We’ve all been told money isn’t everything. Most of us would nod our heads and agree. But do we live like that’s true? Today, we delve into a story that Jesus told, not just as a parable but as a sobering reminder of the eternal consequences of our earthly choices. Join me as we examine the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus, a narrative that challenges us to live lives marked by compassion, faith, and a forward-looking gaze toward eternity. Some commentators say that this isn’t a parable at...
Published 04/30/24
Sooner or later, we all must give an account to God for what He’s entrusted to us. The question is: will we be shrewd, creative, and industrious with what we have, or will we have a lazy and unurgent attitude toward life?  This parable is often considered one of the most difficult to understand. Why? Because Jesus uses a villain as an example of what to do. The tale of the Shrewd Manager is a morally fuzzy story. But if we dig deep enough, there will be heavenly meaning for us and lessons on...
Published 04/29/24
Have you ever struggled with the concept of prayer? Have you wondered if prayer actually moves the hand of God or if it’s just a religious practice to get our hearts right? Let’s dive into an often overlooked and misunderstood parable - the Persistent Widow. This is a story about a wicked judge who refuses to hear the pleas of this one widow. This story shows us the power of annoyance and pestering but also reveals a contrast to God’s character. Go to JesusPodcast.com and receive daily...
Published 04/28/24
Is your heart ready to receive God's word? Or has it been choked out by the anxieties of life? Today’s story is simple, yet buried deep within is a message about truth, God’s word, and our hearts. It’s about a farmer who goes out into his field to sow some seeds. Not every seed falls on good soil, though. The way each soil receives the seed is different and a metaphor for our hearts. Go to JesusPodcast.com and receive daily devotionals about Jesus.Today's Bible verse is Mark 16:6 from the...
Published 04/25/24
How important is it to forgive? How crucial is forgiveness for our faith and relationship with God?  The parable of the unforgiving servant is critical for our faith! It has foundational truths for our walk with God and how we interact with others. The way we view forgiveness reflects the way we view grace, mercy, and eternity. Go to JesusPodcast.com and receive daily devotionals about Jesus.Today's Bible verse is Mark 16:6 from the King James Version.Download the Pray.com app for more...
Published 04/24/24
The Kingdom of Heaven doesn’t care if you’re rich, poor, tall, short, introverted, or extroverted. The Kingdom of Heaven is for those who joyfully accept the invitation.  Today’s story is about a Kingdom. The King, excited to celebrate his son, invites all the nobles and merchants to come to the wedding. When they reject his offer, the King extends the invitation to others. This kind of story might seem mundane on the surface, but it was SCANDELOUS at the time. Jesus is about to blow...
Published 04/23/24
God invites us all to partner with him. But will we be too prideful to accept the invitation? Do we want everything to ourselves?  This parable is rich in symbolism and searing in its indictment of misplaced priorities. This story about the Wicked Tenants offers a profound exploration of stewardship, rebellion, and the divine invitation to participate in the kingdom of God. Go to JesusPodcast.com and receive daily devotionals about Jesus.Today's Bible verse is Mark 16:6 from the King James...
Published 04/22/24
What if tomorrow isn’t promised? What if today is all you had? How seriously would you take your faith, then? This parable was told by Jesus as a warning to anyone who says, “I’ll take my faith seriously once I _______.” That sentence can be filled with a myriad of different things. “I’ll take my faith seriously when I finish college.” “I’ll take my faith seriously once I have a career.” The truth is, we don’t know when our time will come. The time we have here on this earth is precious, and...
Published 04/21/24
The truth is, we are all like sheep. We all have a tendency to wander and repeat our mistakes. We need guidance. We need protection. We need a Good Shepherd. This dramatized parable takes us through the cold, wintry forest where a shepherd lays it all on the line for his sheep. This story reveals the depth of God's love, and the lengths he'll go to rescue you.  Go to JesusPodcast.com and receive daily devotionals about Jesus.Today's Bible verse is Mark 16:6 from the King James...
Published 04/18/24
God is actively working against the proud and pompous. If that doesn’t force us to seek humility, I don’t know what will…  The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector, as narrated by Jesus, pierces through the facade of righteousness to reveal the profound truth of God's grace. These two men live totally different lives. On the outside, the Pharisee has his whole life put together. But is that what God really desires from us? Does God need us to be perfect in every way and polished?...
Published 04/17/24
Heroes come from unexpected places. Not from temples or towers, but off the streets and from the shadows. The Parable of the Good Samaritan communicates the upside-down kingdom of God - where the religious elite are shown as hypocrites, and the humble outcasts are shown as heroes.  Go to JesusPodcast.com and receive daily devotionals about Jesus.Today's Bible verse is Mark 16:6 from the King James Version.Download the Pray.com app for more Christian content including, Daily Prayers,...
Published 04/16/24
Who are our neighbors? The people who live next to us? The people who look like us, think like us, or vote for us?  Jesus confronts the prevailing belief that only a few people are worthy of our love, trust, and respect. The Parable of the Good Samaritan stands as a beacon of light against the darkness of prejudice, hate, and tribalism.  Go to JesusPodcast.com and receive daily devotionals about Jesus.Today's Bible verse is Mark 16:6 from the King James Version.Download the Pray.com app for...
Published 04/15/24
What does it mean to live in light of the resurrection? How do we, imperfect people on this side of heaven, live lives that echo eternity? Jesus walks the shores of Galilee one last time, and reassures His beloved apostles that He will always be with them. Then, shrouded in glory, He ascends into heaven. Go to JesusPodcast.com and receive daily devotionals about Jesus.Today's Bible verse is Mark 16:6 from the King James Version.Download the Pray.com app for more Christian content including,...
Published 04/14/24
To truly move on and embrace the future, you first have to wrestle with your past. For the first time since his death, Peter looks Jesus in the eyes. Jesus takes Peter through a process of restoration and commissions him for the mission ahead. Go to JesusPodcast.com and receive daily devotionals about Jesus.Today's Bible verse is Mark 16:6 from the King James Version.Download the Pray.com app for more Christian content including, Daily Prayers, Inspirational Testimonies, and Bedtime Bible...
Published 04/11/24
How many chances does God give people to repent and return to Him? Peter needs to escape his dark memories, so he returns to what he knows best - fishing. As he goes out, a thousand memories rush back into his mind. Memories of failure and faith. Go to JesusPodcast.com and receive daily devotionals about Jesus.Today's Bible verse is Mark 16:6 from the King James Version.Download the Pray.com app for more Christian content including, Daily Prayers, Inspirational Testimonies, and Bedtime...
Published 04/10/24
Have you ever wrestled with the need for evidence? Has doubt robbed you of experiencing the joy of Jesus? You’re not alone.  Thomas wasn’t fortunate enough to witness Jesus with the rest of the apostles. He doesn’t believe their witness. Thomas is faced with the same journey many of us find ourselves in. Go to JesusPodcast.com and receive daily devotionals about Jesus.Today's Bible verse is Mark 16:6 from the King James Version.Download the Pray.com app for more Christian content including,...
Published 04/09/24
Peace isn't the absence of struggle; it's the presence of Jesus in the midst of it all. Jesus finally reveals Himself to the disciples. Their hearts are filled with hope, and Jesus gives them the most precious gift of all - The Holy Spirit. Go to JesusPodcast.com and receive daily devotionals about Jesus.Today's Bible verse is Mark 16:6 from the King James Version.Download the Pray.com app for more Christian content including, Daily Prayers, Inspirational Testimonies, and Bedtime Bible...
Published 04/08/24
Jesus told them this would happen. In fact, the entire Bible has been whispering the death and resurrection of the Messiah since the beginning. Two followers of Jesus travel on a road, feeling the sorrow of their master’s death. For a brief time on the road, they forget their grief when they meet a stranger who tells them wonderful things about the Kingdom of God. Who is this mysterious man who knows so much? Go to JesusPodcast.com and receive daily devotionals about Jesus.Today's Bible...
Published 04/07/24
Imagine that Jesus was your brother. Perfect in every way. Never making mistakes. Imagine living in that shadow…  Jesus pays a special visit to one of his greatest critics… James… During this intimate moment, James realizes who his brother actually is, and wrestles with all the feelings Go to JesusPodcast.com and receive daily devotionals about Jesus.Today's Bible verse is Mark 16:6 from the King James Version.Download the Pray.com app for more Christian content including, Daily Prayers,...
Published 04/04/24
Shame is an anchor. It holds us down, hindering our reach upward. Do you need to be set free? Peter relives his greatest failure. It plays over and over in his mind. He finds himself stuck in a cycle of shame, unable to get out. Go to JesusPodcast.com and receive daily devotionals about Jesus.Today's Bible verse is Mark 16:6 from the King James Version.Download the Pray.com app for more Christian content including, Daily Prayers, Inspirational Testimonies, and Bedtime Bible Stories.Pray.com...
Published 04/03/24
What’s more important to you? Status and control, or transformation and a relationship with God? The guards return to the chief priests and tell them what they saw. To cover it up, the chief priests pay off the guards and plan a conspiracy to end the movement of believers before it has a chance to begin. Go to JesusPodcast.com and receive daily devotionals about Jesus.Today's Bible verse is Mark 16:6 from the King James Version.Download the Pray.com app for more Christian content including,...
Published 04/02/24
If God is dead, then so is our hope. But God isn’t dead… Mary and the others run to tell the disciples what they’ve seen. Peter and John race to the tomb to see if for themselves. Jesus is gone… But the concept of resurrection is hard for them to grasp.  Go to JesusPodcast.com and receive daily devotionals about Jesus.Today's Bible verse is 1 Corinthians 15:55 from the King James Version.Download the Pray.com app for more Christian content including, Daily Prayers, Inspirational...
Published 04/01/24
We’ve all experienced despair at some point in our lives. But there is no darkness so dense that the light of Jesus can’t pierce through.  Jesus appears to Mary and the other women. They worship him, unable to believe what they are seeing. With a spark in their hearts, they run to tell the disciples. Go to JesusPodcast.com and receive daily devotionals about Jesus.Today's Bible verse is Mark 16:6 from the King James Version.Download the Pray.com app for more Christian content including,...
Published 03/31/24
Whatever darkness you’re lost in. Whatever sin that’s held you captive. There’s hope! Jesus was slain, and the land has been shrouded in darkness for three days. Hope was buried along with the body of Jesus. But, as the light crested over the hills on the third day, hope was revived. Go to JesusPodcast.com and receive daily devotionals about Jesus.Today's Bible verse is John 1:5 from the King James Version.Download the Pray.com app for more Christian content including, Daily Prayers,...
Published 03/30/24
Have you ever questioned your role in the community of God? Have you ever felt like an outsider? You aren’t alone.  Jesus is dead, and his disciples are hidden and afraid of meeting the same fate. Two unexpected figures devote themselves to his burial. All seems hopeless for the followers of Christ, but it’s always darkest before the dawn. Go to JesusPodcast.com and receive daily devotionals about Jesus.Today's Bible verse is Revelation 4:11 from the King James Version.Download the Pray.com...
Published 03/29/24