Have you ever felt like no matter how much you do your competition is miles ahead of you? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a fly on the wall inside your competitions' workspace? Have you ever dreamed or knowing exactly what your competitions' next move is that you can react within enough time to finally take them over once and for all?  If you answered yes to at least one of these questions then this podcast is for you. Because on this episode of the Jonathan Tilley podcast...
Published 04/08/22
Have you ever felt disheartened when you want to create a Reel but know it’s going to take a long time to make? Have you ever wondered how the top Instagrammers can bang a Reel out in 2 minutes flat? Have you ever dreamed of being so fast and so good at creating Reels that you finally can start having fun with them?  If you answered yes to at least one of these questions then this podcast is for you. Because on this episode of the Jonathan Tilley podcast it's time to BUST AN INSTAGRAM...
Published 04/01/22
Have you ever felt squeamish when you have to show your face in a Reel? Have you ever wondered if you could get the same amount of engagement for a Reel that didn’t have your face in it? Have you ever dreamed of never showing your face in a Reel, on video, or in photos ever again?  If you answered yes to at least one of these questions then this podcast is for you. Because on this episode of the Jonathan Tilley podcast it's time to BUST AN INSTAGRAM MYTH:  "If I have show my face in Reels...
Published 03/25/22
Have you ever felt that you're not posting to Instagram enough?  Have you ever wondered what the RIGHT amount of posting should be?Have you ever dreamed of knowing exactly when and how often you should post to Instagram? If you answered yes to at least one of these questions then this podcast is for you. Because on this episode of the Jonathan Tilley podcast it's time to BUST AN INSTAGRAM MYTH: "If I post at least once a day then I’m doing Instagram perfectly right." Listen in to this...
Published 03/18/22
Have you ever felt like your posting at the wrong times on Instagram? Have you ever wondered what the best time to post on Instagram is so you get more engagement?Have you ever dreamed of finding out when the optimal time is to drop your Instagram micro content so you get tons of likes, comments, and follows? If you answered yes to at least one of these questions then this podcast is for you. Because on this episode of the Jonathan Tilley podcast it's time to BUST AN INSTAGRAM MYTH:  " If I...
Published 03/11/22
Have you ever felt like you want to share so much on Instagram that you’re about to burst? Have you ever wondered if you shared about your creative freelance business, yeah, but also shared about your hobbies and your weekends and your weekend trips away? Have you ever dreamed of knowing the right ratio of what to share and what not to share on Instagram because you want to tell the whole world about your life?  If you answered yes to at least one of these questions then this podcast is for...
Published 03/04/22
Have you ever felt that your likes, comments, and follows could be more... like much more?Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you joined an engagement group to boost your numbers?Have you ever dreamed of finding the perfect engagement group that would explode your Instagram account and finally get the traction you’ve been pining for? If you answered yes to at least one of these questions then this podcast is for you. Because on this episode of the Jonathan Tilley podcast it's time...
Published 02/25/22
Have you ever felt unsure about sharing a video on Instagram that not vertical? Have you ever wondered if it really matters if you share your landscape video... I mean video is video after all, right? Have you ever dreamed of not caring about the format and being able to share whatever video you want whether it be landscape or vertical?  If you answered yes to at least one of these questions then this podcast is for you. Because on this episode of the Jonathan Tilley podcast it's time to...
Published 02/18/22
Have you ever felt like you’ll never book work through Instagram? Have you ever wondered how do people actually get gigs from posting selfies, reels, and inspirational quotes? Have you ever dreamed of landing job after job for your creative freelance business just by posting a few times per week on Instagram?  If you answered yes to at least one of these questions then this podcast is for you. Because on this episode of the Jonathan Tilley podcast it's time to BUST AN INSTAGRAM MYTH:  "If I...
Published 02/11/22
Have you ever felt that if you did an Instagram giveaway you’d increase your reach? Have you ever wondered if your giveaway would attract your dream clients? Have you ever dreamed of doing an Instagram giveaway offering free creative freelance work to get thousands of people who will enter it and if they don’t win then they will hire you and you’ll be booked out for the next 6 months?  If you answered yes to at least one of these questions then this podcast is for you. Because on this episode...
Published 02/04/22
Have you ever felt like some posts on your feed that got less engagement than usual should be removed? Have you ever wondered how your feed would look without the first couple of cringe worthy images you posted when you first joined Instagram? Have you ever dreamed of having a jaw-dropping, OMG this looks fierce feed that only has your best face forward with tons of likes and comments?  If you answered yes to at least one of these questions then this podcast is for you. Because on this...
Published 01/28/22
Have you ever felt that the number of your followers is not enough?Have you ever wondered what buying a couple hundred followers would do for your Instagram account?Have you ever dreamed of people landing on your Instagram account, seeing that you have thousands of followers, and they thought WOW this person is really something! If you answered yes to at least one of these questions then this podcast is for you. Because on this episode of the Jonathan Tilley podcast it's time to BUST AN...
Published 01/22/22
Have you ever felt like if you could only get to X amount of followers then you could be an Instagram influencer? Have you ever wondered what it actually takes to become one?Have you ever dreamed of being a brand ambassador for a company who will give you free stuff, pay you to post about it, and become Insta-famous like Kim Kardashian? If you answered yes to at least one of these questions then this podcast is for you. Because on this episode of the Jonathan Tilley podcast it's time to  BUST...
Published 01/15/22
Have you ever felt like why is everyone dancing on Instagram? Have you ever wondered how dancing in a Reel can relate to your creative freelance business?Have you ever dreamed of having the confidence to dance in front of the camera but seriously, NO ONE wants to see that?! If you answered yes to at least one of these questions then this podcast is for you. Because on this episode of the Jonathan Tilley podcast it's time to... BUST AN INSTAGRAM MYTH: "If dancing in Reels is the future then...
Published 01/08/22
What a year! It's been a whirlwind but I created a mantra for 2021 and stuck to it, and it paid off. My mantra for 2021 was "simplify and amplify". And through the process of simplifying I realized the first step is letting go of things that are meh which took a whole year to do. Now with all the meh things out of the way I can finally focus on the hell yeses that I want to amplify.  Listen in to my yearly wrap up where I share with you my biggest wins, my toughest challenges, and my goals...
Published 12/10/21
Support the show (http://www.jonathantilley.com/podcast)
Published 11/29/21
How would it feel if you went to bed knowing what you’ll post on Instagram tomorrow? How would it feel if you gained 100 new followers in your sleep? How would it feel if you woke up with direct messages from your dream clients offering you work? It would feel pretty good, right? But the bitter truth is you might not “get” Instagram, you don’t want to learn YET ANOTHER social media platform, and you’d rather swallow razor blades than take a selfie. Please stop assuming you're too ugly, too...
Published 11/26/21
You've created 10 beautiful graphics on Canva that you're uber-proud of. But when should you post them? And how often? You begin to contemplate and time slips away from you so much that it's the year 2091. Knowing when and how often to post on Instagram is a tricky call to make. So in today's podcast you'll learn how to make it work for you without wasting time and without running out of content too soon.  Want to dive deeper into Instagram with me by your side? You're in the right place...
Published 11/19/21
Ethics Question: Something terrible has happened in the world that has shaken the entire planet. You must choose one and only one answer. Do you: a. post about it on Instagram and do nothing else b. anonymously donate to a charity that will help the cause and stay off social media until it passes In tough times, people not only act crazy, but they react to how other people are acting as well. This can spiral into back-handed, manipulative accusations directed at you because you did or...
Published 11/12/21
You've got the gumption to create content (yes!) but when you look around your house is an absolute back alley dumpster fire (no!). Crap everywhere. Disarray to the ceilings. And you consider joining the Witness Protection Program, getting a new identity, and  moving to another country out of the sheer shame of the state your house is in. Yeah, no don't do that. Rather, reconsider the format. Instagram feed content is shot in square. So you could clear off a small part of your desk so...
Published 11/05/21
Think of a knife. Now think of what your intention is with that knife. Is your intention to A. slice a tomato? Or B. kill someone? The same idea applies to your Instagram. What is your intention on Instagram? Is it to go viral? Book work? Destroy your competition? Or just share pics of your kids and your dog? Choosing your Instagram Intention is more powerful than most think. When done correctly you can easily create an aligned content strategy for your creative business that attracts...
Published 10/29/21
Did you know that Beyoncé has hundreds of millions of followers, but doesn't follow anyone? Did you know that half of Instagram users secretly dream of having those numbers as well? They saying things like, "So and so has so many followers...WOW! I want to be like them".  And they honestly believe that hundreds of millions of followers will make them happy.   WAKE UP CALL: You may have a lot of followers but that doesn't mean that they pay your rent! This is called vanity metrics and it's...
Published 10/22/21
Using your creative talent in multiple fields feels good to your Inner Artist. So why do you feel punished when trying to showcase it all on Instagram? You may think, "I should show 60% of A but I want to show 80% of B."  And then you give up because there's no rule book on how to do it correctly. Until now. Calling all multi-passionate creatives! Today's podcast gives you the rule book on how to do it right on Insta. Create 2 accounts or stick with 1? What's the right ratio? And how much...
Published 10/15/21
Pretend you work in a factory and you produce cardboard squares. And you do it pretty well. Then your boss says you have to keep producing the cardboard squares at the same rate but also have to produce metal rectangles just as fast. Huh?! Exactly. That's the same feeling most people get when trying to understand the difference between Instagram Feed vs Instagram Stories. Confusion takes over and you are pulled in 2 opposite directions and can't seem to get anything done. Today's podcast...
Published 10/08/21
Your pet happens to walk straight in front of the camera right when you are creating killer content for Instagram. "GREAT! Now I have to do it all over again!" you yell as your pet scampers across the room looking for shelter. But in reality, you just missed an awesome opportunity to create follower-friendly content that a. builds trust and b. melts hearts. All because you were obsessed with the "perfect shot". So what is the right amount of content to create with your pet? Should you...
Published 10/01/21