Kenneth W. Gronbach is a demographer, futurist and generational marketing expert whose uncannily accurate predictions are transforming how we look at demographics. An in-demand keynote speaker, he has been studying demographics for more than two decades. He’s the president of KGC Direct. His new book is Upside: Profiting from the Profound Demographic Shifts Ahead.   The Future Is Not A Mystery; it's Simple Math.   RELATED: How Successful Companies Use Disruption to Matter and Win with...
Published 06/19/17
Dr. Imhotep is the first person in the world to hold a Ph.D. with a specialization in Ancient African History.    He is the author of The First Americans Were Africans: Documented Evidence and has traveled the world researching for the last 30 years searching for relevant interesting evidence.    Dr. Imhotep has appeared on numerous television and radio shows across the globe, and has been featured in magazines and newspapers such as the New York Times. His many lectures and presentations...
Published 06/18/17
Brought to you By: Self Publishing's Dirty Little Secret! --------------- Ed Harrington is the author of Outsmart Your Instincts: How the Behavioral Innovation Approach Drives Your Company Forward and CEO at Ideas To Go. He has spent twenty-five years helping a who's who of corporate America come up with new and innovative ideas.  He serves on the Yale Center for Customer Insights board of directors. Related: Crunch Time with Rick Peterson  
Published 04/20/17
Brought to you by: www.BooksbyPM.com ---------- Rick Peterson has coached some of baseball’s best pitchers in the past twenty years, including Cy Young Award winners and Hall of Famers.  He was the Oakland Athletics’ pitching coach during the famed Moneyball era and has served as a coach with the New York Mets, Chicago White Sox, Pittsburgh Pirates, and Milwaukee Brewers.  He is currently director of pitching development with the Baltimore Orioles. He holds a combined degree in psychology...
Published 04/19/17
Brought to you by: SHOCK Metaphysics = MELANATED Metaphysics! Download the free 7-Day Ecourse Here --> https://goo.gl/gRdgCi  --------------------- Rachel Dolezal holds an MFA from Howard University. She is a licensed Intercultural Competency & Diversity Trainer, dedicated to racial and social justice activism.  She is the former Director of Education at the Human Rights Education Institute in Idaho and has served as a consultant for human rights education and inclusivity in...
Published 04/18/17
Ora Nadrich is a Certified Life Coach, Certified Mindfulness Meditation teacher, and author of Says Who? How One Simple Question Can Change The Way You Think Forever.  http://www.oranadrich.com/  
Published 04/18/17
Gleb Tsipursky’s primary vocation is helping people, organizations, and our society as a whole avoid disaster through science-based decision-making and emotional and social intelligence. His expertise comes from being a scholar, specializing in wise decision-making, emotional and social intelligence, goal achievement, meaning and purpose, mental health and emotional well-being, and altruism as a professor at Ohio State. He also runs a nonprofit dedicated to popularizing research on these...
Published 03/10/17
The big idea:  A Fortune 500 company's lifespan has plummeted from an average of 50 years to a mere fifteen. Companies that achieve longevity have discovered that leaning into the constant disruption of today's high-velocity, volatile economy is essential, according to the research revealed by top-tier consultants and researchers Peter Sheahan and Julie Williamson, PhD. Why It Matters:  In an overcrowded market where new competitors are born every day, staying on top means mattering more...
Published 02/16/17
Dr. Gerald L. Durley is an internationally recognized civil rights leader who marched with Martin Luther King, Jr. He was born in Wichita, Kansas and grew up in California; earning his Doctorate in Urban Education and Psychology from University of Massachusetts and his Master of Divinity Degree from Howard University. Dr. Durley recently retired as Pastor of Providence Missionary Baptist Church and now is the author of his first book: “I Am Amazed! Reflections of An Awe Inspired Life.”  
Published 12/07/16
Judge Robert L. Wilkins’ Long Road to Hard Truth: The 100-Year Mission to Create the National Museum of African American History and Culture. In Long Road to Hard Truth: The 100 Year Mission to Create the National Museum of African American History and Culture, Robert L. Wilkins tells the story of how his curiosity about why there wasn't a national museum dedicated to African American history and culture became an obsession-eventually leading him to quit his job as an attorney when his wife...
Published 10/22/16
Professor Kaba Hiawatha Kamene has been gracious enough to write an amazing, 10-page, Special Report Foreword that I have made available for immediate free download for the entire world to read and experience at http://www.WalkAwayWealthSystems.com. In this Special Report Foreword, Professor Kaba says, “When I read DigitalNomics, I think of Philippe SHOCK Matthews as being the Marcus Garvey of the present day. DigitalNomics takes us to the point where we now have the ability to be in control...
Published 09/23/16
Lara Naughton’s The Jaguar Man (Central Recovery Press; July 12, 2016; 978-1-942094-20-3) explores her encounter with the stranger who raped her. Perhaps surprisingly, she doesn’t want retribution, she wants him to heal. She writes, “I will always maintain that my right as a victim is that I get treated, and he gets treated.”   The Jaguar Man is about what happens when one incident changes your life, splitting it between before and after. On the fourth day of what Lara thought would be two...
Published 07/20/16
Meg Blackburn Losey, PhD, is the author of the international bestseller The Children of Now along with several other books including Conversations with the Children of Now, The Art of Living Out Loud, and The Secret History of Consciousness. Dr. Meg is the creator of the Touching the Light Healing Modality and offers Certification courses. She is an international keynote speaker and lectures worldwide. Dr. Meg is a PhD of Holistic Life Coaching and holds a Doctoral Degree in Metaphysics and...
Published 06/30/16
Known among World leaders, Presidents, celebrities, and academicians alike for his trademark activism, intellectual discipline, and masterful oratory, Dr. Amos C. Brown is a legend in his own time. He was tutored by Medgar Evers, Benjamin Mays, Samuel Williams, J. Pious Barbour, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (as one of the eight students in the only class Dr. King taught in his lifetime at Morehouse College). He is the Senior Pastor at Third Baptist Church of San Francisco and currently...
Published 06/30/16
Dr. Gerald L. Durley was born in Wichita, Kansas. He grew up in California and graduated from high school in Denver, Colorado. Being endowed with exceptional basketball skills and a deep interest in improving the civil and human rights of African Americans, Dr. Durley chose to leave the west and venture south to Tennessee State University in Nashville, Tennessee. While earning a Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology, playing on a championship basketball team, and serving as student...
Published 06/30/16
Religion serves to give us a perceived way to the divine. We are inherently driven to seek our divine nature. We have forgotten that we have the ability to reach that place from within ourselves. Consciousness is an aspect of Oneness. Our consciousness and the infinite cannot be separate. Unfortunately over time, the information and teachings found in religion have limited our scope of creation. At some points in time, religion has been used to control people in the name of god. The idea of...
Published 06/02/16
Shari Brown illustrates throughout her book, The Seven Commandments for Happiness and Prosperity the similarities of the three major world religions’ principles and how the differences are outweighed by the core values that assimilate them. She took this incredible journey writing a book to bring people together, no matter which religion they practice and show what little difference there is between them. Her sole purpose is to unite them and exemplify how the foundation of the three...
Published 05/18/16
The etherical body and where does the soul go when we die?    
Published 05/14/16
How we as souls become a body and how we leave it.   •    In our other conversations we have talked about the fact that we are hardwired into creation. You have mentioned this several times. Can we talk about how all of this works? •    When a soul decides to incarnate what does creation do energetically and using sacred geometry in order to prepare for our entry? How does the new soul enter the physical world and when? •    There is a lot more to us than our physical being. Because of...
Published 04/20/16
Out of Darkness examines the untold history of African people, the African cultural contribution to the nations of the world, and the events that have contributed to the condition of African people today. Out of Darkness is narrated by Prof. Kaba Kamene and co-stars Dr. Umar Johnson, Dr. Claud Anderson, Tim Wise, Prof. James Small, Dr. Joy DeGruy, Anthony Browder, Sabir Bey, Atlantis Browder, and Taj Tarik Bey. Watch the Live Interview
Published 04/14/16
Where we got the trinity (father, son and holy spirit) and where that came from. What is the TRUE trinity? How does it relates to the four sided pyramid. I will explain it then take the listeners through an exercise so that they can experience themselves multidimensionally and also sit in the midst of creation. How to make their own merkaba How we fit in creation and how we can tell the difference of us in it all.    
Published 04/11/16
Mr. David's latest book, Bader Field, embodies the emotional story of a son's loving relationship with his father—the legendary art dealer whose life is suddenly taken by a massive coronary at the young age of fifty-eight years. His death plunges the twenty-four-year-old man onto the front lines of the family art business, which he had entered a mere three years prior. Battling with his own grief while trying to help his adoring but fragile mother survive, David forges forward with all of the...
Published 03/31/16
Meg Blackburn Losey, Ph.D. is the is the author of 9 books including the recently released, “The Children of Now EVOLUTION” the Bestselling books “Touching the Light”, “The Secret History of Consciousness”, the International Bestseller “The Children of Now”, The Living Light Cards other great books. She is also the author of the “Online Messages” and a contributor to “What Wags the World” and the Bestselling “The Mystery of 2012 Anthology”.  Dr. Meg is a world traveler working as an...
Published 03/22/16
Meg Blackburn Losey, Ph.D. is the is the author of 9 books including the recently released, “The Children of Now EVOLUTION” the Bestselling books “Touching the Light”, “The Secret History of Consciousness”, the International Bestseller “The Children of Now”, The Living Light Cards other great books. She is also the author of the “Online Messages” and a contributor to “What Wags the World” and the Bestselling “The Mystery of 2012 Anthology”.  Dr. Meg is a world traveler working as an...
Published 03/17/16
Meg Blackburn Losey, Ph.D., is the is the author of 9 books including the recently released, “The Children of Now EVOLUTION” the Bestselling books  “Touching the Light”, “The Secret History of Consciousness”, the International Bestseller “The Children of Now”, The Living Light Cards other great books. She is also the author of the “Online Messages” and a contributor to “What Wags the World” and the Bestselling “The Mystery of 2012 Anthology”.   Dr. Meg is a world traveler working as an...
Published 01/27/16