My new friend Susie Moore is an incredibly successful and genuinely glass-half-full kinda beautifully accented gal. Our chat was a necessary breath of fresh air and was chock-full of the kind of life-changing wisdom that I think PIMP listeners crave like cookies. Soul cookies. Easy to digest. Susie’s an kickass coach, writer, TV personality, and author (her latest book is called Stop Checking Your Likes: Shake Off The Need For Approval And Live An Incredible Life). As we mentioned in this...
Published 06/18/20
My guest today is one of my most cherished friends, Ms. Brittany Piper. You might remember her from episode 118 which I called “A LESSON IN SAYING THANKSFORGIVING US PAIN TO TURN INTO PURPOSE (AND TO TUNE US INTO WELLNESS)” -- it dropped on Thanksgiving, hence that brilliance I came up with right there. Brittany is a powerhouse speaker, an international activist, trauma specialist and a healing + wellness coach. She’s fits the bill of the most “practice what she preaches” er as she’s herself...
Published 06/11/20
My guest today is Georgie Morley, a coffee-loving creative and photographer, the host of the Chasing Joy Podcast, and the caring human behind her platform that inspires joy and personal growth through compassion and self-discovery. She loves to share tips, tools and lessons learned all inspired by her own path towards personal growth, wellness, and spirituality. And coffee. Georgie to coffee is me to plants. She lives in my favorite place on earth, Nantucket, the 14 x 5 miles long island,...
Published 05/28/20
My friend Jenny Sansouci has been in this wellness game for a loooooong time. I pat myself on the back for being going planty before it was really cool in 2008, but Jenny started her own platform way back in 2006. Not that it’s a comparison game. We know Jenny now as the brains and passion behind Healthy Crush, and now the author of her new spectacular book, The Rebel’s Apothecary: A Practical Guide To The Healing Magic of Cannabis, CBD and Mushrooms, and as an amazing messenger on how to...
Published 05/21/20
Well, I had the poop doctor back on the show! My earlier chat with Dr. B. was such a breakout HIT that it’s about time I bring him back again. And this round two was as good - if not better - than last time. You let me know. We started off this talk by clarifying right off the bat that Dr. B is more of a tummy doctor than a butt doctor. From there, we got straight to his main point: fiber is SEXY ok? (I originally disagreed but he convinced me in the end.)   Dr. B’s new book, Fiber Fueled...
Published 05/14/20
If you’re a follower of my work (and self) and a listener of this here show, then you likely know I’ve just made a comeback after spending months in a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad slump. I was depressed, overwhelmed and swimming (like doggy paddle treading) in anxiety that, of course, as our stress does - it turned physical. Tapping, what we’re talking about today, was pivotal in me pivoting out of my overwhelm ocean, my pity pool, my hot mess hot tub….    Here’s my interview with...
Published 05/07/20
Wowie kazowie my first book, “Party in Your Plants” is outie! And is sitting pretty as a #1 Bestselling New Release for over 2 weeks straight now on Amazon. Today I’m gonna introduce you to it. Literally, by reading the introduction… and other fun parts that illustrate 9 ways my book, “Party in Your Plants” will empower you to eat more plants!   Because, while yes, my book is technically a cookbook, it’s really an empowerment book to empower people to eat more plants. As a review so...
Published 04/30/20
I’m excited to present a new monthly installment of LAUGH WITH YOUR MOUTH FULL! Lighthearted real life chit chats with smart and articulate people I love while we eat healthy planty foods we love. This episode explores how three of my dearest friends and I are doing our best to healthfully navigate this scary season of Coronavirus quaranatine. At the time of this recording, my mouth was full of snap peas. Katie Dalebout the host of Let it Out with Katie Dalebout, the author of  Let it Out: A...
Published 04/15/20
So you’ll hear in a lot of upcoming podcast episodes in which I’m the guest on other peoples’ shows talking about my book, Party in Your Plants, about the coconut smoothie that set me on my plant-party path, and how since that was in 2008 before instagram, youtube, and blogging was really a thing, I learned about eating plants through sitting in Barnes and Noble with a yellow legal pad. One of my first ever books at my self-study vegan 101 Barnes and Noble school was Colleen...
Published 04/09/20
Friend, if you had asked me about the state of my podcast weeks ago like my podcast assistant did over email, my husband did in long car rides, diehard listeners did on IG, and my best friends did over ABCV’s butter beans that taste like bacon (Neal Harden, executive chef of ABCV and friend who wrote a big blurb for my book -- you are a plant genius!), I would’ve told you, like I told them, straight faced and convincing as hell: I can’t do it anymore. I’m done. It’s over. I had a good...
Published 04/01/20
If Caroline Dooner’s name rings a bell, it’s probably because you’re heard of her book, or her massive movement called the “The F*ck It Diet.” Yes, she may have given me anxiety as I listened to her long and yo-yoing journey with dieting, but the way she now s***s on the inherent flaws of dieting and diet culture (which she backs with so much sound science thank you very very much Caroline) is SO relatable to SO many people. As a fellow past-life comedian, Caroline’s humor, coupled with her...
Published 01/28/20
You know how health is wealth? Well, as my phenomenal functional medicine practitioner friend Dr. Will Cole says in this chat: you don’t have to be wealthy to be healthy.    Dr. Cole, or Will, is doc who relies little on prescriptions on mucho on natural fixes. He’s obsessed with finding the roots of health problems and honestly, in this chat I became obsessed with finding out his answers to every single thing that came to my mind. It turns out, this brilliant man is not only a healer, but...
Published 01/24/20
You know that saying “put your money where your mouth is?” well my guest today puts her science where her mouth is. And puts nutritious plants in the bodies of athletes. So they can put trophies on their mantels and pride in their hearts..? Well, Angie Asche is a sports dietitian and one super smart dairy free cookie. Angie’s been a plant partier herself since 2011 and for the past five years, she’s been running her own private sports nutrition practice called Eleat Sports Nutrition. She...
Published 01/14/20
It’s been almost a year since I had this chat but I cannot stop bugging out about what I learned from it, which is why it’s making it to the top 5 best podcast episodes of 2019. Carly Klein, the founder of Beekeepers Naturals, a company that makes practical products from superfoods from the hive, is hands down, legs up, the bees knees. And not just because she’s a beekeeper, though that’s so rad. But also because she’s created all these bee-powered wellness products that she can swear on her...
Published 01/07/20
Today’s episode is a re-broadcast of the PIMP’s top episode of 2019, which just so happened to come out as the first episode of 2019. This is like a colonic of a chat. A colonic for your stress and worries and anxiety...or at least the way you view them. Flush those old patterns right out of ya. I cannot get enough of my guest Sarah Knight’s hilariously no BS tough love and her out of the box mind altering metaphors galores. And I’m not alone in my Sarah Knight obsession, considering she’s,...
Published 12/31/19
You’re listening to the PIMP podcast and if you’ve never considered focusing on your furnishings as much as you do your forkings, I’m hoping this quick chat might change that. Because, you know how I’m always talking about how my food philosophy is to choose foods based on how they make you feel? Well it was a shocking revelation as I just finished moving that, wowie kazowie, our STUFF MAKES US FEEL STUFF TOO!   Our stuff makes us feel stuff too. And here’s a short chat with some stuff I...
Published 12/24/19
My guest today is a powerhouse of a woman who wants to see other women succeed… without burning out in the process. The marvelous Kate Northrup is an entrepreneur, speaker, mother and bestselling author of two profoundly helpful books: Money: A Love Story, (which has been published in 5 languages, oh la la!) and Do Less: A Revolutionary Approach to Time and Energy Management for Busy Moms (which include dog or plant moms). I’m obsessed with Kate’s data-driven and soul-driven time and energy...
Published 12/16/19
Surviving the food-focused holiday season without outgrowing all our clothes and slugging around like human eggnog can feel frightening. And in this episode, I'm calling on something else frightening to help us: GHOSTS. You know the Christmas story about Scrooge? (From Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol?”) Well, the same 3 ghosts that showed Scrooge his past, present and future and helped him stop being a miserable Scrooge can actually also help YOU not be miserably SCREWED this holiday...
Published 12/02/19
Today’s guest grew up on hamburger helper, chicken nuggets, grilled cheese and zero plants!! She now grows a robust garden, is coming out with her second Today’s guest grew up on hamburger helper, chicken nuggets, grilled cheese and zero plants!! She now grows a robust garden, is coming out with her second vegan cookbook, and still makes grilled cheese! Ilene Godofsky Moreno, whom you probably know on the interwebs as The Colorful Kitchen, considering she’s been featured in The New York...
Published 11/25/19
My guest today is one of the smartest, sharpest and sustainable-ist women I am lucky to know. Ashlee Piper is an environmental activist, sustainable living hero, TV expert and the author of Give A S**t: Do Good. Live Better. Save The Planet. What I really like about her is that she brings an incredibly admirable level of intelligence to the table, she has all the stats and research to back up her points, she does it all with a great sense of humor. AND she’s not preachy about it. You likely...
Published 11/18/19
This is Shannon Kaiser’s third visit to my podcast, and for good reason: she’s my life/business coach and I keep getting free sessions out of interviewing her! Joking...Shannon’s threepeat is because she’s my go-to source for sage life advice without bells and whistles or woo-woo confusion. And because she keeps writing wonderful books worth talking about.    In this ‘sode, Shannon and I chat about achieving inner peace and living joyfully in a TRUE way, not just in a way that satisfies...
Published 11/11/19
Damn did Marci Zaroff ever blow my mind! I probably mentioned at least three times in utter amazement how cool she is because this OG leader in wellness and organics is... SO FREAKING COOL! To start, she basically has 100 companies. She was one of the peeps plant partying it up in the early 1990s when no one else was. Ain’t no party like a plant party of 1?  Marci coined the term “Eco fashion” developed the standard for organic textiles in the U.S., published books, and is now out with her...
Published 11/04/19
Amy Leigh Mercree is probably one of the sweetest, most sensitive gals I’ve ever had on the show. This medical intuitive (yes, in this episode she explains what the heck this is) pretty much makes the rest of us look like demons. I mean, she doesn’t have plants in her home because she knows they’d prefer to live outside and she’s not one who will buy a crystal and stash it away in a drawer to be ignored. The author of, oh, about a million books, Amy strives to help other people achieve inner...
Published 10/25/19
In honor of it being World Mental Health Day (well that was yesterday so I guess let’s consider this the afterparty) I’m re-airing this true talk about how I personally strive to combat and calm my anxiety -- which I do as routinely as I eat dinner.    I used to live with an insurmountable amount of anxiety. Anxiety attacks were a painful and routine part of my life; it was like my anxiety was my Uber drive and I was just a lost, helpless passenger in the back seat! Until enough was enough...
Published 10/11/19