Join Kelly and Crystal as they discuss trusting Jesus in ALL things and the power of His Divine Mercy. For those interested in checking out the book Kelly mentioned, it is called Divine Mercy for Moms, written by Michele Faehnle and Emily Jaminet, --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pelicanproject/message
Published 04/18/23
Pull up a chair and join us, friends! This week we are talking about Hope. Our one, holy, Catholic, and apostolic Church is a living sign of hope—the certainty that God is faithful to His promises, that His grace is life-giving, and that our weakness is made perfect in His strength. We cannot reawaken a culture that bears witness to the sanctity of human life apart from the Church.  So too, then our home, the domestic church, must also be a living sign of hope. Within the heart of the...
Published 04/11/23
For many parents, our past looks different than the future we desire for our children. If you can relate, allow this to be an opportunity to teach them the power of God’s mercy. Let us all have the courage and humility to let go of our past with a contrite heart and say, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” As a parent, there are times when you will fall. There are times when your past will catch up with the present, and you'll feel too low to keep walking, too low to keep...
Published 04/04/23
Join Kelly and Crystal as they talk about having uncomfortable conversations. Conversations about topics we don't feel we have the language to communicate well, conversations we know we should be having, but don't hear other parents having either... These are the lessons that help our children flourish within the moral law on topics where evil is most likely to tempt them. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pelicanproject/message
Published 03/28/23
This week we focus on the importance of keeping our gaze on heaven through life's trials and tribulations. Do your children see you living in sadness and despair or resting in the gaze of our victorious Savior? Does your spouse see your eyes fixed on the worldly or the eternal? Do your coworkers and friends instinctually lift their gaze towards hope and love when they are around you? Follow along with this week's reflections in our Lenten study Unvarnished Canvas! --- Send in a voice...
Published 03/21/23
Pull up a chair and join us as we dive into the Unvarnished Canvas reflections from the 3rd week of Lent. Today we must ask ourselves these questions. How do we see the people we come into contact with each day? Is it through His eyes or through the eyes of the world?  Have we been complicit in not honoring the dignity of another? --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pelicanproject/message
Published 03/14/23
Join Kelly and Crystal as they discuss this week's Unvarnished Canvas reflections and explore the relationship between our earthly father and Heavenly Father. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pelicanproject/message
Published 03/07/23
Join Kelly and Crystal as they discuss reflections from the first week of The Pelican Project's Lenten study Unvarnished Canvas. As you raise your children in the faith and walk the storms that rage within this culture, know that the joy of His peace is only as far away as your heart. Your children are watching you. If you make your faith a to-do list, they will too. But, if they see you walk with Christ and seek wholeness and rest through Him, they will follow. Stumbles you make along the...
Published 02/28/23
Lent is upon us! We are blessed to journey alongside you and your wonderful family toward the Passion and Resurrection of our Lord this Lent. Together, we will enter the desert for a season of spiritual growth focusing on the sanctity of life, the mercy of God, the gift of redemption, and our call to the discipleship of parenting that must begin by affirming the dignity of who God created us to be in His image and likeness. Our fervent prayer is that you will join us each week as we learn to...
Published 02/21/23
In this week's episode, Kelly and Crystal talk about how our culture is rationalizing the objectification of our bodies and denying the soul. We, especially our children, have an inherent desire to be seen, known, and loved. But, while beauty extends an invitation to share in divine goodness and truth, images that objectify-pornography-send a deceitful message that to be seen, known, and loved is to be used. While the lie of pornography has woven itself into the very fabric of our worldly...
Published 02/14/23
The created world around us drips with the beauty of our Lord, but nothing reveals His beauty like a human person created in His image and likeness. We are created with great purpose. The unique particularities of who God created us to be are a gift—through them, we reveal God’s beauty to the world in a way that no one else can. Truly this is the light of God that dwells within each of us. The virtue of modesty in dress and behavior protects this precious gift; it protects the intimate...
Published 02/07/23
Pull up a chair and join Kelly and Crystal as they discuss how our freedom is found within God's law.  Pray, Grow, and Serve as a family with us this week using our weekly devotional! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pelicanproject/message
Published 01/31/23
Our mission is to joyfully reawaken a culture of LIFE by supporting parents in the holy (and necessary!) work of teaching their children about the dignity of human life. How is this done? In short, we Plant seeds. Grow deep roots. Form disciples. Celebrate LIFE!  This week, we focus on the need to form disciples and the importance of encounter.  Talk with your child about Christ’s invitation to be “fishers of men" with our Pray, Grow, and Serve devotional!  --- Send in a voice message:...
Published 01/24/23
This week we are talking about unconditional, sacrificial, saving love.  With the anniversary of the now defunct Roe v Wade, the topic of abortion will take center stage in conversations throughout the nation. As a parent, you may recognize the different ways the culture is grooming your child to accept precepts of abortion —i.e., that truth is subjective, love is conditional, and life has value when "wanted" or "useful." These precepts are painful distortions of love that bear tragic fruit...
Published 01/17/23
Today we're talking about the the urgent, intentional, and confident Magi seeking our Lord in the arms of His Mother!  Here is a link to this week's Pray, Grow, Serve to help you talk with your kids about confidently seeking Christ. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pelicanproject/message
Published 01/10/23
In this week's episode, Kelly and Crystal talk about The Pelican Project's Dignity of the Unborn bundle. This month is the March for Life (20th) and the Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of the Unborn (23rd). This gives us a wonderful opportunity to discuss the dignity of the unborn with our children. The Pelican Project can help! Download our Dignity of the Unborn bundle and you will receive... Elementary Age: “Protecting the Unborn,” “A Child’s Guide to Spiritual Adoption,” “Exploring...
Published 01/03/23
It's the time of year when many of us start reflecting on the year gone by and making resolutions for the year to come. Join Kelly and Crystal as they offer suggestions and resolutions of their own to help reawaken a Culture of LIFE!  Links we promised... Pray the Litany of Humility. Find all of The Pelican Project tools and resources you need here. Stay connected with The Pelican Project, receive weekly Pray, Grow, and Serve devotionals and be the first to get updates about new...
Published 12/27/22
It's the final week of Advent! As we rush to complete our preparations, let's talk about taking time to realize some of the holiest prayers we can offer Him are the work of the vocation He has given us.    Plant seeds. Grow deep roots. Form Disciples. Celebrate LIFE! We invite you to pray, grow, and serve with us! Visit our weekly devotion page here! Join us for The Jesse Tree! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pelicanproject/message
Published 12/20/22
Kelly talks about an interesting situation she once found herself in as we discuss God at work even when we don't understand it. That we must be open to being His hands and feet. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pelicanproject/message
Published 12/13/22
In this week's episode Kelly and Crystal talk about preparing for Christ with a sense of urgency.  Visit our website for this week's Pray, Grow, and Serve devotional. Still looking for a way to celebrate Advent as a family? It's never too late to join us for The Jesse Tree! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pelicanproject/message
Published 12/06/22
Crystal and Kelly talk about The Jesse Tree as a tool to help families prepare for the coming of Christ! Download The Jesse Tree! Check out our daily videos on IG and FB! @PelicanProjectMinistry --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pelicanproject/message
Published 11/28/22
Crystal and Kelly chat about the strange gift of "context," the humility of the gift of "support," and our call to "give thanks in all circumstances" as beautifully displayed in the Ravensbruck Prayer. This prayer was found beside the dead body of an unknown young girl who died in the Ravensbruck concentration camp. “Oh Lord, remember not only the men and women of good will, but also those of ill will. But do not remember all the sufferings they have inflicted on us; Remember the fruits we...
Published 11/22/22
Today, Kelly and Crystal talk about what it means to reflect His light and love — even when it is hard. Download this week's Pray, Grow, and Serve devotional to discuss reflecting His light and love with your children. Learn more about Maria and Alessandro in Kelly's blog post  Impossible Forgiveness. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pelicanproject/message
Published 11/15/22
Crystal and Kelly talk about the family as the "school of love" and parents as a child's most important teacher. Also! click here for this week's Pray, Grow, & Serve helps you talk to your kids about WHY you are their most important teacher.  --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pelicanproject/message
Published 11/08/22
You asked and we answered! Crystal and Kelly share about The Pelican Project, favorite saints, great books and how we met! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pelicanproject/message
Published 11/01/22