Women often struggle to negotiate for better pay, a promotion or better conditions. It may be due to a lack of confidence and/or feel challenging in your work environment to advocate for yourself.
Published 03/26/20
Women often struggle to negotiate for better pay, a promotion or better conditions. It may be due to a lack of confidence and/or feel challenging in your work environment to advocate for yourself. This week, Lisa Fenton, a leader in Supply Chain Management and the owner of Powered by Possibility, will help us understand why it’s important to know and negotiate our value, as well as give us some tips on how to do it. Michelle Bevan will also be here with her regular segment ‘What’s Your EQ?’...
Published 03/26/20
We often think of being brave as donning a cape or a uniform and committing daring acts in extreme situations. However, according to this week’s guest, bravery in leadership looks very different than the hero leader we are used to seeing.
Published 03/19/20
We often think of being brave as donning a cape or a uniform and committing daring acts in extreme situations. However, according to this week’s guest, bravery in leadership looks very different than the hero leader we are used to seeing.
Published 03/19/20
Leadership extends beyond the role. It’s a way of being in the world, a commitment to creating something better for ourselves and others.
Published 03/12/20
Leadership extends beyond the role. It’s a way of being in the world, a commitment to creating something better for ourselves and others. This week, Susan Crawford from Meraki Inspired Coaching & Consultation will be here to help us think about what it means to be a ‘leader in our own life’ and how to get there. Our HR Superhero Gurpreet Kaur Mann will also be here talking about how to prepare for and slay that interview for that job you’ve always wanted. Join us!
Published 03/12/20
In this week’s show, Lianne will chat with Tina de los Santos, the Leadership Leap’s Communication Strategist, about thought leadership and current trends in leadership development.
Published 03/05/20
In this week’s show, Lianne will chat with Tina de los Santos, the Leadership Leap’s Communication Strategist, about thought leadership and current trends in leadership development. Christina Sackeyfio, our Inclusion Expert/Coach will also be on the show with her regular segment 'The Inclusion Zone'. This month Christina will be helping us better understand 'code switching' and how it can impact people of colour in particular in the workplace. Join us for an always interesting conversation!
Published 03/05/20
Assertiveness is a key area that women often describe as a weak point. This can impact whether women are viewed as good leaders when they are in the position or can prevent women from being identified as potential leaders within organizations.
Published 02/27/20
Assertiveness is a key area that women often describe as a weak point. This can impact whether women are viewed as good leaders when they are in the position or can prevent women from being identified as potential leaders within organizations. In this episode of The Leadership Leap, Maria Fudas, author of Connect with Yourself & Others will share why being able to be assertive in all of our relationships is crucial for personal and professional success, as well as some tips for becoming...
Published 02/27/20
‘Solution Focused Leadership’ is all about taking a ‘what works’, strengths-based approach to leading others.
Published 02/20/20
‘Solution Focused Leadership’ is all about taking a ‘what works’, strengths-based approach to leading others. It’s a mindset and a skillset that can help elevate engagement, enhance problem solving abilities in our people and can significantly increase productivity. In this episode, Sarah McVanel, Recognition Expert at Greatness Magnified, will help us to better understand what solution focused leadership is and why it’s important, as well as give us some helpful tips for putting it into...
Published 02/20/20
‘Solution Focused Leadership’ is all about taking a ‘what works’, strengths-based approach to leading others. It’s a mindset and a skillset that can help elevate engagement, enhance problem solving abilities in our people and can significantly increase productivity. In this episode, Sarah McVanel, Recognition Expert at Greatness Magnified, will help us to better understand what solution focused leadership is and why it’s important, as well as give us some helpful tips for putting it into...
Published 02/20/20
Non-profit Takeover! This week’s non-profit leadership episode is dedicated to leading from a place of thriving.
Published 02/13/20
Non-profit Takeover! This week’s non-profit leadership episode is dedicated to leading from a place of thriving. Guest Host Heather Nelson of BridgeRaise will chat with Kathy Archer, Leadership Development Coach and author of best-selling book Mastering Confidence. Kathy will share her experience with coaching women at various points in their careers into being effective leaders. We will discuss very practical advice about how to build confidence and maintain your composure through investing...
Published 02/13/20
This week Tina de los Santos is back with Who Thought It Best? - the segment where we don't care what you wear, we care what you think! Tina will be sharing interesting and topical finds from curating great stuff for our social media.
Published 02/06/20
This week Tina de los Santos is back with Who Thought It Best? - the segment where we don't care what you wear, we care what you think! Tina will be sharing interesting and topical finds from curating great stuff for our social media. Christina Sackeyfio is also back with the Inclusion Zone to help us understand shadeism, what it is and how it affects the advancement of women of colour. This is a show you don't want to miss!
Published 02/06/20
This week Tina de los Santos is back with Who Thought It Best? - the segment where we don't care what you wear, we care what you think! Tina will be sharing interesting and topical finds from curating great stuff for our social media. Christina Sackeyfio is also back with the Inclusion Zone to help us understand shadeism, what it is and how it affects the advancement of women of colour. This is a show you don't want to miss!
Published 02/06/20
Do you speak up or wait until you are asked? Do you want to find your voice and better understand how to communicate more effectively? Rebecca Knaggs from The Humphrey Group is here this week to help us better understand what it means to have a voice in the workplace and how to be heard. Gurpreet Kaur Mann, HR Superhero also joins us for her segment to talk about how to navigate the challenge of trying to get a leadership position when you haven’t had one before. Join us!
Published 01/30/20
Women often worry about being ‘good enough’ to be a leader and too often hold themselves back from stepping into the role either within organizations or their own businesses. In this episode of The Leadership Leap, we will chat with Anne Day and Amy Vodarek, authors of Good Enough: Embrace Who You Are. Unleash Your Brilliance, and discuss what it means to women to be ‘good enough’ and how it impacts our progress. We will talk about what women say about themselves and what we need to do to be...
Published 01/23/20
This week we will be talking about character in leadership. We don’t often talk about character in terms of what it takes to be a great leader but it is an essential part of what makes people WANT to follow us. Kathleen Redmond, the author of five books about leadership and character and who is the founder, coach and consultant at The Centre for Character Leadership, will join us to help us understand how to build and exhibit character in our leadership. Michelle Bevan is back again too...
Published 01/16/20
This week’s special episode is dedicated to helping you better understand what it takes to start a non-profit and be a leader in the non-profit sector. Guest Host Heather Nelson of Bridgeraise will chat with Michael Prosserman, the founder of Unity Charity, an organization that helps improve the lives of young people through Hip Hop. Michael is now a keynote speaker specializing in ‘helping leaders build the plane while flying it’ and is co-founder of EPIC Leadership (www.epicleadership.ca) ,...
Published 01/09/20
In this week’s show, Lianne will chat with Tina de los Santos, the Leadership Leap’s Communication Strategist, about thought leadership and current trends in leadership development. Christina Sackeyfio, our Inclusion Expert/Coach will share why inclusion must come first for diversity and equity to be successful within organizations. Join us!
Published 01/02/20
We often think of being brave as donning a cape or a uniform and committing daring acts in extreme situations. However, according to this week’s guest, bravery in leadership looks very different than the hero leader we are used to seeing. Kimberly Davis, the author of Brave Leadership puts forward that being brave as a leader means discovering and being our true selves in the role. In this week’s show we will talk about what that means for leadership overall and what, in particular it means...
Published 12/19/19
We often think of being brave as donning a cape or a uniform and committing daring acts in extreme situations. However, according to this week’s guest, bravery in leadership looks very different than the hero leader we are used to seeing. Kimberly Davis, the author of Brave Leadership puts forward that being brave as a leader means discovering and being our true selves in the role. In this week’s show we will talk about what that means for leadership overall and what, in particular it means...
Published 12/19/19