We’ve swap casted before but this time shes on our show. Another Barn burner of a show. Pre Edits we went 4 hours. I only edited out the small breaks we needed to take as well, no words were cut from the show haha. This one was a lot of fun! Make sure to check […]
Published 12/16/23
I love these breakdowns of conspiracies. This world is an amazing place once you allow it to be. We can’t focus on all the negative all the time. That’s the shit that will age you. Have a blast instead. www.requesttoguest.com www.tmmapowercall.com www.coachingwithtmma.com www.thementalmasteryalliance.com www.instagram.com/thementalmasteryalliance Call or Text the show: 647.338.1265 Have your voice heard
Published 11/21/23
Really went into a few topics here and a few shout outs. I love this reality the more you get to look at it the more absurd it truly is and the less power it eventually has over you. Lifes a Trip, get out there and have a ball. www.requesttoguest.com www.tmmapowercall.com www.coachingwithtmma.com www.thementalmasteryalliance.com www.instagram.com/thementalmasteryalliance Call […]
Published 11/14/23
We took a little time off to recollect our thoughts and redirect our attention. There is so much happening right now in the world that we as humans are on a sensory overload. This will inevitably change our perspective on operating individually while in the collective. It is one of the fundamentals of becoming “a […]
Published 11/07/23
Everything changes the minute you look directly at the situation in which you find the ability to look. This episode was inside my head for a long time. I never know if I do my thoughts justice but I will always certainly try. Thank you all for being here along for the ride. www.thementalmasteryalliance.com Leave […]
Published 09/30/23
We’ve been having alot of fun with this conspiracy list. These 8 shows are just for fun and an intro into a lot of what has been going on. To those of you looking to shit on these ideas please do so in a constructive manner. You can call in and leave a vm at […]
Published 09/28/23
Ive decided to embark on an eight-episode journey through a list of 40 “conspiracies” and my take on all of them. I think this is going to be a fun few episodes. Hope you enjoy 🙂 www.requesttoguest.com www.tmmapowercall.com www.coachingwithtmma.com www.thementalmasteryalliance.com www.instagram.com/thementalmasteryalliance Call or Text the show: 647.338.1265 Have your voice heard
Published 09/07/23
I was a guest over on Elisa Unfiltered! This was a fantastic experience and we will cross-brand absolutely in the future! I know you’ll love this show as I loved recording it! Lots of energy going back and forth on this one 🙂 www.requesttoguest.com www.tmmapowercall.com www.coachingwithtmma.com www.thementalmasteryalliance.com www.instagram.com/thementalmasteryalliance Call or Text the show: 647.338.1265 Have […]
Published 08/24/23
This is a fantastic trend of people everywhere understanding their bodies just a bit more and removing things like piercings, tattoos and breast implants. These foreign objects we were all subjected to and convinced were a great idea may have been another test in the lab maze we all seem to be in currently. I […]
Published 08/15/23
I really wanted to dive into this meme. I felt it on a personal level. I also believe that we often aren’t allowed to accept or even think things that weren’t programmed into us. Getting past our pre-programming is a fantastic experience www.requesttoguest.com www.tmmapowercall.com www.coachingwithtmma.com www.thementalmasteryalliance.com www.instagram.com/thementalmasteryalliance Call or Text the show: 647.338.1265 Have your […]
Published 08/04/23
Amazing to connect with so many like minded people on this journey. Today we were able to speak with Curtis and Kristy about how they feel it all works out. I liked this show. Simple and to the point. You can find more from Curtis here. Vitasana.vip Our Links: www.requesttoguest.com www.tmmapowercall.com www.coachingwithtmma.com www.thementalmasteryalliance.com www.instagram.com/thementalmasteryalliance Call […]
Published 07/28/23
I love talking about where we might be and the possibilities it all encompasses. Our Friend Jennifer over at JK_Ultra crafted out the perfect tik tok and I wanted to share it with you all while adding my piece to it. We will get her back on the show in the coming weeks for sure. […]
Published 07/23/23
The Sound of Freedom movie had a lot of people buzzing. I had to share my take on this particular piece. There was a lot to unpack in it, WAY more than just what was on the screen. For example, The color purple produced by oprah winfrey was the first coming attraction trailer right out […]
Published 07/19/23
I wanted to talk on this a little bit. Reality isnt what we think it is. Reality is what we create it to be. This is a beautiful mental transition once you make it. Being aware that you are the creator and observer of your own reality changes how you play the game. www.thementalmasteryalliance.com www.coachingwithtmma.com […]
Published 07/07/23
In chatting with an Instagram friend, it was brought to my attention that I have probably never truly dropped my story as to how I became the version of me you see here today. So this is kinda that. Sorta … www.requesttoguest.com www.tmmapowercall.com www.coachingwithtmma.com www.thementalmasteryalliance.com www.instagram.com/thementalmasteryalliance Call or Text the show: 647.338.1265 Have your voice […]
Published 06/21/23
This one needed to be talked about. www.requesttoguest.com www.tmmapowercall.com www.coachingwithtmma.com www.thementalmasteryalliance.com www.instagram.com/thementalmasteryalliance Call or Text the show: 647.338.1265 Have your voice heard
Published 06/16/23
We lost a great entertainer on this day! Thank you Sheik for everything you gave us! I had to touch on the forest fires as well. Seems fishy. www.requesttoguest.com www.tmmapowercall.com www.coachingwithtmma.com www.thementalmasteryalliance.com www.instagram.com/thementalmasteryalliance Call or Text the show: 647.338.1265 Have your voice heard
Published 06/07/23
Ill tell you, who you think you are is who they made you think you are. You are not that person. You are so much more! www.requesttoguest.com www.tmmapowercall.com www.coachingwithtmma.com www.thementalmasteryalliance.com www.instagram.com/thementalmasteryalliance Call or Text the show: 647.338.1265 Have your voice heard
Published 06/05/23
What is “society” when we really get into it!? Yeah it is not what we think it is that’s for sure. www.requesttoguest.com www.tmmapowercall.com www.coachingwithtmma.com www.thementalmasteryalliance.com www.instagram.com/thementalmasteryalliance Call or Text the show: 647.338.1265 Have your voice heard
Published 05/28/23
Connected with Kristy Morrison on a myriad of topics. A very enjoyable conversation about breaking out of the norm and into a reality where its okay to love yourself and not live in fear, depression and anxiety. To see more of Kristy take a look at her work here: https://www.kristymorrison.com/ www.requesttoguest.com www.coachingwithtmma.com www.thementalmasteryalliance.com www.instagram.com/thementalmasteryalliance Call […]
Published 05/11/23
This podcast has needed to happen for quite some time! Dan has a million ideas that are all coming out as they need to in his reality. If you liked what you heard here you can find more of Dan Through this link. And as usual, you can find more of us here: www.requesttoguest.com www.coachingwithtmma.com […]
Published 04/30/23
It really becomes quite a test of the mind to be able to decipher all that may come your way when you begin to see things beyond what we’ve been shown. www.requesttoguest.com www.coachingwithtmma.com www.thementalmasteryalliance.com www.instagram.com/thementalmasteryalliance Call or Text: 647.338.1265 (Be Heard) I also mentioned our friend Cherie from episode 162 in here, you can find […]
Published 04/21/23
I like this depiction of the burnout better than the one where the person is losing their mind ; ) Instead we lose our rubber. www.requesttoguest.com www.coachingwithtmma.com www.thementalmasteryalliance.com www.instagram.com/thementalmasteryalliance Call or Text: 647.338.1265 (Be Heard)
Published 04/07/23