For our maiden voyage, we are honoured to be captained by Ciaran Murphy, ironically of the good ship Second Captains. He is tackling the 2009 billion dollar blockbuster Avatar. We are granted entry into the extended Murphy Cinematic Universe where we discuss how Ciaran’s family shaped his early cinematic tastes, his journey through one extremely specific edition of the 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die, the creation of everyone’s favourite Second Captain’s pandemic spin off series,...
Published 12/07/21
The Last One To See is a movie podcast about the movies that everyone has seen... except our guests. Each episode our brave guest admits their cinematic blindspot and we dive into that cultural vacuum together. We do a short pre-screening chat to find out any hilarious misconceptions they may harbour about their film of choice to use against them at a later date and then reconvene post-viewing to deep dive into the good stuff. We’re thrilled to have a great roster of guests for season...
Published 12/04/21