For those of us who want a long-term solution to the hatred directed at larger bodies, I would like to introduce you to Diet Lies: Tricks of the Tricksiest Industry. Learn what you can expect from the series, get a dose of compassion (because this s**t is hard!), and hear my sexy sick voice (because I recorded with a cold). So say YES! to another discussion and let's start breaking down the Diet Lies, one beautiful yes at a time. 
Published 04/26/18
You hear it all the time, people lamenting about how they "feel fat." But, dude, fat is not a feeling. Fat is not bad. Fat is not negative. Fat does not have to define you. Join me while I rant about why fat is not a feeling and why we associate it with such negative terms such as lazy and unworthy and stay for the challenge of how you too can get your fat back.
Published 02/27/18
Befores and Afters... the stuff of dieting dreams. Whoever starts a diet does it with the After picture firmly in their minds. I was no different. In this episode, I'm going to share with you the very last time I considered myself a Before, and what the actual After ended up being. I also discuss the zealotry of the health coaching industry that I discovered during my induction and why I became a heretic in spite of all the glowing promises of smoothies and yoga.  So say YES! to another...
Published 10/18/17
This is the inaugural episode of The One Beautiful YES! Podcast. I am so excited to finally get this started! I figured the best way to do this is to just jump right in. But after a few trial recordings where I lost myself in babble-land, I decided it was a better idea to start from the beginning. So, in this episode I introduce myself and tell you a little more about what to expect from this podcast. Nobody says baby steps are a bad way to start new things. Thanks for joining me!
Published 10/04/17