👉🏾 Join the Morning Meetup - http://www.themorningmeetup.com⁣ *** Grab the Podcast EBOOK👇🏾 ** http://www.podcastebook.com GO SUBSCRIBE to The Brain Picker Podcast on All Streaming Platforms!! Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/social-proof-podcast/id1374373035 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6GT6VgjBy0zviALR8xkRe1?si=82LcP8siQXGVHb2ibg5axA&nd=1 Donni on IG : https://www.instagram.com/donniwiggins_/ David on IG :...
Published 04/16/23
👉🏾 Join the Morning Meetup - http://www.themorningmeetup.com⁣ *** Grab the Podcast EBOOK👇🏾 ** http://www.podcastebook.com GO SUBSCRIBE to The Brain Picker Podcast on All Streaming Platforms!! Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/social-proof-podcast/id1374373035 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6GT6VgjBy0zviALR8xkRe1?si=82LcP8siQXGVHb2ibg5axA&nd=1 Donni on IG : https://www.instagram.com/donniwiggins_/ David on IG :...
Published 03/26/23
👉🏾 Join the Morning Meetup - http://www.themorningmeetup.com⁣ *** Grab the Podcast EBOOK👇🏾 ** http://www.podcastebook.com GO SUBSCRIBE to The Brain Picker Podcast on All Streaming Platforms!! Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/social-proof-podcast/id1374373035 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6GT6VgjBy0zviALR8xkRe1?si=82LcP8siQXGVHb2ibg5axA&nd=1 Donni on IG : https://www.instagram.com/donniwiggins_/ David on IG :...
Published 03/12/23
👉🏾 Join the Morning Meetup - http://www.themorningmeetup.com⁣ Connect with Donald Bradley: https://www.instagram.com/donald.bradley/ https://www.plannetmarketing.com/en-us/ In episode #343, Donald Bradley shares snapshots of his journey as a leader in the network marketing industry. He is a great example of someone that demonstrates leadership on a high level. Donald Bradley is Chief Executive Officer at Plannet Marketing. He has over two decades of “in the trenches” experience in...
Published 03/12/23
👉🏾 Join the Morning Meetup - http://www.themorningmeetup.com⁣ Can everyone be an entrepreneur...? I think that everyone can.. But, will everyone actually be one? I think that's a "no". lol.. Everyone will not go through the process of becoming an entrepreneur and actually thrive in that space. Entrepreneurship is defined as one who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise. Are you someone who can organize? Are you someone who can manage a project? How do you...
Published 03/05/23
👉🏾 Join the Morning Meetup - http://www.themorningmeetup.com⁣ Wha't you net worth? There are many factors that go into what your net worth is. Have you ever thought about the fact that the homeless person that is not in debt may have a higher net worth than you if you are in debt? Other things place a role such as income, assets, investments etc. This simple question can help you to start thinking about where your net worth stands. You can make the adjustments as you become more educated...
Published 02/26/23
👉🏾 Join the Morning Meetup - http://www.themorningmeetup.com⁣ Investing wisely is sure to has a positive return on the opposite end. When I think of this concept I also think of things that relate in a physical way. I you bounce a ball from 5 inches off the ground you would get about a 5 inch bounce initially. But if you drop the bouncing ball from a higher place it will bounce higher. Now, let's ad a little force behind that bounce... It can now bounce past the distance it left in...
Published 02/19/23
#entrepreneur #smallbusiness #podcast #howto Is your perspective about something true? Or is it your opinion? Chances are that it may be unique to your situation or maybe even a group of people. However, it is likely that there's another person or group of people that will have a different perspective that really works for them. I everyone is looking at one thing from different vantage points they will definitely reflect a different story based on the angle that they perceive the...
Published 02/12/23
#entrepreneur #smallbusiness #podcast #howto There are times that some of us will take common knowledge and adopt it as the truth without doing a little more research to find out what the truth really is. In addition, different people will have a different opinions about the same thing often times. It's also funny how someone can have the same viewpoint and knowledge as you but they will used differing choice of words. This can also throw things off a little and it proves why we can't always...
Published 02/05/23
#entrepreneur #smallbusiness #podcast #howto The audience that we cater to is a melting pot of personalities. Studies show that there are consistently 4 personality types that every person falls under. Based on the DISC assessment. D - Decisive I - Interactive S - Stabilizing C - Cautious Each person on this earth has varying percentages of each personality type. With this info we can also know how to speak to each personality type and it helps us to communicate more effectively because...
Published 01/29/23
#entrepreneur #smallbusiness #podcast #howto One thing that remains true is that opportunities do come each day. Every opportunity that comes isn't an opportunity for you. An opportunity for someone else could be a distraction for you. The same is true inversely. When a good opportunity for you comes it doesn't mean that it's good for someone else. Every individual has to assess where they are in order to know whether something is a good fit for them or not. Let's say that you have been...
Published 01/22/23
#entrepreneur #smallbusiness #podcast #howto Many of the opportunities that we come across is a result of someone else creating it. Even if we think about something as simple as needing your yard to be mowed, if you find someone that is willing to mow it for a fee you just created an opportunity. I know that not all that simple. However, put it like this... the more you progress throughout your entrepreneurial journey you will grow. there will come a time when you won't be able to do...
Published 01/15/23
#entrepreneur #smallbusiness #podcast #howto #entrepreneur #smallbusiness #podcast #howto Everyone has something within themselves that makes them great. Every person doesn't identify with the thing that will allow for the greatness to actually shine through. Creating content is a way for your target audience to experience your greatness. How greatness shoes up in you is different than how it shows up in someone else. However, it will be viewed as great. You have to see this thing in you...
Published 01/08/23
#entrepreneur #smallbusiness #howto #podcast What good is an idea if it's not experienced by others. Some of us do a great deal of talking about an idea and not enough of figuring out how to make the idea a reality. It is possible that the idea is meant to help make some thing operate a little more efficiently.. Or maybe it's a new idea altogether. Either way, ideas that are good and great ideas are worth figuring out ways to make it real so that it can be helpful to other people. 👉🏾 Join...
Published 01/01/23
#entrepreneur #smallbusiness #podcast #howto Becoming a millionaire isn't entirely about the money. It also involves becoming a certain kind of person. You must think a certain way over a period of time while making decisions that take you in a desired direction. This doesn't typically happen by accident. On the contrary, it's intentional. So, if someone asks "When will you become a millionaire?" they are also asking "When will you think like a millionaire" and "When will you begin making...
Published 12/25/22
#entrepreneur #podcast #smallbusiness #howto Sometimes you have to evaluate what's hindering you from reaching your full potential. The hinderances may lye in the things that are overlooked as well as things that you may not qualify as a hinderance. Would you be willing to let go of something that you love to do in order to reach your full potential? 👉🏾 Join the Morning Meetup http://www.themorningmeetup.com⁣ Do you want more Social Proof? If you do, check out the Social Proof Blog!...
Published 12/18/22
#entrepreneur #smallbusiness #podcast #howto There is a range of ways that content is created. Some people are intimidated by the more advanced ways someone expresses themselves through their content. But content is content. Visual, spoken or written. These days, the more popular way to store content is through digital means. So, this means that there's a variety of ways that content can be observed. At its core, content is simply making known what it is that you do - to someone else. You're...
Published 12/11/22
#entrepreneur #smallbusiness #podcast #howto It is possible to focus so hard on something that the opportunity to step away from it I missed. Every bird has a change to see how things look while they are high up in the sky. Before driving closely to a building it is first far away from us and it looked different far away. Well, even though being close helps us to see the details there are also things that are missed when we don't step away to get a different perspective. Then, corrections...
Published 12/04/22
#entrepreneur #smallbusiness #podcast #howto It's important to identify what you want in the process of becoming and being an entrepreneur. Always be intentional about your direction and destination. Always have an aim. When you identify what you want you can surely be headed in that direction. You were designed to grow and expand. This is why most of us we experience discomfort when we haven't felt a sense of growth in a while. 👉🏾 Join the Morning...
Published 11/27/22
#entrepreneur #smallbusiness #podcast #howto You can't be a person that runs a good business without being the good person. Everything stems from the qualities of the person that's managing the thing. The business will only go so far. The person has to continually work on becoming better. Become a better leader, manager, owner, etc. It means more than just having the business. When we miss important foundational principles such as this the thing will soon be lost. Every well built house is...
Published 11/20/22
#entrepreneur #smallbusiness #podcast #howto We all should have goals. Very specific goals. When we set specific goals we begin to trust what we have the capacity to do. You may also learn that you may have set an unrealistic target. Only you would know this. Try to make the goals frequent. Here's how it looks. - Set a weekly goal - Set a daily goal that leads up to the weekly goal. - Track what allows you to meet the daily goal After a week or two, now you have a measurable activity that...
Published 11/13/22
#entrepreneur #smallbusiness #podcast #howto Money is not going to make you happy, but money can allow you to do some things that will contribute to your happiness. Real happiness comes from within, but the external perspective can only be a contributor. Issues of a person's life can be created by philosophies that are believed in, how that person operates, and who that person is. If there is something that you desire and you don't have it there's a way to get it. If you believe that there...
Published 11/06/22
#entrepreneur #smallbusiness #podcast #howto Here are some very practical steps to becoming a six figure content creator. It's critical to know what your product or service is that you are providing and know who it's for. It really does start there. Also, you must know what you are talking about. It is suggested that you should have at least 10 topics about your product or service. Start with the first topic and expand on that one topic. When you expand on the one topic you have primed your...
Published 10/30/22
#entrepreneur #smallbusiness #podcast #howto Some have commitment issues when it comes to creating content. For most, social media is a toy but for us, it’s a tool to build our brands and businesses. Growth on social media should not always be the goal, but once you know your direction you’ll know what to post. There’s always going to be a reason to quit. However, there are also reasons to not quit. What are 4 reasons people do not commit to creating content - You haven’t committed - you...
Published 10/23/22
#entrepreneur #smallbusiness #podcast #howto 4 Reasons why you’re not creating content Do you have commitment issues when it comes to creating content? For most, social media is a toy but for us, it’s a tool to build our brands and businesses. Growth on social media should not always be the goal. Once you know your direction you’ll know what to post. There’s always going to be a reason to quit. But, there are also reasons to NOT quit. What are 4 reasons people do not create content - You...
Published 10/16/22