Well, the inevitable happened, we came down with Omicron, which I still am calling a flu-bug. Tonight I want to talk about anti-hype, meaning that all of the crap you’re hearing out there is bovine scatology. Is this variant (sic) really more virulent than its predecessors? Is it sending people to the hospital? Are people dying from it? Propaganda is figuring big into this current sickness. I’ll explain.
Published 01/13/22
Waking Up Narcoleptic Sheep? Are People Waking Up or Are They Stuck In A Hypnotic Stupor? It seems like people are waking up from their denial of COVID. People are starting to see the great Plandemic and there is a growing number of resistors that are fighting back. Is it too late to fight an effective campaign? Has the conspiracy progressed too far? Tonight we will look at these things.
Published 01/06/22
What is behind the Clinton’s Kingdom of Doom? Steven Ben Nun fills us in about the modern day ultra-rich Clinton Family. What are the names and faces behind the Bioweapon Genocide that the Elite have unleashed upon humanity? David Martin shows us the names and faces of those who have devised an evil plan to destroy humanity.
Published 01/02/22
With the Threat on the Horizon of a Vaccine Mandate, a Rabbinical Court in Brooklyn Convened on November 21, 2021 to Hear Expert Testimonies on the Covid Injections Particularly Pertaining to Children; Dr. David Wiseman speaks to Brooklyn Rabbinic Court. Dr. Zelenko speaks to Rabbinic Court in Jerusalem. Rabbi Zev Epstein speaks to a group in testimony. Physical Therapist Jonathan talks about the effects the Jab had on him.
Published 12/31/21
Local and Foreign Medical Professionals Voice their Expert Opinions on the Covid-19 Vaccine in Video Clips from Rabbinical Court Proceedings in Israel. This testimony was given before the Mal’ale Adumim Rabbinical Court in Jerusalem
Published 12/31/21
All over the world there appears to be a remnant of doctors, pharmacists and other medical professionals who are risking everything to follow their convictions and not administer the COVID-19 injections to the public. Tonight we’ll see and listen to some of those hero’s.
Published 12/28/21
At the beginning of the Covid-19 Plandemic the Jewish community was divided over taking administrations of the mRNA or Virus Vector vaccines. The communities are still divided, but have come closer since Fauci and his luciferin cohort decided to target children with the vaccine. Tonight we’ll look at more of the court testimonies that occurred for them to render the judgment that the Jabs are forbidden for anyone in the Jewish community. This is perfect material to submit if applying for an...
Published 12/27/21
At the beginning of the Covid-19 Plandemic the Jewish community was divided over taking administrations of the mRNA or Virus Vector vaccines. The communities are still divided, but have come closer since Fauci and his luciferin cohort decided to target children with the vaccine. Tonight we’ll look at some of the court testimonies that occurred for them to render the judgment that the Jabs are forbidden for anyone in the Jewish community. This is perfect material to submit if applying for an...
Published 12/26/21
Everyone seems offended these days. I often find myself thinking about what to say before I say it, even more than usual. This is true for the Branch Covidians, everything offends them. However society in general is offended by the smallest things and hatred is at an all-time high between races, genders and just about every other segment of society. In order to appease the louts, good people have caved to the pressure placed upon them by groups of radicals and social retarded groups and...
Published 12/21/21
Science has advanced too far with morally and ethically unfit scientists at the helm of the scientific ship. All society has become corrupt, each man and woman do their own thing without regard for others. These are desperate times that can only be solved by one cosmic answer.
Published 12/14/21
In every corner of the world there is strife, hatred, division and war. This world seems to be coming apart at the seams. Let's look at some of the conflicts and see a world that will gladly accept The Man of Perdition when it comes with solutions to the world's ills.
Published 12/13/21
A medical examiner in the UK talks about death statistics and trends that he’s noticed. Some mRNA death testimonials. Man tells us all about the origins of the mRNA vaccines and their purpose. Dr. Tenpenny talks about the spiritual implications of taking the mRNA vaccines.
Published 12/10/21
There is no better example of authoritarianism than what is currently happening in Australia. America isn’t far behind. Oregon is an example of this. There seems to be an increased effort to fight back against the autocrats, the Deep State and the New World Order. What might be in store for us in the months and years to come?
Published 12/07/21
Bill Gates has taken another step toward the Biblical, Mark of The Beast. He has revealed his new micro-dot technology that will allow others to see your medical history and your JAB Status. Finally, researchers are coming clean and revealing that they are afraid to cross Fauci in fear of losing grants and all income.
Published 12/04/21
Technical difficulties made it impossible to do a full show tonight. I explain the issues. I also talk about thoughts concerning some recent events.
Published 12/04/21
Tonight I talked about how we have overcome some major technical obstacles and will be returning back to the air full time very soon
Published 12/04/21
Tonight we're going to look at what the COVID-19 vaccines do to the human body. We'll look at how it effects the central nervous system, the cardio-vascular system, the body organs, the respiratory system and how it affects the blood.
Published 11/02/21
This week, the demoniacs and other fallen beings at the FDA approved the use of the mRNA vaccines (Pfizer) for children ages 5 through 11. They made their decision backed by faulty data. RESIST THIS DECISION GOOD PEOPLE
Published 10/29/21
In recent weeks we have been hearing on the MSM about the flotilla of ships that are anchored in the sea outside some of our major ports. Why is this happening in only Blue States? Is this happening as the MSM has said, that there is a lack of dock workers? Could it be that there are other things at play here? Tonight we’ll look at this subject and try to figure it out.
Published 10/28/21
Tonight, we're going to talk about the COVID-19 Testing Swabs. What are they made from? Is there anything hidden in those swab tips? How are the swabs sterilized? We're also going to talk about recent current events in this ever-changing world arena.
Published 10/22/21
We’re just shy of two years into the whole COVID Plandemic Debacle. During the last 21 months we’ve seen a lot of changes to society and the attitude of people in general. Now we’re starting to see the Federalization of many American key institutions: the Military, the Police, Healthcare and now even elements of the Real Estate business. We are witnessing the government takeover of many things and this will change things forever if it’s allowed to continue and firmly take hold. Is there any...
Published 10/19/21
Many of the people that we try to warn against taking the COVID vaccines often scoff, stating that there is no proof, and that the government would not lie to us. Tonight I present testimonies of healthcare people and VAERS stats that prove that the COVID-19 vaccines are causing many deaths and disabilities for some of those that chose to take the Death Shot.
Published 10/17/21
To date, there have been rumors of unnecessary deaths occurring of patients at some hospitals across the United States. People go into a hospital for a variety of reasons and are categorized as COVID patients, even though they do not present with COVID symptoms. COVID has the same symptoms as the flu, or a bad cold, so is going to a hospital for cold or flu symptoms a possible death sentence? What would possess a hospital to murder patients? Should we put off going to a hospital if we need...
Published 10/16/21
The COVID debacle continues to reveal itself for the plandemic that it truly is. We hear daily about problems with the Jab, that more of the vaccinated getting sick and that those who are acting in a criminal manner are pointing to their victims crying as victims of the very people that they are persecuting. Tonight we’ll look at some of the players who are walking on thin ice and the manifestations of their lies as light continues to shine on the human cockroaches of our present age.
Published 10/14/21
Erik Smith is a former host of Opposing The Matrix. He is a wonderful and insightful researcher who’s not afraid to dig deep to get the answers to perplexing questions. Tonight Erik will share with us his knowledge of the Deep State, Qanon Messages and Mark Taylor Prophecies. We’ll talk about the current state of affairs in our country and around the world as they relate to prophecies and Qanon knowledge.
Published 10/12/21