In today’s program we continue along with our new series exploring the impacts of the covid-19 scamdemic and take a look at life and the world beyond covid-19.  Is the age of viral bioweapons released onto an unsuspecting world by the CCP behind us? Sadly as we will learn today that is unlikely! Today we are very fortunate to once again host a very special guest. Joining us for this episode is Dr. Li-Meng Yan.  Dr. Yan is a medical doctor, Ph.D. virologist and independent coronavirus...
Published 04/08/22
In today’s episode we embark upon a new direction of inquiry, taking a deep dive into the politics, policies, persuasions, and the myriad of consequences of big oil’s competitive and ruthless quest for oil and regional dominance.  We will examine the history of oil, Europe’s  history in the middle east beginning prior to WW1, and the evolution and introduction of other world players leading up to WW2, and then right up to present day events.   Get situated, get comfortable and strap in for...
Published 04/07/22
In today’s program we continue along with our new series exploring the impacts of the covid-19 scamdemic and take a look at life and the world beyond covid-19.  In this episode we will look at what went right, what went wrong, what should be done now, and what needs to be addressed in the long term. Today we are honoured to be joined by Dr. Pierre Kory, MD.  Dr. Kory is the former Chief of the Critical Care Service and Medical Director of the Trauma and Life Support Center at the...
Published 04/05/22
Today’s program features the inaugural episode of a new investigative series exploring life and the world beyond covid.  In this series will will examine what life may be like as the world accelerates towards Agenda 2030, and what every aware and awake citizen of this planet can do to avoid becoming entrained in this trap.  We will look at both the physical and metaphysical reality of what we will all be facing, and how to navigate it successfully. Joining us for this important episode is...
Published 04/04/22
In today’s program we begin a new series on alternative healing modalities.  As it is has become very apparent that mainstream allopathic medicine has failed us miserably, people need to know that they have choices when it comes to their wellness and well being.  In this episode we will explore the interesting world of Scalar Energy and Scalar Light and how it can be applied to optimize your physical and spiritual wellbeing. Joining us today is Tom Paladino.  Tom is a dedicated Scalar...
Published 02/11/22
In today’s program we begin to conclude our coverage of the covid-19 scamdemic. In this episode we will examine the medical malfeasance and apparent corruption present in the Global and Federal health agencies, learn about life saving treatments, and how many lives were needlessly lost.   Joining us for this episode is Dr. Paul Marik, MD.  Dr. Marik has special knowledge and training in a diverse set of medical fields, with specific training in Internal Medicine, Critical Care,...
Published 02/10/22
In today’s episode we continue our investigative series into the actual science behind the Earth’s ever changing climate, continue to provide clear evidence to counter the bogus mainstream narrative, and examine the threat that renewable and unreliable energy sources pose to Western nations. Joining us today is Professor Ian Plimer, Australia’s best-known and most loved geologist.  [Professor Plimer is Emeritus Professor of Earth Sciences at the University of Melbourne, where he was...
Published 02/01/22
In today’s program I present you with another one of the final covid-19 focused episodes.  Today we will continue our examination of the scientifically baseless mass vaccination campaigns presently underway globally.  We will take a look at what is really in these injections, and what their real purpose may actually be. Joining us today is Dr. Carrie Madej, DO.  Dr. Madej is originally from Dearborn, Michigan and received her medical degree from Kansas City University of Medical...
Published 01/25/22
In today’s program I present you with another one of the final covid-19 focused episodes.  Today we continue our examination of the scientifically baseless mass vaccination campaigns presently underway globally.  We will take a look at what is happening at a physiological level to vaccinated individuals, as well as what is happening on a country wide population level.  Today we welcome one of the most accredited guests to date on the program. Joining use today is Dr. Jessica Rose, PhD....
Published 01/21/22
In today’s episode we examine a range of topics working to distill the truth behind some commonly held beliefs, we will examine the importance of the ancient’s pre-occupation and tremendous energy applied to tracking astronomic events, and why now more than ever humanity needs to unite and reject division and separation. It is with great pleasure that I introduce our guest for today’s episode, Mr. Randall Carlson.  Randall is a master builder and architectural designer by trade and for...
Published 01/20/22
In today’s program I present you with another one of the final covid-19 focused episodes.  In this episode we will examine the abject lack of journalistic integrity which is now pervasive in today’s mainstream media, and further look at the role that they serve as propaganda agents for tyrannical governments.  Today we again deviate from the typical guest we host on the program, and rather than speaking with a scientist, we will be speaking with recently fired career journalist.   Joining...
Published 01/19/22
In today’s program I present you with another one of the final covid-19 focused episodes.  In this episode we will examine the psychological manipulation underpinning the propaganda and mind control which has afflicted the Canadian population since March 2020.  Today we deviate from the typical guest we host on the program, and rather than speak with a scientist, we will be speaking with a career military serviceman.   Joining us for this episode is Warrant Officer Mr. James Topp....
Published 01/15/22
In today’s episode we continue our investigation into the actual science behind the Earth’s ever changing climate, continue to provide clear evidence to counter the bogus mainstream narrative, and examine whether renewable energy sources have a realistic potential to power our nations. Joining us today is Professor Fritz Vahrenholt. Prof Vahrenholt holds a PhD in chemistry and has been an Honorary Professor in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Hamburg since 2009.  Since 1969...
Published 01/14/22
In today’s program we present what will be one of the final covid focused episodes.  In this episode we will be examining the largely unreported and very disturbing rate of stillborns being delivered to mRNA vaccinated mothers.  We will take a look at what is happening at a physiological level to cause this issue, as well as exploring what is happening to those that speak out against the official narrative.  Today we are fortunate to host recently retired physician Dr. Mel Bruchet.  Dr....
Published 01/03/22
In today’s program we are departing from the usual format of the show.  Rather than me being your host and interviewer, I am going to be interviewed by our freedom fighting colleague Mr Vincent Gircys.  In this episode am going to provide listeners with my thoughts and insights regarding our present world situation, and opine as to how people may respond to ensure their ongoing freedom and quality of life. Please tune in for a dose of reality, hope, and inspiration. Project Exodus is...
Published 12/17/21
In today’s program we continue our series on the conservation of humanity, exploring the wuhan flu covid-19 pandemic and the scientifically baseless response from global health authorities regarding the dangerous mRNA covid vaccines with a particular focus today on our children. Joining us again for this program is Dr. Francis Christian, MD.  Dr. Christian has been a surgeon for more than 20 years and began working in Saskatoon in 2007. He is a practising surgeon in Saskatoon, and held the...
Published 12/14/21
In today’s program we continue with our series on the conservation of humanity, examining the wuhan flu narrative, who developed and continues to perpetuate and promote it, and identifying the utterly unscientific basis for 99% of the official measures.  Joining us again today for this episode is Nick Hudson, founder of PANDA - Pandemics Data and Analytics, based in South Africa.   In March 2020, concerned about the long-term effects COVID-19 may have on South Africa, Nick and his...
Published 12/11/21
Today’s episode revisits a former topic and provides some closure to the Allan Inquiry regarding foreign influence into down regulating Alberta’s energy industry.   We previously explored the Nemeth Report which was provided to the Allan inquiry as supporting evidence to this situation.   Joining us again today is Dr. Tammy Nemeth.  Dr. Nemeth earned her PhD in history from the University of British Columbia, and now works as an Independent Researcher and Historian based in the UK.  Dr...
Published 12/10/21
In today’s program we continue our series on the conservation of humanity, exploring the wuhan flu covid-19 plandemic and specifically the mRNA gene therapy injections.  We will take a deep dive on the most up to date science on the subject, and learn about the multitude of potential risks that these injections pose to the population at large.  Today we are very fortunate to host a brilliant research scientist, and one of the very first individuals to raise serious concerns about the novel...
Published 11/23/21
In this episode we return to the roots of the podcast and we examine the precipitous decline in Skeena Steelhead numbers, and seek to understand why this has happened, and what management initiatives must take place more or less immediately to conserve these precious populations.  We will also look at similar population trends up and down the North American Pacific coast to put this issue into perspective. We did experience some connectivity issues in this episode, please be...
Published 11/15/21
In today’s program we welcome back to our friend, fellow freedom fighter, and conspiracy analyst Vincent Gircys to continue investigating the current covid situation in Canada unfolding all around us.    This is a great episode with many great ideas presented, I hope you enjoy it. For those of you who have not heard the previous episodes which featured Vincent, I suggest you give Episodes 48, 52, 63, and 74 a listen.  Vincent is a 32 year veteran and now retired senior constable of the...
Published 11/11/21
In today’s program we continue our series on the conservation of humanity, dissecting the Covid 19 corona virus and the massive and unwarranted over-reaction perpetrated by governments around the world.  Joining us again today is a legend in the medical field, Dr. Lorraine Day, MD.   Dr. Day  graduated from UC San Francisco Medical School in 1969 and immediately entered orthopaedic surgery residency.  She became an internationally acclaimed orthopedic trauma surgeon who was for 15 years on...
Published 11/04/21
In this program we continue our series on the conservation of humanity, today focusing on the draconian, unlawful, and unethical mandatory covid-19 mRNA vaccine mandates affecting so many people. Joining us today is Philosophy Professor Dr Julie Ponesse, PhD, formerly of Huron college at the University of Western Ontario. Her areas of specialisation are health care ethics, ethical theory including Moral Psychology and Ancient Philosophy.  Dr. Ponesse has published in Bioethics, worked in...
Published 10/19/21
In this program we continue our series on the conservation of humanity, today once again focusing on the covid-19 mRNA gene therapy injections, specifically investigating their contents, their drug approval processes, and ultimately what these shots really are..  Joining us today is Karen Kingston.  Karen has over 20 years of pharmaceutical industry experience across sales, marketing, strategic consulting, digital media, and senior management. In 2007, Karen Kingston founded her own...
Published 10/15/21
In this episode, the once mild mannered Dr. Alexander exposes his true nature as a fierce lion and speaks his truth about what is happening with the global response to the wuhan flu.  DO NOT MISS THIS! In today’s program we continue our series on the conservation of humanity, examining the wuhan flu covid-19 scamdemic, and the tyrannical and nonsensical reaction by governments across the planet.  Specifically we will be presenting a  potential recovery plan, a pathway forward, to move...
Published 10/14/21