What constitutes a healthy church? When coming out of movements such as the New Apostolic Reformation, it can be difficult to navigate what are healthy practices and teachings according to Scripture. Finding a local church to attend is a vital instruction for the Christian. Join me in a conversation with Dave Jenkins as we broach this subject of healthy and unhealthy churches, and we discuss what to look for in a solid Biblical church. Dave Jenkins' ministry sites: (16) Servantsofgrace...
Published 12/27/23
In 2020, Kris Vallotton published a book and a workbook on the subject of spiritual intelligence. Over the past few years, he has also ministered and taught publicly about this same topic. Kris Vallotton says that spiritual intelligence is the ability to think and to know the thoughts of God, and this is possible by building new neural pathways. Join me in this final installment of our evaluation of the teachings and practices associated with Kris Vallotton's claimed revelation on thinking...
Published 12/20/23
In 2020, Kris Vallotton published a book and a workbook on the subject of spiritual intelligence. Over the past few years, he has also ministered and taught publicly about this same topic. What is spiritual intelligence? Kris Vallotton says that spiritual intelligence is the ability to think and to know the thoughts of God. Join me for part 1 of this topic as we begin to look at the basic teaching of spiritual intelligence from the perspective of Kris Vallotton. Resources: Romans 12:2 "A...
Published 12/13/23
There is a growing desire in many to hear the voice of God and to have hidden knowledge revealed. Talk of spiritual intelligence is now finding a path into the modern prophetic movement, and one of those avenues is through a business called Aqua Regia where prophetic reports are provided on both a personal and a business level, and another affiliated entity called The Prophetic Lab where equipping for the church through e-courses is said to be provided. Join me in part 2 of examining the...
Published 12/06/23
There is a growing desire from many to hear the voice of God and to have hidden knowledge revealed. Talk of spiritual intelligence is now finding a path into the modern prophetic movement, and one of those avenues is through a business called Aqua Regia where prophetic reports are provided on both a personal and a business level, and another affiliated entity called The Prophetic Lab, where equipping for the church through e-courses is said to be provided. Join me in part 1 of examining the...
Published 11/29/23
There are leaders within areas of the Charismatic movement embracing certain teachings and doctrine that correlate with the New Apostolic Reformation. Recently, Alexander Pagani stated that NAR is heresy and a doctrine he rejects. However, there have been questions surrounding his practices and online teachings. Join me as we take a look at some of these things in relation to Alexander Pagani, and I make a sincere appeal to him and to his followers based on solid evidence contrary to his...
Published 11/22/23
Last month, The Domino Revival was released for a one night showing in theaters across the country. Statements and prophetic declarations were made before and after the debut that salvations, healings, and deliverances would take place and that as each domino falls, revival will spread. There was talk of mantles falling and ministries being birthed by watching this film. What is the difference between revivalism and revival? Can these claims and prophecies be verified? Is there a more...
Published 11/15/23
The fire of God, no pun intended, is a hot topic in some areas of the Charismatic movement. From singing about the fire of God, to walking through fire tunnels and hearing leaders declare fire over a gathering of people, there is a desire to metaphorically burn for God. There are those who have sincere intentions in their desire for zeal in the Lord. Is this understanding of God's fire Biblical? Join me as we consider this teaching and practice in light of Scripture. Helpful...
Published 11/08/23
A well-known professing prophet claim to receive a dream from God for this generation. A deliverance minister claims new techniques and strategies are needed to set people free. Yet, the claim to uphold Scripture is professed. What is the difference between sola Scriptura and prima Scriptura? Join me in a discussion on this topic and why sola Scriptura matters. Dave Jenkins' YouTube: Servantsofgrace - YouTube Servants of Grace is a multi-media ministry that exists to help people know the...
Published 11/01/23
There is a growing desire in acknowledging women as holding authoritative positions in the church. Among those who hold to modern-day apostles and prophets, there are women who espouse to be apostles, appealing to Junia in Romans 16 as affirmation of this belief. Was Junia a female apostle noted in Romans 16? Is there an issue with claiming to be an apostle today, let alone a female apostle? Join me as we take a look at a recent teaching from a professing female apostle while comparing it...
Published 10/25/23
The recent release of the Cessationist film, along with next year's Cessationist conference has gotten numerous people talking, and it has ruffled some feathers. There has long been both friendly and unfriendly debate between continuationists and cessationists concerning the gifts. However, the claim from some is that cessationism is a doctrine of demons and is even heretical. A prophet has also claimed to have a prophetic word concerning this film and conference. Join me as we take a look...
Published 10/18/23
How are we to acknowledge someone with an honorary doctorate? Are there concerns when doctorates are conferred from schools with questionable credentials and accreditation? With the rise of supernatural schools of ministry and diploma mills, there is concern that individuals are potentially being awarded degrees unethically, and such esteemed credentials provide perceived legitimacy and authority. Join me in an interesting discussion with Richard Moore on this subject. Richard Moore and...
Published 10/11/23
In a recent interview, the hosts of Remnant Radio discussed modern deliverance beliefs with Alexander Pagani. The Secrets of Deliverance, a book written by Pagani, was highlighted during this discussion. Join me in a conversation with Dave Jenkins as we provide some thoughts and commentary on this interview. Dave Jenkins' YouTube channel: (116) Servantsofgrace - YouTube Dave Jenkins is the Founder and Executive Director of Servants of Grace, the Host of Equipping You in Grace, the...
Published 10/04/23
Many people claim supernatural experiences, including visions and conversations with Jesus Christ. Though God truly does work supernaturally in the lives of people, there must be testing in accordance with Scripture regarding any claim such as these. Join me as we consider such a claim. Resources: What did Jesus mean when He told people, “Your faith has made you well”? | GotQuestions.org The Lovesick Scribe Podcast: From the New Age Frying Pan to the Deliverance Fire on Apple...
Published 09/27/23
The Word of God is a beautiful gift we have been given, and God is faithful to His Word. I hope those who listen to this episode find comfort and encouragement in the Lord from what is shared. There is hope! ** Please note that the episode today contains audio from a recent Facebook live. There is very low back ground noise. My info: Website: http://www.lovesickscribe.com Subscribe to my blog here: http://eepurl.com/dfZ-uH Instagram:...
Published 09/20/23
Romans 8:29 tells us that those whom God foreknew He predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren. There are differing beliefs as to what foreknew means. One such belief states that we preexisted with God prior to birth. But what does Scripture actually say on the matter? Join me as we take a look at a recent teaching from a professing prophet concerning preexistence. Resources: (43) The Foreknowledge of God: The...
Published 09/13/23
Some of us are familiar with the practice of anointing our homes and personal items with oil, believing that God will protect and even bless what is touched by the oil. There are even teachings instructing people how to make their own anointing oil and how to pray in their homes as they anoint the doorposts, the walls, furniture, and even family members while rebuking the devil and declaring blessing. Does Scripture instruct us in this matter? Join me as we take a look at a current teaching...
Published 09/06/23
It is a recurrent theme that when some leaders are questioned with regards to their teaching and their beliefs, accusations of a religious spirit or a legalist spirit gets tossed into the ring. Those who would dare test what is taught in accordance with Scripture, or those who would conceive of questioning the man or woman of God are seemingly labeled as being plagued with that pesky religious spirit. Join me as I discuss a recent public response focusing on this elusive spirit, and the...
Published 08/30/23
Would you purchase a prayer shawl for $133 that had been consecrated and anointed by a prophet? Would you pay thousands of dollars to be certified as a prophet or to grow your YouTube channel? In this digital age, there are various outlets claiming to provide ministry services, ranging from ecourses and consultations to physical products from anointed individuals. Join me as we consider various services offered by some professing ministers. My info: Website:...
Published 08/23/23
While deliverance ministry boasts in strength and power, there are apparent weaknesses with this practice in light of Scripture. Join me as I discuss this important topic with Dave Jenkins, the host of Equipping You in Grace, and we talk about the sufficiency of Christ and the Word of God that is deficient in deliverance ministry. Contact information for Equipping You in Grace/Dave Jenkins: Website: https://servantsofgrace.org/equipping... Apple Podcasts:...
Published 08/16/23
There are many people coming out of the New Age movement and coming to saving faith in Jesus Christ. Along with this exodus comes the concern of adopting aberrant practices found in the Charismatic and hyper charismatic movement. One such practice is modern Christian deliverance. Join me as I examine a recent discussion between two ex-New Agers who are proponents of modern Christian deliverance. Helpful Resources: Can a Christian Be Demon-Possessed? (blueletterbible.org) I...
Published 08/09/23
Drawing crowds to stadiums and venues is not a new thing in the New Apostolic Reformation. Neither is the call to unite Roman Catholics and Protestants under the banner of Jesus. Why is this a problem? Join me as I discuss a gathering taking place in Portugal this week called The Change, who is affiliated with this event, and why it is important to recognize the concerns surrounding ecumenism. Resources: (11) Answering Catholic Objections with Mike Gendron - YouTube (11) Confessions of...
Published 08/02/23
There is a teaching within the modern deliverance movement called self-deliverance. It is where professing Christians are instructed to cast demons out of themselves through renunciations, confessions, and other practices. These demons may be dwelling within the individual through various ways, including curses and ancestral sin. Join me as I discuss the teaching of self-deliverance in accordance with Scripture. Resources: How to Mortify Sin (ligonier.org) On the Mortification of...
Published 07/26/23
Join me as I have a candid conversation with a former member of Jenny Weaver's Core Group, and we discuss concerns surrounding this group now deemed a movement by its leader. Post NAR Resource page; www.lovesickscribe.com/resources Trish's IG account: Tricia Faith Santana (@crownedinfaith92) | Instagram My info: Website: http://www.lovesickscribe.com Subscribe to my blog here: http://eepurl.com/dfZ-uH Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lovesickscribe/ Facebook:...
Published 07/19/23
You can practice prophesying. A wrong prophecy does not make someone a false prophet. If these statements sound familiar, then you likely heard them in the prophetic movement or have heard self-professing prophets claim such things. Join me as we consider some of these claims and the concerns and questions surrounding them. Resources: (118) Beware False Prophets l Voddie Baucham - YouTube The Lovesick Scribe Podcast: I Have A Word for You in 2023 on Apple Podcasts The Lovesick...
Published 07/12/23