In this episode, I break down a very common concern among parents….mouth stuffing! I’m willing to bet that at one point or another you’ve seen your baby or toddler with cute little “chipmunk cheeks”. But, that moment of “Aww they’re so adorable!” is quickly replaced with panic when you think about how much food they’ve stuffed into their mouth, and how unsafe that must be for them! That’s why I wanted to take some time and really break this problem down so we can understand why this happens,...
Published 09/16/21
In this episode of the My Little Eater Podcast, I teach you how to spoon feed purees to your 6 month old baby - the baby led feeding way! This may seem intuitive to you, and not like something you need to be taught at all...BUT there are some tricks to doing this in a responsive way that respects your baby’s internal hunger cues, and allows for proper oral motor skill development. You see, many of us spoon feed purees the same way that we’ve seen on television, or how other parents around...
Published 09/09/21
In the Season 3 finale, I’m sharing another clip from my most recent coaching call in my exclusive membership program, the Little Eaters Club. I had the pleasure of speaking with Megan about her 1 year old son, and let me tell you, her question is a common one! Many parents message me concerned about their child’s portion sizes - I hear worries from both ends of the spectrum...either they’re eating seemingly so little, or so much the meal feels never-ending. In Megan’s case, her son is...
Published 08/10/21
In this episode, I talk to Emily from the Little Eaters Club about how to bump up the number of foods that her son Elliot eats. He’s always been a little bit of a picky eater, but recently it’s gotten worse and he’s now only eating about 4 foods! Don’t worry though, even though he’s only eating a few bites at each meal, his growth has been normal and he weighs about the same as his twin brother. Listen in while I go through a mini assessment of what foods Elliot likes, and his eating...
Published 08/05/21
In this quick tip episode from my “How to serve…” series, I’m teaching you all about lentils! These are an amazing option for babies and toddlers - they’re versatile, so can be added to many, many recipes, they’re nutritious, and they’re an easy texture for babies just beginning solids. I know they may not be something that many people think of adding to their regular meal rotation, but I’m here to convince you to give them a try! So I’ll be giving you everything you need to know about...
Published 08/03/21
In this episode, I’m talking about what to do when your toddler won’t feed themselves. Sometimes your toddler hasn’t been given a chance to feed themselves because maybe you thought they weren’t taking in enough nutrients on their own, or they were sick and you needed to give them some extra help until they recovered. The fact is, now they’ve come to expect you to feed them, and they aren’t interested in doing it themselves. So regardless of why it happened in the first place, we need to...
Published 07/29/21
In this quick tip episode, I’m doing another installment in the “How to serve…” series - and this one comes as a request from a listener...honey! Let’s start by clarifying that honey - in ALL forms - is unsafe for your baby under 1 year of age. I go into why in the episode, so if this is news to you, please make sure you listen to that info because it can actually be very dangerous for babies. Now, once your baby gets past that 1 year mark...how do you introduce honey to them? Can they just...
Published 07/27/21
In this episode, I run through some examples of what you can say to your toddler to create a no pressure environment that gets them to eat. I give you some tips that will make meal time conversations a breeze, and help encourage your toddler to try new foods. Now, they may not try a new food the very first time it’s offered to them, but with exposure and the phrases I’m sharing with you today, your child will learn a growth mindset and be more open to trying new foods in the future. Following...
Published 07/22/21
In this quick tip episode, I’m giving you my best advice on curing that sense of overwhelm that comes with information overload in the parenting world! I think you know what I mean...you’re scrolling social media and there’s one tip on something, you go a little further and there’s another...but it’s the exact opposite of the first one. What do you do? Who do you trust? What’s the right answer?! I’ve been there, I’m navigating the pre-teen world right now, and it’s so new, and it’s so...
Published 07/20/21
In this episode, I’m so, so excited to talk with Dr. Becky Kennedy, a very popular clinical psychologist that you probably know from Instagram. Her content really resonates with me, and I just love how confident it makes me feel as a parent, so I wanted you to have the chance to experience it too! The topic we dive into today is, you guessed it, confidence. Here at My Little Eater™, we aim to be there for you to help you feel confident on your feeding journey with your baby, and hopefully...
Published 07/15/21
In this episode, I’m continuing on with my “How to serve…” series of episodes, and today I’m talking all about peanuts! This is a food that many parents feel a lot of hesitation about, due to the fact that it’s the top allergen for children in North America. This fact can cause a lot of anxiety for parents, which may result in them delaying the introduction of peanuts, but the newest research tells us we need to introduce them early and often to decrease the chance of an allergy developing....
Published 07/13/21
In this episode, I’m sharing with you all the research I’ve done on babies and toddlers digesting starch. This is another topic that I’ve been asked about several times by worried parents who are just trying to decide what food is best to serve as a first food for their baby. I’m glad that I can clear up any confusion about grains rotting in a baby's gut - which is the main point of what I’ve been hearing, and is not exactly true! So it’s time for some myth-busting! Starting with,...
Published 07/08/21
Today’s quick tip is all about choosing the right plate for your baby or toddler! Parents ask me all the time about what products I recommend for starting solids, and then also for picky eaters - and one of their main concerns is choosing the “right” plate. So today I’m going to share some of my favourites, and my best tips for picking plates for your kiddos. First, I share all the traits I personally look for when shopping. I’m sure you’ve noticed that the baby section of every store is...
Published 07/06/21
In this episode, I had the chance to sit down with Heidi Miller, a speech language pathologist who specializes in extreme picky eating. She is also the author of the HMS Feeding Protocol which she uses to treat picky eating and avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID). She gives us her perspective on using food chaining to ease picky eating with children. She also gives an example of food chaining and shows us how you can get your child to go from eating chicken nuggets, to chicken...
Published 07/01/21
In today’s episode, I’m sharing the first of a new series I’m going to be doing on how to serve various types of food! This is something that I do, in much more detail, inside my Baby Led Feeding online course, and I know it’s a highly requested topic, so I wanted to begin sharing more about how to safely serve various foods, and where they fit in my signature Texture Timeline™, as well. Today, I’m starting with a wonderful summer fruit, something that’s in season where I live right now, and...
Published 06/29/21
In this episode, I’m answering a question a lot of you have asked... “Do toddlers need bedtime snacks?”. I’m sure this has happened to you, your toddler comes to you just before bed and says: “I’m hungry!”. So, do you give your little one something to eat, or are they just stalling? Today, I’ll clear up any confusion around this topic. There are a few things to consider when choosing if a bedtime snack is needed, such as when the last time they ate was, and what time they’re going to bed....
Published 06/24/21
In today’s quick tip episode, I’m addressing a really common question that I get about whether or not it’s ok to use a kid’s table for toddlers. Montessori style tables where kids can sit at them independently without the need for a booster seat, or high chair, are very popular. And I can definitely see the appeal! So today I’ll break down what I like about them, as well as provide you with the top 4 reasons that I actually don’t recommend them. Despite the positives that I see from them,...
Published 06/22/21
This special Father’s Day episode is one that you’re gonna love! I’m honoring the Father’s role in feeding - whatever that may look like - by getting all the details and tips from my own husband, Jimmy Kennedy! Now, usually there’s one parent that’s more invested in the feeding role than the other. However, there is no hard and fast rule around this. Often I see Moms are much more involved in feeding their kids, especially if they’re the ones around them more. It all starts with the first...
Published 06/17/21
In this quick tip episode, I’m busting one of the most common myths I hear about baby food - “Babies can only have bland food!”. Not true! As you may or may not know, I am a huge proponent of offering your baby a variety of foods right from day 1 of starting solids. And to me this means also including a variety of herbs and spices. So today I’m going to share with you 4 reasons why it’s OK to offer your baby spices, right from their very first solid meal. And I’ll also explain about this...
Published 06/15/21
In this episode, I reveal one of my favourite ways of cooking food in the summer...it’s barbequing! I’m answering a question that has come up a few times in my DMs: “How do I keep BBQ food healthy and safe for my baby or toddler, or even for myself, from a cancer perspective?” I’ve investigated the best methods to make serving barbeque food to your baby more safe, and I’ll give you all the tips in this episode. I’ll also share with you some fun food ideas that are appropriate for both babies...
Published 06/10/21
In this quick tip episode, I’m letting you in on my top 5 ideas for encouraging your toddler to explore meat! Now, does this mean they’ll definitely eat it? No! But, exploring food, touching food, playing with food... these are all great first steps towards actually eating the food. When it comes to picky eating, the strategies are not immediate, there is no one magical, quick fix. But, there are really effective strategies that you can use, at home, to help them make progress, and baby...
Published 06/08/21
In this episode, I have the absolute pleasure of talking with Amy Morris, our Project Director & Community Manager here at My Little Eater™. We discuss her life as a military wife, and her time solo-parenting while her husband is deployed. She has some great tips to share with you for when you’re holding down the fort at home, alone. We all know parenting isn’t easy, but there can be added challenges as a solo-parent…whether you’re a single parent, or your partner travels for work, or...
Published 06/03/21
In this special bonus quick tip episode, I want you to place yourself in your toddler’s shoes at mealtime. I’ll provide you with a scenario that I want you to imagine, really get into the character, and realize how you’d feel in that position... Your friend brings you to a restaurant that they’re really raving about - they love it, it’s going to be good, there’s a lot of build up to this special night out. So already you’re feeling the pressure. The chef makes a special meal just for you,...
Published 06/01/21
In this episode, I’m giving you all the information you need in order to decide if you should buy organic food for your family. Maybe you’ve noticed that a lot of baby food packages tout the organic label in the baby food aisle, but is organic really better? We’ll chat about the differences between organic and non-organic foods, and get into the pros and cons. I’ll also share some tips to find balance between organic and non-organic, like buying fresh organic fruits and veggies when they’re...
Published 05/27/21
In this episode, I have the pleasure of speaking with two moms of twins, and I also share some insights from a third mom who wrote to us with her experience. We talk all about feeding twins, from starting solids to what it’s like now as toddlers, and everything in between! Twins seem like a whole new ball game to me, and I honestly don’t know how these moms do it - someone get these moms some super hero capes! We go over all the things that parents of singletons typically ask too - so even...
Published 05/20/21