We start by mentioning next year’s BLISS Week (a week-long Pause Your Life retreat), as well as the Mid-Week Pause emails you can sign up for here. Also, I’m currently listening to an audio book called Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman. A stuffed animal vs a real animal… I saw a little girl in […]
Published 06/03/16
Thinking of a “nest” as a place that’s comfortable, known and safe, there are many “nests” that you have to leave, a few of which are long relationships, your comfort zone, habits, your formal education, a long association with an organization, when your spiritual guide attains Mahasamadhi and leaves his body… Chris related his unfolding Magpie […]
Published 05/27/16
First we announced your Mid-Week Pause, weekly content (deep and energizing excerpts) delivered to your email to help you stay grounded/powerful and NOT get swept away in the madness of your work week. It starts next week so jump on board now 😉 …courtesy of Pause Your Life. Eldorado Canyon State Park in Colorado is awesome…..and someone […]
Published 05/20/16
First, a quirky analogy… The world is like a parking lot with faded parking space lines – you try your best to park correctly but sometimes the only available spot is between two other cars who both parked really crooked. If both those cars leave while you’re in the store, when you return to your […]
Published 05/13/16
We start by going over the lists of the 10 worthless and sorrow-producing elements of your lower self (NOTE: for spiritual growth you need to remove these), and the 10 divine qualities of your authentic/higher Self. These are from the section called The Overcoming of Self in the book Above Life’s Turmoil by James Allen. […]
Published 05/06/16
The external world and other people can really test your patience After you get past your initial reaction to a situation (which may take weeks), go back to the fundamentals – the spiritual treasure within yourself. Here is what Chris read from Above Life’s Turmoil by James Allen: Foreword We cannot alter external things, nor […]
Published 04/22/16
First a quick reading from 365 Tao titled ‘Readiness.’ Then… Wolf pups, Tiger cubs and a zillion other animal babies — they all wrestle and play with each other. Why? To strengthen themselves and to learn skills and knowledge. They don’t hate each other when they play fight. What are we doing here if we’re not […]
Published 04/15/16
Listen to the full episode for all the details. Seeing that Red-tailed Hawk – and him seeing me! Could he see my eyes through the binoculars??? Because his vision is so good… It snowed again last week so I had to shovel the driveway. When the snow stuck to my shovel it was heavy. So, […]
Published 04/01/16
Humbling and true thought: “I am among enlightened beings.” Just imagine… and feel the change in you. An acting technique from Stella Adler – imagine your surroundings in super-fine detail. Hypotenuses, B-lines, wormholes, spiritual shortcuts. Are there really shortcuts? Well… Raja Yoga is the most direct route to the goal, says Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras.  Being vulnerable, not building a […]
Published 03/25/16
Listen to the full episode for all the details. My failed webinar……A lesson in Priorities and Patience. Umbilical: Some things are important, some things are critical, and some things are umbilical – and maybe only one thing: the source of life itself. Amplification: Amplify the lightness in your heart. How? We read a great little story: […]
Published 03/18/16
Listen for all the details. Being busy… One fascinating idea is Parkinson’s Law: Work expands to fill the time allotted to it. Catching up with an old friend after many years – after my life has changed so much due to meditation. At one point I said to him, “You know, I’m a completely different person from […]
Published 03/04/16
“This world is a bridge. Pass over it, but do not build your dwelling there.” ~Jesus Don’t get sucked in by the material world and ignore your brighter self. Don’t be like the north side of a tree – all gunky and funky, cold……moldy, slimy , in the dark… Face the light. Let the light heat up your […]
Published 02/26/16
I wish I could write more show notes but its’ really late and I’m keeping my wife awake with my clickity-clacking on the keyboard… Here are the topics discussed in this episode: Sitting still Marc Maron talking about his experience interviewing Obama on his WTF podcast Unfolding takes a long time How to deal with […]
Published 02/12/16
First a couple of stories – my wife and I visited 7 Falls here in Colorado Springs. And I got my picture taken with a Mountain Lion 😉 A few days later I fed the hungry deer out of our basement slider. (pic below). And of course the rabbits ate the strawberries I put outside […]
Published 02/05/16
Another 3-topic episode. Which one struck you at an interesting angle? Pure Gaps Our lives are mostly subconscious. We can break that down into time and most of the time we are just existing without thought. During those times you are connected with pure spirit and in Union. So without even trying I’m always in a […]
Published 01/29/16
Spiritual analogies and lessons galore in this episode – listen for full details 😉 I saw huge Banyan trees in India, and I now see lots of Aspens in Colorado. The aspens are all native to cold regions with cool summers, in the north of the Northern Hemisphere, extending south at high altitudes in the […]
Published 01/22/16
Chris’s guest is Tascha Yoder, owner of the Center for Powerful Living in Colorado Springs. This was the venue for the Pause Your Life Vision Board Workshop this past weekend, and luckily Chris got the chance to sit down with her afterwards. He also had the amazing opportunity to see this beautiful Bobcat saunter by… Tascha […]
Published 01/15/16
Chris started the show by conveying gratitude to many of the people who have supported him as well as the show in 2015. Then he briefly recapped how the show started and evolved up til now. Then there’s the movie Interstellar 😉 On one particular planet the characters visited, 1 hour = 7 years back on […]
Published 01/01/16
“In the sky, there is no distinction of East and West; people create distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true.” ~Buddha Change of Heart When you change your mind, it’s always regarding small things – where to have dinner tonight, what to wear today, what to name your podcast… […]
Published 12/11/15
A deep episode starting with Chris reading an excerpt titles ‘Moderation’ from the book 365 Tao. Then Chris explained the Eckhart Tolle analogy of the ego filling up a basket to be happy – thinking that if you are able to collect everything you desire, then you will be happy. Sorry Charlie, it’s a bottomless […]
Published 12/04/15
Gratitude has power beyond belief sometimes. For this unofficial Thanksgiving episode my niece Liaa and I created this “grass roots study” of gratitude. 4 Questions on Gratitude How do you show gratitude? Why do you feel gratitude is important? What do you feel is the opposite of attitude? Do you think that feeling gratitude helps […]
Published 11/27/15
Enjoy listening for all the stories and details 😉 Chris elaborates on the topics listed below. And be sure to sign up for the Behind-the-Scenes email list to get your free copy of Relax with Rumi. The Ego Mask/Costume The ego is a mask… It’s your own creation, not God’s. Identifying yourself as a member […]
Published 11/20/15
[Listen to the episode for the full effect ;] On the human level, feeling like your heart is broken is very upsetting. We’ve all been there to some degree. It IS a real experience, and perhaps it’s actually a blessing to go through it… You may not be happy or satisfied with Chris’s comments on […]
Published 11/13/15
Listen to this episode to hear all these topics Chris discussed, including: Life is great, but inevitably our physical and mental faculties degrade. That’s why it’s SO important to practice meditation while we still have the ability and energy to do it. The Insight Timer app may help you become more regular in your meditation practice. […]
Published 10/30/15
Listen to this episode to hear Chris discuss these topics: Making sure you don’t get stuck on your spiritual path and consequently miss out on the real spiritual “profit” that you desire to receive. Chris has been listening to the audio version of the book called, The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win […]
Published 10/23/15