The Jungle: This Move Will Cost Cloud9 MILLIONS | LoL Esports Review
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After one of the most groundbreaking periods in League Of Legends history, from the players to the champions to an emerging new meta, The Jungle’s expert hosts will provide their hot takes and informed stances on the must-know beats from the world’s biggest competitive esports title, LoL and its professional leagues LEC, EU, LCS, LPL and the LCK.   In this episode of The Jungle, Daniel ‘dGon’ Gonzales, Christopher ‘MonteCristo’ Mykles and Christian ‘IWDominate’ Rivera discuss the recent instability within LoL esports, covering recent events involving TSM, CLG, 100T, Flyquest, EG, and the LCS, as well as their Top 5 League Of Legends players and the release of LS from Cloud9.