We all get so psyched up about the New year, but to be honest very few of us end up actually understanding what it means to cross over into a new season. In the first episode of the year 2024, we delve deeper into the perceptions as well the real reasoning of the year. Cheers ❤️
Published 01/05/24
It’s been a long and an interesting year at that! 52 weeks at a go and like we said in last week’s episode there is still so much more that we need to speak to the Holy Ghost on concerning the coming year. It’s an amazing thing to be able to be thankful for what has passed but as we round up for the year take time to see the year from the review mirror of God! Enjoy this last episode for 2023! Cheeerss❤️
Published 12/29/23
As Christmas is coming up and the year is just about rounding up, it is important that we move into a period of reflections for this transition into newness. In today’s episode on the podcast we do something different and interactive for this! Enjoy this and have a merry Christmas ❤️
Published 12/22/23
By their fruits you know them and by their works shall they be seen. Jesus exemplified this statement all the days that he worked upon this earth. He committed to discovering who God had called him to be and walked in that will. Now the question is, how do we see these things and are they important for us as believers. Enjoy the third part of the series with all answers for these questions. Cheers!
Published 12/15/23
We may have identified with Jesus as a savior but the question is what does he mean to see Jesus as a son of Man? What does that mean? Part two of our series is out and today we go into yet another episode speaking into the famed personality Jesus as a Son of Man! Enjoy this!
Published 12/08/23
The Man. The Myth. The Legend. However, The question is who is He? From Christian to Non - Christian, the name Jesus is one that is widely known, but how many people actually know his identity? On today’s episode of the podcast we go in to discover Jesus’s identity in retrospect. Enjoy!
Published 12/01/23
Being able to sit still is an art that not many people are able to master as kids, it’s very difficult. Unfortunately though many eventually grow up and steady their movements, you would find that many are unable quiet their minds and as such have very short attention spans; aka a lack of focus. This is however something that is super important for all men especially believers. Join us is today as we delve deeper into the art of Focus. Enjoy!
Published 11/24/23
Does the past determine the future, or should the past just stay behind you? As humans, we all have experiences that have shaped us and molded our perception but the question is, is this the determinant of where we are going? Join us on today’s episode as we delve deeper between the distance of the past to the future! Enjoy!
Published 11/17/23
Who do men say that I am?? This was an important question that Jesus asked his disciples and I believe this is a question that is still valid in this day and age… many people know Jesus but don’t really know who He is. In today’s episode on the podcast we talk about Jesus. The man behind it all. Who is he and what does he stand for? Join us as we go deeper into the face behind our faith. Cheers! 🥂
Published 11/10/23
What is love really? Is it the warm fuzzy feeling that engulfs you, the peace you feel with those you connect to or the attraction shared between people? It seems that Love is always spoken about but is rarely properly defined. As such, on today’s episode on the podcast, we go deeper to define Love in the Context of the Beginning. Enjoy!
Published 11/03/23
Are Hearing and Listening, two sides of the same coin? What does it truly mean to listen or to hear? One thing is for sure, as believers, it is so essential to us. In today’s episode on the podcast, we delve deeper into the matter of hearing from God, and all the things around us. We learn what it means to communicate as well. Join us in a riveting episode on the Shema. Enjoy ❤️
Published 10/28/23
We have come to learn that surrendering is not a nature that comes easily to man and it is now a more second nature to be able to relent but as believers we must get to the point letting go. We learn through experiences and examples. In this we get and adapt, grow and be better. In this episode, we outline the example of Christ and how we learn from Him. Enjoy and Cheers!
Published 10/20/23
How to come to that place of surrender? Relenting control is one of the hardest things that a man can do. Relenting control means having your matters directed by another other than your self but at the heart of Christianity we see a call to do just that. The question is, how is this possible? Join us in today’s episode on the podcast as we go into the art of surrender. Enjoy💕
Published 10/17/23
For the longest time man has sought to get ahead by strategizing and planning out their lives but for some reason, things may not go exactly as planned. The question is however, what is the plan of God for believers? Is this something that is subject to chance or time? Join us for the second segment in the Series, “The Picture Perfect Plan”! Enjoy!
Published 10/06/23
From the time that we are young and have enough intuition about our lives, we begin to map out our lives. We plan the best condition for ourselves and hope that it would work out for us. We call it the perfect plan of our lives but the question is….is this how it really works? Join in us in the first episode as we discover more about reality versus the plan. How does this relate to believers too? Cheers ✨
Published 09/29/23
There is a longing that comes to every man to not only live the brightest and best life but to also leave a legacy that does not die out after they do. Whether in wealth or even in influence, we all want to be remembered. Now in the last segment of the “That He may Increase Series” we got to see that sacrifice goes hand in hand with increase (just as Jesus showed us) and this is super essential to us as believers. Jesus’s life is the example to mimic but the question is, how do we continue in...
Published 09/22/23
There was always an original plan for man, that man may be the very image of God. It was God’s plan that Man would care for the earth and cause it grow unto the fullness through the power that God gave to him. However, over the course of years, man forgot his part in the plan of God for development. In today’s episode, we remind ourselves of the part we have to play in helping creation. Enjoy!
Published 09/15/23
To sacrifice: To give up something of essence towards a bigger picture. In a time everyone is focused on theirselves it is so rare to find people living for something bigger than themselves but this is the very foundation of what we stand for us Believers. In today’s episode on the podcast, we delve deeper into what in means or takes to be a part of something bigger than yourself. Enjoy!✨
Published 09/08/23
Man is not an island and hence to feel like you belong, whether to a group of people or even a way of life… it’s a feeling that’s like a breath of fresh air. Everyone has a culture then but the question is, what is that thing that visible sets you apart as a part of the whole? On today’s episode on the podcast, we speak about culture, fractions and a showcase. Enjoy this episode ❤️
Published 09/01/23
In a sequel to last week’s episode, we go into details of the perspective of God in creation but now we get to add man to the picture from both the beginning even to now. We also get to muse on our place to play in keeping all that has been created in its maximum place. Enjoy this!
Published 08/25/23
There is a way to view the world in these ever changing times, there is a perspective that we must adopt to get by and most times we tend to forget what this is... • • “Through all the changing scenes of life, in trouble and in joy, the praises of my God shall still my heart and tongue employ.” - Through all the Changing scenes of life: Hymn 427 • • In today’s episode, we take a different route and go into matters all around us whilst learning about the new perspective for life. Enjoy this ❤️
Published 08/18/23
Have you ever really wondered about Faith, or maybe hope too?? These concepts are one of the most mentioned topics in the Bible yet when we sit down and look at it, it is so clear there is very little we know about the correlation between the two. In today’s episode we get to the very heart of the relationship between hope and faith. Enjoy this episode!
Published 08/11/23
When God made everything, He said it was Good, He loved everything He made straightaway. Now from the moment God created man, there was a bond formed between man and all of God’s creation. However, after the fall man started to forget all about his role in managing God’s creation and as such creation become unruly. In this episode, we trace the flows and try repair the tears in this relationship between us and all that is around us. Enjoy✨
Published 08/05/23
What is the relationship between what is intangible and that which we can see? At which point do the things that are not clearly seen begin to have an impact on our lives? On the third episode in this Bible Study series we a going deeper to find out the tangible road map of the Word of God as well as the impact that it has on us. Enjoy and cheers ✨
Published 07/28/23
Every human comes to the point in their lives where they must learn in order to get better. We start from the basics even into the depth of things just to gain mastery or what ever we study. In the same way, it is very essential that as believers we learn to gain insight into the very word of God and one of the way to discover God in His word is through meditation. Join us in the continuation of the Bible Series as we learn the A, B, Cs of Meditation for the Believer. Cheers ✨
Published 07/21/23