingly? Ever have a friend who lives rather extraordinarily and always comes to you to solve their messes? Should a person offer advice they do not follow themselves? Should one be advised in front of others, or in private? Does one's tone of voice matter when providing sound advice? Hooooooood Morning ppl. Lots of questions, I know. This week on The Hood Morning Pod we...
Published 03/04/22
From the colours, fonts, and shapes on the packaging of your favourite snacks to the back to back non - skippable 15 or (as some people claim) 30 second ads before a YouTube video. Everyday we are bombarded with the latest products via a mosaic of marketing tactics and schemes. Now, in this week's submission to The Hood Morning Pod universe, we don't necessarily discuss that idea of marketing. Instead we look at how top content creators of today achieved rapid, incredible success and stayed...
Published 02/25/22
Hood Morning pals & gals! This week on The Hood Morning Po- nah scratch that. Time for another easter egg for our description readers. We had a great turnout last time. If you are reading this, in your most preferred way, tell us your favourite THMP episode. And it'd be great if you also tell us why. Hit us up on Twitter, IG, or the CuriousCat! Aaaanyways, this week on The Hood Morning Pod we bring on our very first guest of Season 2. Introducing Hassan, a creative writer and the founder...
Published 02/19/22
It's been really cold lately and we can't help but notice the people that, unfortunately, aren't blessed to have somewhere where they can warm up and power up for the next day's challenges. In this episode we ask, "What's Your Dollar Worth?". Do you simply avoid the gaze and pleas of the needy? Or do you offer whatever you have? As Muslims, we are well aware that any sustenance from God is not only for us to consume. Even if we started our days early and ended them late, every dollar or cent...
Published 02/11/22
*SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC* After an elusive Season 1 performance Roy, Awale, and Stretch disappeared without a single trace subsequently leaving the podcasting scene yearning for more and desperately searching for the next all - time great. New shows came and went, but nobody was able to do it quite like THMP. Friday mornings were just never the same... Following some baseball and lots of soul searching, the band has reunited to run it back. Apparently doing it once was not nearly enough. The...
Published 02/04/22
Oh! What is this? A surprise episode!! Woooooow. Now aren’t yall a spoiled bunch. TBH we saw a couple THMP listeners absolutely tweaking over the break and said yeaaaah the streets need us. In all seriousness though, we would like to *unofficially* welcome you all back. The real party will be next week. We hope that you all had a restful winter break and a productive start to the year! Introducing Stretch’s twin brothers Muk & Muse. On this edition of The Hood Morning Pod they share...
Published 01/28/22
After about 13 (?) weeks of uploads, unfortunately all good things must come to an end. Awwww man! But let's take a moment to celebrate the culmination of our very first season doing this podcast stuff. We truly appreciate the support we've received and are glad to know that we don’t stink! Make sure to keep up with our socials as we, if God wills, will be back with a Season 2! For our season finale, this week on The Hood Morning Pod we bring on Ismii. The man, the legend, the inspiration...
Published 12/24/21
Ahhh, the classic "Would You Rather?" game. Don't we all love imagining impossible situations and forcing our friends to choose between 2 ABSOLUTE evils. That feeling of euphoria seeing your homie crumble or admit to a choice that is so incriminating and nowhere near their carefully built character. Well. We definitely don't go that far. Not trying to get cancelled just yet. But! We do choose and discuss interesting questions, some of them a little morally difficult. This week on The Hood...
Published 12/17/21
We all got a friend who likes to make jokes, maybe pull some jumpscares, a light prank or two... but oh boy. Stretch isn't that friend. If there's a line that tells you when you’re taking it too far, our homeboy Stretch looked at the line like Usain Bolt at the starting line. This week on The Hood Morning Pod we talk pranks. What would you consider to be as "taking it too far"? We bring on a new guest and great supporter AB to discuss!
Published 12/10/21