There are fragile substances, like glass: that break under pressure. There are non-fragile substances, like steel: that don't break under pressure. Then there are anti-fragile substances, like your immune system, or muscle tissue: that get stronger under pressure. People need a bit of pressure and stress to become stronger... but the modern message today will tell you (and your kids): people are fragile. Hi Fam says: Your family is antifragile. In this episode, you'll discover how to be...
Published 03/14/23
Why are today’s new generation opting out of having children at a rapid pace? Will our own children not want children? Should we care? How might this influence our well-being and sense of confidence as parents? Let’s talk about the birth rate drop and what it means for us parents.  _________________ “I love this show!” 👉 If that sounds like you please rate and review the show! This helps us support more people - just like you - to create a family life they love. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Thank you to...
Published 03/14/23
Family togetherness is disintegrating. Family culture is a lost art. Family leadership is a lost skill. Feeling a sense of belonging is a lost way of life. Let's explore the 3 reasons why that's happening and what you can do to build an unbreakable family.   _________________ “I love this show!” 👉 If that sounds like you please rate and review the show! This helps us support more people - just like you - to create a family life they love. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Want to get your child playing for 3...
Published 03/07/23
You’re not imagining it: there’s an epidemic of narcissism. Like other epidemics, it’s not easy to identify the precise cause of this one. In this episode, we're delving into the difference between destructive and healthy narcissism, the failure of the self-esteem movement, and the practical steps we can take as parents to raise resilient kids who are destined for meaningful relationships.  _________________ “I love this show!” 👉 If that sounds like you please rate and review the show! This...
Published 02/21/23
Modern parenting trends dictate that we, as parents, must be authentic and help our children to “discover” their authentic selves. But what is “authentic”?  The problem with this focus is that by staring at what you don’t like about yourself, you're left feeling clueless about how to move forward.  You might never discover some “true authentic self” no matter how many therapy sessions, journals, or meditations you throw at it. Or you might be disappointed by what you do discover.  That’s...
Published 02/14/23
Growth: The new purpose for marriage and reason for divorce.  You’re about to hear me pushback on a popular trend that isn’t helpful to our families. Before I begin I want you to know that there are many reasons that marriages end: legitimate reasons. Maybe you’re considering it or maybe you’ve already got divorced, or are in the process. Maybe your divorce happened because you were deeply unhappy, irreparably disconnected, or perhaps worse. Some marriages need to end. There should not be...
Published 02/07/23
Society seems to be in a war between the offensive and the offended; between those who attack with facts and logic and those who follow heart and soul; between those who think and those who feel.  Just like many things in our life, the pendulum often swings from one extreme to the other and often, in a generational way. Many of us grew up in homes with a very different approach to emotions and feeling than what's popular today. Should we honor facts or feelings? In this episode, you'll...
Published 01/31/23
Society is going to tell you that parenting is brutal and marriage is a bore (or worse). It will warn you about the sleepless nights, the stretch marks, and the cheerios in your hair. It will tell you that family life is exhausting, expensive, and full of sacrifice.  But do you ever get the feeling that 'there must be a better way?' Like there is something missing? Well, that’s what we’re going to address, right here. Here, in Hi, Fam! we’re going to give you a whole new perspective. We’re...
Published 01/24/23
Too many parents are burning out – doing everything for everyone else in their families and feeling completely drained by the end of each day. It doesn’t have to be this way! The truth is, what children need most are parents who feel good in their own skin, are well-cared for, and have great energy to tackle the day. The last thing they need are parents who feel resentful towards them for their own exhaustion. In today’s episode, I’m going to share 8 tips on how to infuse a little more...
Published 04/06/22
Anger Management Tips for Parents: How to Handle Anger in Parenting  I've always been drawn to peaceful parenting, conscious parenting, gentle parenting - however, I have a temper! I get triggered. And most parents struggle with anger and yelling. The following parenting tips will help you minimize your triggers so you can love parenting and parent from love. Don't stay stuck with the feeling that there's something wrong with you or something wrong with your child - let's break this down: ↓...
Published 03/22/22
Feeling hatred toward your child is a symptom of a different problem. This is a controversial and taboo topic, but it's not that uncommon for parents to sometimes feel disgusted and think or say "Go away!" "Leave me alone." "I don't like you." "I don't want you." "I don't love you." "I hate you!" towards their kids. So what's causing that very uncomfortable sensation and feeling? Don't stay stuck with the feeling that there's something wrong with you or something wrong with your child -...
Published 03/08/22
Over the years I've been sharing things I'm learning about Parenting. Things I read in books, things I experiment on in my own lab (my family), and I've been sharing what has really resonated with me and what's worked for me.   But I must make a confession and expose the hypocrisy, the many contradictions and paradoxes that occur within me within my own mind, my family, my parenting practice, and what I outwardly preach.   There are many things that I am drawn to and believe in that I...
Published 02/21/22
So many of my clients and community members are stay-at-home parents; parents who aren't currently working or are working very minimally. A common struggle is a loss of identity or feeling like your value and your worth isn't recognized by others, or feeling like you've lost your confidence now that you “just stay at home with the kids”.    In this episode I’m going to share how you can boost your confidence as a stay at home parent so you can be super confident and proud of who you are and...
Published 01/10/22
In this episode I’ll talk about why you should feel great if you’re a working parent. 
Published 11/01/21
Are you pregnant? If so, congratulations! And if you’d like your partner to be an amazing support to you during your birth (and who wouldn’t, right?) then this episode is for you.
Published 06/03/21
At the time of this recording, I’m pregnant with my fifth child. So far I've given birth in hospitals and birthing centers, and for a long list of reasons this time around, I decided to have a home birth. In this episode I’ll be sharing how I've been preparing in order to set myself up for maximum success in my home birth. 
Published 05/27/21
By the time you're reading this, I hope to have had my fifth baby. But at the time of this recording, I'm pregnant with number five, and I want to share some self-care tips for when you're pregnant.
Published 05/20/21
The Parenting Junkie shares life-changing playroom design hacks that will turn any home into an independent play haven
Published 04/13/21
This is my true parenting story of how I discovered the parenting hack that saved me. I was postpartum, working full-time with a newborn, toddler, preschooler, and no help. I wondered, when does parenting get easier? Is there another way? I was in a dark place when a sudden crisis made me discover the solution to my parenting overwhelm and stress. Learn how to get your child playing independently in my FREE parenting course going on now that will get you out of overwhelm to enjoy parenting...
Published 04/05/21
If you would like your home to look more beautiful and sophisticated, even on an inexpensive budget while you have little kids at home, then this episode is for you.
Published 03/29/21
Have you heard of the law of attraction? It’s something that I read about and hear about often. And in fact, it’s something that I intuitively really connect to and practice in my life. Today I'm going to talk with you about how I use the law of attraction to create a life that I love, and invite you to do the same!   [05:30] #1 - Get clear on what you want [08:55] #2 - Focus on what you want [10:01] #3 - Ignore what you don't want [14:41] #4 - Practice gratitude [15:16] #5 - Elevate...
Published 03/22/21
Are you finding yourself in survival mode, feeling like you are running on empty and worried that you might be leading yourself to burnout? If you’re not sure where you fall on the burnout spectrum, go check out last week’s episode on the 10 signals that you might be in survival mode.    Now that we know the signs, it’s time to get practical and do something about it.    What we really want to do is get our expectations to meet our level of support, and work on both sides of that...
Published 03/15/21
I have seen so many parents on the brink of burnout (or fully in it), and I’ve been there as well. It's a major issue. So today I want to share with you 10 signs you want to look for that might be telling you that your tank is empty, that you're about to enter survival mode. 
Published 03/15/21
Most of us know that feeling of preparing a lovely meal for our children, sitting down to eat it with them only to have our toddler promptly THROW IT ON THE FLOOR 😡 😭 🤦🏽‍♀️   It can be so aggravating. If you're not sure how to handle the situation and it's repeating in your home, you are so not alone. Let's talk about what we can do about it.   [00:58] #1 - Normalize it [01:41] Trajectory schema [02:32] #2 - Stay calm [04:13] #3 - Say what you want to see [05:00] #4 - Don't play the...
Published 03/01/21
Do you struggle to get your kids out the door in the morning? Are you ever late for things because you’re arguing with your kids or having trouble getting them ready for the day? You’re not alone. Kristen from our Present Play community asked for advice about how to deal with this.  In this episode I’ll discuss my thoughts and help you get back your sanity!
Published 02/25/21