02: Kathy - USA
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Even though she was raised in church, Kathy came to a greater realization of what the Body of Christ is meant be in her early 20s.  After understanding the power of being honest with God and bringing Him our junk, she was led to share this radical love...
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Published 06/29/21
God had given us clear instructions: quit your job, live in the flip house, go to school and work in a church.  We were in awe of this calling, but the practical logistics soon proved to be daunting.   How would we sell our Tennessee house in a recession?  How could we afford a moving truck? ...
Published 06/29/21
Amanda met her husband doing hut to hut evangelism in Peru.  Her dream was to take the message of the gospel to people who had never heard the name of Jesus.  His dream was to share Jesus with Muslim people groups.  The Lord beautifully orchestrated a...
Published 03/15/21