Dawnese Openshaw is a master transformational leadership coach. She is a John Maxwell certified leadership coach, trainer, and speaker, author of a book for adoptive moms and of two Amazon best-selling books, The principles of David & Goliath series and the Book of Influence series. At the age of 14, her father encouraged her to read Dale Carnegie’s “How to Win Friends and Influence People” and she has been a student of leadership ever since. With over 25 years of experience in small...
Published 11/03/23
Given all that's happening in the world today, with multiple wars raging in the Middle East, Ukraine and elsewhere, I'm replaying my interview with Cathy Brooks from her podcast, Talk Unleashed, as we touch on many different topics ranging from my early experiences as trainer, to what it's been like living nearly 50 years in service to a vision and a calling, to the state of humanity on the planet today. Cathy is a consummate communicator. She can talk to anyone, anywhere, about anything....
Published 10/27/23
“Stop being a weenie” is the motto of my guest on this week’s episode. My guest, Katie McManus was diagnosed with ADHD when she was 7 years old.   Her motto, "stop being a weenie"  speaks to her belief that anything can be accomplished with a little bravery.  To this end, she is also host of the podcast, Weeniecast, available wherever podcasts are found.  Katie turned her challenges as a person with ADHD into a 7-figure business, coaching mission-driven and ADHD Entrepreneurs to get out...
Published 10/20/23
Viktor Frankl, who survived the Nazi concentration camps and wrote the book, Man’s Search for Meaning, said, “ Between stimulus and response there is a space.  In that space between stimulus and response is our freedom to choose our responses. In our response lies our growth and freedom.”    I would add that in that space, which I’m calling a “gap”,  lies our responsibility, our power, our infinite potential.  The gap itself, might in terms of linear time, be only two-seconds long.  Or less....
Published 10/13/23
My guest this week is Katia Ravé, an Empowering Visionary, a Passionate Entrepreneur and a Successful Leadership Coach.  At the age of 20, she left her native country, France, and emigrated to the U.S., with very little money and not speaking a word of English.   What she did have, even at that young age, was a vision and a passion for “becoming someone” and she saw the U.S. as a place of opportunity.   Tune in and hear this amazing success story of Katia, who was unstoppable in her...
Published 10/06/23
How do you deal with life when it is occurring in a way that confronts your ability to meet it from a place of responsibility and choice? When you are so triggered by something that you cannot access the moment from your higher self, and instead are thrown into reactivity and your emotions are on a runaway train, what to do? This week, we discuss the premise that Life has no inherent meaning and that all events are neutral - But we do not necessarily experience them that way! In fact,...
Published 09/29/23
 International best-selling author, Mel Mason, is known as The Clutter Expert.  As a sexual abuse survivor, she grew up depressed, suicidal, and surrounded by clutter.   What she realized after coming back from the brink of despair and getting through her own chaos was that the outside is just a mirror of the inside.   Her work with clients has them not only address getting rid of physical clutter but has also has them look at their “inner clutter.  Mel says, “If we only address the...
Published 09/22/23
“The unexamined life is not worth living” - Socrates  Socrates is reported to have spoken these words at his trial for impiety and corrupting youth, for which he was put to death.    Plato is reported to have said, “The unexamined life is mere waste.” These famous philosophers felt that to live one’s life without self -awareness, self-realization, or without a sense of its meaning or purpose is a life wasted.    So I pose this question to you, dear listener……   What constitutes a life...
Published 09/15/23
My guest is Katie Stowe, who was born without hands, forearms or elbows, and with hip, knee and ankle deformities. She could have seen her limitations as a prison that locked her away from any chance to pursue her dreams or her purpose. Instead, she has transcended the odds and lives every day present, authentic and FREE in her body and soul. Katie is an accomplished artist, devoted teacher, transformational coach and business owner of KatieStoweArt. Her transformational coaching...
Published 09/08/23
This is the fourth and final Best Of episode: Giving and Receiving: The Power of BEING a YES! In this week's episode, I reflect on my experience of being challenged to receive all the blessings and love that were a part of my 80th birthday celebration. We'll investigate the relationship between giving and receiving and why it is that most people have more difficulties receiving than they do giving.  What is that really about? What is the role that being a YES plays in our experience of...
Published 09/01/23
Best of: The Problem is How You See the Problem:  Lisa Kalmin This is another one of our Best Of listener favorites: Enjoy this replay of my interview with Lisa Kalmin, a world-renowned transformational trainer, mindset coach, speaker, and author of the book, The Problem is How You See the Problem. For the last 35 years, Lisa has coached and trained over 25,000 people all over the world in the principles and techniques to transform their lives.  In her book, The Problem is How You See the...
Published 08/25/23
This is the second episode in our Best Of Series: Judith’s guest is her long-time friend and colleague, Michael Strasner. Michael is a master leader in the work of personal and professional coaching and leadership development for over 35 years.  Through his life-changing, transformative workshops, trainings and seminars, he has made a profound difference in the lives of thousands of people throughout the world. Michael is the founder and president of Direct Impact Inc, which provides...
Published 08/18/23
This week, we're airing a replay of the very first episode of The New Beyond, where we explored the possibility of learning how to build a life beyond the ideas of what we used to think of as “normal”. At that time, we were going into the third year of the pandemic and we were wondering what to call this time we were living thru in which we were somewhere between pre/mid/and post-pandemic.   I almost feel nostalgic for those early days when life suddenly became very simplified. We were...
Published 08/11/23
My guest this week is Brandee Safran, a  Certified Transformational Coach and yoga therapist for women who want to boldly take full ownership of their health, freedom and joy so they create a legacy they are proud of.  She supports women to believe in themselves, to tune into their bodies' wisdom to promote healing and take inspired action to bring their goals to life. Her journey started at age 14, when she was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. She spent much of her teenage years suffering...
Published 08/04/23
3-31 From Blind Spot to BFO What is it about blind spots that can often derail us?   When something arises to which we were previously blind, it always shows up like a shock with a visceral, physical, emotional, or psychological impact. And it is often not something that lands gently. And here’s the thing:  everyone has them.  Even the most brilliant minds in the world have blind spots.   In this episode, we’re going to examine the phenomenon of blind spots and how they keep us from being...
Published 07/28/23
S3 E30 The Union of Science and Spirituality - Aaron Glassman In 1996, my guest, Aaron Glassman, experienced what he refers to as his “awakening”, while meditating inside the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid of Egypt. Thus began his journey of awakening that has taken him throughout Europe, the UK, the Middle East, and now to Maui, where he lives with his wife and two sons.  Aaron has been teaching, writing and speaking for over 20 years about the fusion of science and spirituality...
Published 07/21/23
3-29 Codes of Connection - Interview by Beth Osmer This week’s episode is the audio of my interview as a guest speaker on a summit hosted by Beth Osmer. The summit was called Codes of Connection.   In this interview, I share my journey as a transformational and leadership development trainer for nearly fifty years.  In response to Beth’s questions, we discuss: What are transformational trainings? Why do people do this work? What kinds of people are drawn to doing it? How does...
Published 07/14/23
S3 E28 Talk Unleashed- Cathy Brooks My guest this week is Cathy Brooks, a communications and conversation “Ninja”.  Her superpower is hearing the conversation that’s not being said, and coaching people to find their words.   Her background ranges from working in radio and television, as well as newspaper and digital platforms.   In 2012, she turned a life-long passion for canine behavioral study into a career, opening The Hydrant Club in Las Vegas, NV.   Applying expertise in...
Published 07/07/23
3-27 Pioneering Transformation and Leadership - Interview by Alex Lianne and Carol Register This week’s episode is the audio from an interview I did on the Unleashed and Unstoppable podcast, hosted by Alex Lianne Carter and Carol Register. Alex and Carol are certified Performance-Neuro Coaches who help their clients optimize their performance through confidence, self-worth, and courageous action.  We look at transformation and leadership development through the lens of my experience as a...
Published 06/30/23
3-26 Trusting Your Intuition: Keys For Knowing When to Act - Kirsten Barfoot My guest this week is Kirsten Barfoot, an Australian-based Transformational Speaker, Mentor and Author of The Inner Wealth Code – Seven Keys for BEING Wealthy, Even in Times of Uncertainty. She enjoys working with passionate, driven, slightly eccentric individuals.  People who like to challenge the status quo, who like to do things their own way.  People who want to leave this life knowing they tried it all, gave...
Published 06/23/23
S3 E25 Becoming an Empowered Elder This week’s episode is the edited version of an interview Judith did for the speaker series, “Wise Women Rising”, hosted by Brandee Safran.   In this interview, Judith reflects on what it means to her to be a wise woman leader and shares about her experiences growing up at a time when there were few female role models as leaders, especially in the field of transformational trainings.   She shares about how it was a “boy’s club” and how out of alignment...
Published 06/16/23
S3, E24 The Way of Collaboration-Part 2 - A Conversation with Ken Ashby and Gopal Metro * Award winning singer-songwriter, Ken Ashby, and international record producer, Gopal Metro, collaborated to bring us our new theme song, “Each of Us”.   In this week’s episode, Part 2, we continue our discussion with the two creators of the song, Ken and Gopal,  Gopal shares his story about growing up in a Hindu-based community and his extensive study of the world’s religions and how that environment...
Published 06/09/23
S3 E23: New Theme Song: “Each of Us” © In case you missed it, we just announced the release of our new theme song, “Each of Us” ©, written and performed by singer-songwriter, Ken Ashby, and produced by Gopal Metro. It’s posted here as a separate episode so you can tune into the lyrics and music.   Be sure to tune in later this week for Part 2 of The Way of Collaboration, where I continue my interview with the two creators of this song and we learn about their early influences and...
Published 06/05/23
S3 E22 The Way of Collaboration-Part 1 - A Conversation with Ken Ashby and Gopal Metro Award winning singer-songwriter, Ken Ashby, and international record producer, Gopal Metro, collaborated to bring us our new theme song, “Each of Us”.   In this week’s episode, Part 1, we introduce that piece of music and speak with its creators, Ken and Gopal, on how they came together, having never met one another before, to collaborate in the production of a song Ken had written many years ago, but...
Published 06/02/23
S3 E21: From Burnout to BOLDness -A Conversation with Alex Lianne Have you ever worked hard to achieve your goals or get to where you thought you wanted to be and then having gotten there you felt burned out and knew you couldn’t sustain this level of performance?  And maybe you kept going anyway because you needed to prove that you were capable and not a quitter.   That’s how my guest, Alex Lianne, felt as she reached what she thought was the peak of her career.  She’d worked hard to get...
Published 05/26/23