Even though the UN's International Court of Justice (ICJ) issued an ambiguous ruling in regard to Israel's military campaign in Rafah, the vote was applauded by Hamas, which says it all. Nevertheless, Israel's government insists that no force in the world will prevent the IDF from defeating Hamas' final four battalions in Rafah, and finishing off that terrorist organization. This story and all the latest news on this week's Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten. Photo Credit:...
Published 05/27/24
Yishai Fleisher in Tennessee is at a pro-Israel summit of gentiles who know that Judea and Samaria must stay Jewish - will America hear their voice? Then, Malkah Fleisher goes on ILTV to defend fighting in Gaza until total victory and Jewish resettlement. Finally, Ben Bresky on the birth of Israeli civilian aviation. Plus: Table Torah on the Biblical holiday of Pesach Sheini.
Published 05/23/24
Eve Harow shares a few thoughts from the US where she is visiting family and speaking in different venues. No tears for Raisi; no disengaging from home; Memorial Day shouldn't just be shoe sales and bringing 2 loaves to the Temple on Shavuot was more significant than it seems. Praying for the imminent homecoming of all the hostages and safety to the soldiers who are rescuing them, dead or alive. מי כעמך ישראל
Published 05/21/24
The IDF this week revealed that troops discovered at least 50 tunnels leading from Egypt into Rafah. On today's Israel Uncensored, Josh Hasten says that obviously the Egyptians knew that Hamas was importing weapons, literally under their noses, but failed to act. At the same time Egypt has reinforced their above ground border, not letting Gazans flee into their country. Nevertheless, the anti-Israel haters ignore Egypt (and Hamas) and blame the Jewish State for everything going on in...
Published 05/20/24
Yishai and Malkah discuss the pain of Israel Memorial Day and the majesty of Israel Independence Day - which reflect the struggle and the miracle of Israel's rebirth. Then, Yishai goes into the lion's den to tackle known Israel-hater Norman Finkelstein on the Piers Morgan Uncensored show.
Published 05/16/24
Eve Harow shares her thoughts on the 2 days of memorial and celebration, this year merged for her into one 48 hour intense experience. Eve will be in the tri-state area next week on a mini speaking tour; be in touch for details.
Published 05/15/24
Enjoy this week's Land of Israel Fellowship session 183 recorded live on May 12, 2024. Torah Portion Kedoshim Join The Land of Israel Fellowship and gain access to all the Bible teachings from Judea and receive your personal invitation to join the exclusive live online gatherings with families around the world every week. To join go to: secured.israelgives.org/pay/Fellowship
Published 05/13/24
On this week's Israel Uncensored, Josh Hasten discusses Israel's Memorial Day - Yom Hazikaron, which this year carries many fresh wounds following the October 7, massacre. He also discusses the Biden Administration's decision to impose an arms embargo against the Jewish State in the middle of a just war to defeat Hamas evil. Prime Minister Netanyahu insists that Israel will finish off Hamas, on our own, if necessary. Plus, Israel gears up for Independence Day - Yom Ha'azmaut even as the war...
Published 05/13/24
Hezy Bentzur has become somewhat of a celebrity in the world of Aliyah, since he’s the owner of iAnglo English-speaking new car lease and buying service, which is used by many Olim looking for their first car in Israel. But man, oh man, his story is so much more – so much cooler – than just coming here and building a successful business. Join Goel on a wild ride that starts in Texas, makes stops in Oklahoma and Arkansas, and eventually takes Hezy and his family home to the Land of Israel.
Published 05/12/24
Yishai and Malkah Fleisher discuss the Biden weapons embargo and hear from Israel-defenders Senator Lindsey Graham and Congressman Brian Mast. Then, Yishai speaks with Knesset Member Ohad Tal, who sits on the Foreign Relations and Defense Committee, about the real war: the fight for Jewish identity! Finally, Ben Bresky on the story of the founding of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra. Plus: Table Torah on Parshat Kedoshim.
Published 05/10/24
As the Hamas refuses to release the hostages, Israel defies America's demand to end the war. In the midst of this crisis the true motivations behind the war in Israel are being exposed. To get the latest news coming out of Israel join Jeremy Gimpel and Ari Abramowitz every Tuesday night on X Spaces at 8pm Israel time.
Published 05/08/24
Yedidya Harush lives in the Negev town of Shlomit, just north of Sinai which his parents were forced to leave to Egyptian rule and just east of Atzmona in Gush Katif from where they were expelled in 2005. Eve Harow speaks via choppy zoom to him in his backyard to the backdrop of explosions as they’re now on the front line of the war being waged in Rafiah. On Sunday 4 soldiers were killed and many wounded at Kerem Shalom nearby, where ‘humanitarian aid’ trucks deliver food to the non...
Published 05/07/24
Enjoy this week's Land of Israel Fellowship session 182 recorded live on May 5, 2024. Torah Portion Acharei Mot Join The Land of Israel Fellowship and gain access to all the Bible teachings from Judea and receive your personal invitation to join the exclusive live online gatherings with families around the world every week. To join go to: secured.israelgives.org/pay/Fellowship
Published 05/06/24
As world Jewry commemorates Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Day, on today's Israel Uncensored, Josh Hasten says that the same Jew-hatred which existed in Nazi Germany is very much alive today. He said that while the October 7 massacre isn't the Holocaust, the same ideology - which seeks to wipe the Jewish People off the face of the earth, is very much alive in Gaza, Judea and Samaria, in Europe, and on college campuses in the United States, in the form of Jihad. Photo Credit:...
Published 05/06/24
Yishai and Malkah Fleisher return to discuss post-Pesach and the pro-Hamas protests on the Columbia campus. Then, Yishai speaks with the father of Omer Wenkert, one of the October 7th abductees. Also, Yishai does a deep dive on how the Narrative War on Twitter (X) is fought. And finally, Ben Bresky on Pinhas Rutenberg and the founding of the Israel Electric Corporation.
Published 05/03/24
This week on Tuesday Night Live in Judea Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel draw parallels between the story of the Jewish people and their redemption from Egypt, with the story of the Jews today. They explain that the response to the chaos we're seeing worldwide is for every person to figure out what their own part of the story is in this existential threat between good and evil.
Published 05/01/24
Eve Harow shares her week- the fascinating people who live on Mount Gerizim, the less than stellar college ‘students’ in the U.S. and her thoughts on the role of Israel in the world’s assault on sanity. Oh, and Guitar Man is still one of her favorite songs. Photo Caption: The Shomroni Passover sacrific
Published 04/30/24
In preparation of Pesach, Yishai bakes the Matzah and remembers the righteous fallen. Then, reporter Lucy Watson of British ITV interviews Yishai about Israel's response to Iran's missile attack. Finally, Ben Bresky on the story of Europe's last Blood Libel.
Published 04/22/24
Enjoy this week's Land of Israel Fellowship session 181 recorded live on April 21, 2024. Torah Portion Metzora Join The Land of Israel Fellowship and gain access to all the Bible teachings from Judea and receive your personal invitation to join the exclusive live online gatherings with families around the world every week. To join go to: secured.israelgives.org/pay/Fellowship
Published 04/21/24
On Saturday night, Iran launched over 300 missiles and drones against the State of Israel. 99% of the projectiles were shot down. On today's Israel Uncensored, Josh Hasten says that Israel must respond, not based on the results of the attack, but based on Iran's intentions. This is the Middle East where only the language of strength is understood, and Israel must not give Iran a hall pass, despite international pressure.
Published 04/17/24
Ari Abramowitz & Jeremy Gimpel experience the miracle of the Israeli Defensive Technology first hand as the interceptions occur right above the Arugot Farm in the Judean Mountains. Tune in to hear their insights into the war in Israel and the next steps forward.
Published 04/17/24
On this week’s podcast Eve Harow takes a break from fresh grief over the murder of a young shepherd and continuous grief over the hostages and injured and fallen soldiers. She’s filled with gratitude to the Israeli Air Force and defenses who in tandem with Hashem pulled off an incredible event in the wee hours of Sunday, a night she’ll never forget. In advance of the Jerusalem book launch, Tuvia Tenenbom joins her to speak about his year with the ultra-Orthodox which he documented in his...
Published 04/16/24
Enjoy this week's Land of Israel Fellowship session 178 recorded live on April 14, 2024. Torah Portion Tazria Join The Land of Israel Fellowship and gain access to all the Bible teachings from Judea and receive your personal invitation to join the exclusive live online gatherings with families around the world every week. To join go to: secured.israelgives.org/pay/Fellowship
Published 04/15/24
All kind of folks wish to shrink and destroy Israel - but we won't let them! Yishai Fleisher comments on the Pope's latest pronouncements, Queen Rania rants on CNN, and Nir Barkat on Joe Scarborough. Then, Ben Bresky on the life and times of Mordechai Manuel Noah, a Jewish-American who attempted to to establish a Jewish City of Refuge in New York State. And Table Torah on birth and rebirth!
Published 04/11/24
Tuesday Night Live is back, this time from Judea! Jeremy Gimpel and Ari Abramowitz broadcast LIVE a new podcast, take questions from listeners and share stories and perspectives about Israel that you wont find anywhere else. Hope you can join us next week LIVE on X Spaces!
Published 04/10/24