Strap in for episode seventy-seven of The Presentation Boss Podcast. Over the past few months, Thomas has had some conversations with Todd Cherches about all things presentations. Given he has just released a book about visual communication, you can imagine those conversations were quite animated and aligned. As is often the case with all professional communicators, the same advice and tips are shared. But Todd manages to drop out phrases that sound exactly like Kate and Thomas, but with a...
Published 10/13/20
This should be memorable; episode seventy-six of The Presentation Boss Podcast. In January Thomas had the pleasure of coaching Anthony Metivier here in Brisbane for a TEDx Talk to be delivered in Melbourne. It was a fun process (that might be outlined in a future discussion episode) that resulted in the talk that Kate and Thomas are going to break down on the show here. Before we do, Thomas recorded a conversation with Anthony about the process of getting ready for, and finally delivering an...
Published 10/06/20
It's numbers and narrative on episode seventy-five of The Presentation Boss Podcast. Numbers don't make sense outside of the context of the story they tell. And while we may have access to the best, newest and fanciest graphing software on the planet, the best graphs still need to be presented properly. Even the best graphs unfortunately don't speak for themselves. And Data Storytelling is a bit of a confusing term, we know. However, Kate is a data analyst (and has worked as one for many,...
Published 09/29/20
Take a swig of maple syrup for episode seventy-four of The Presentation Boss Podcast. Today we have the world-famous Canadian speaker, Scott Stratten. He's famous for his man-bun, talks on marketing and 'the millennial rant'. Anyone who listens to enough content in the world of presentations ought not to be a stranger to this guy's work. Kate and Thomas always carefully plan out questions for each guest, and the same happened here. But when we jumped on the call, Scott began outlining how he...
Published 09/22/20
It's a big moment for episode seventy-three of The Presentation Boss Podcast. When Kate and Thomas first planned out the speech breakdown format, this was the first talk Thomas added to the list. Sir Ken Robinson's famous TED Talk was only the sixth ever uploaded to the TED website and has since become the single most-watched TED Talk of all time. And, in so many ways it is brilliant and worthy of being so dang popular. Sadly, Sir Ken Robinson passed away in August 2020. And while...
Published 09/15/20
Grab a notepad for episode seventy-two of The Presentation Boss Podcast! To follow on from our last discussion episode, where we discussed the software options for slide design and presentation, this week Kate and Thomas talk about the non-electronic and physical alternatives to slides. We know there is a lot of tiredness around slide use (especially poor slide use) so here we cover the five best non-slide visuals available to you! Kate and Thomas discuss these five options, their perks,...
Published 09/08/20
All rise for episode seventy-one of The Presentation Boss Podcast. Today on the show we have fellow Brisbane-boy Lindsay Adams. And if you're wanting to hear from someone who has been there, done that and got the T-shirt when it comes to speaking, then listen in close today! Kate and Thomas first met Lindsay almost by chance at a Professional Speakers Association meeting, and soon after learned the magnitude of his accomplishment. Also, plenty of previous guests have made sure we never...
Published 09/01/20
Grab a shovel for episode seventy of The Presentation Boss Podcast. Today we're going hunting for actual dinosaurs and along the way will learn about the science and maths of evolution and the morality of our ecosystem. In this breakdown, Thomas selected this Talk from the TED Talks Daily podcast and we play it for you while we make comment along the way about what works so well in this speech. Not only will you meet the recently discovered 'Dreadnoughtus', but will hear the beautifully...
Published 08/25/20
Grab a friend for episode sixty-nine of The Presentation Boss Podcast! We know there is a lot of tiredness around poor slide use. Unfortunately use of presentation software it is not taught as standard on any scale. And with PowerPoint being the ubiquitous term, there is always someone, somewhere thinking about how to avoid 'Death by PowerPoint'. And often, the answer can be to move to another app, program or software to help ease that pain. At Presentation Boss, we see five big players in...
Published 08/18/20
Step into episode sixty-eight of The Presentation Boss Podcast. Life's a pitch. And today's guest knows a thing or two about the art and science of the successful pitch. Sure, we've all seen the TV shows, trying to secure squillions of investment for a new business. But Colin Kinner reminds us that we are always pitching ideas. Whether we're in sales, in a family or in a corporate team. Heck, you may even be pitching your side-hustle business! And that's why you should listen to this...
Published 08/11/20
Five presentation designers and co-hosts are in your ears for episode sixty-seven of The Presentation Boss Podcast. We've got a collaboration episode today, where Kate and Thomas joined up with the three co-hosts from The Presentation Podcast. Yes, the similarity in names is half coincidence, and half telling that we are all about relatively similar things. We get to know each other a little better during this (slightly over one) hour, have some laughs and geek out over some presentation...
Published 08/04/20
Time to walk and listen to episode sixty-six of The Presentation Boss Podcast. No really, if you're not walking/jogging/running while listening to this episode, I can't guarantee that you won't feel bad by the end. We're doing a speech breakdown where we play a talk from the internet and pause it to make comment about the presentation skills on display. In this weeks episode, we have another suggestion from our friend and previous guest, Tamsen Webster. This talk by Nilofer Merchant is both...
Published 07/28/20
Join us for episode sixty-five of The Presentation Boss Podcast! We work a whole lot with tech-based teams. Accounting, IT, engineering, academia, data analysts.. the type of deep thinkers who have a massive amount of knowledge and understanding in their topics. But can struggle to get that important information out of their mind. Especially when they are labelled as boring or involved with dry, boring information. Kate and Thomas don't believe any subject worth talking about is boring, dry...
Published 07/21/20
Hello there, it's episode sixty-four of The Presentation Boss Podcast. Way back when Thomas started listening to podcasts about presentations, he came across one called 'The Presentation Podcast' (Yes, the similarity of the name is noted). It has since become his most listened to podcast. Nolan Haims is one of the co-hosts of that show and is a master in presentations, data-visualisation and PowerPoint design. More recently, Kate has jumped on board the Nolan Haims fan-train and were both...
Published 07/14/20
Howdy! It's episode sixty-three of The Presentation Boss Podcast. We love hearing constantly how much you guys love our speech breakdowns. Just two weeks ago you heard us talk about the completeness and accessibility of TED Talks with Tamsen Webster. And after our recording, she suggested we take a look at this talk. We love short, concise, thoughtful speeches and this one clocks in at under five minutes! So, a shorter episode this time. However, not only is it a great example of speaking,...
Published 07/07/20
We're tackling the big issues in episode sixty-two of The Presentation Boss Podcast! Confidence in presentations and feeling authentic! You know what confidence feels like. The idea that you can do a task and do it well. And speaking in any capacity is the skill more than any other that people have no confidence in doing themselves. So we talk about exactly what confidence means when presenting, as well as exactly how to go about building that true, internal confidence for yourself. Then,...
Published 06/30/20
Get in, it's episode sixty-one of The Presentation Boss Podcast. We're joined today by another speaking genius from our big wish-list of experts we're excited to have on the show. Today it's Tamsen Webster of TEDx and The Red Thread fame. Kate has been following her work for years, and Thomas almost as long (you'll have to listen to the episode to hear the story). In this conversation, she talks deeply about refining your message, what goes into making a great talk (TED or otherwise) and the...
Published 06/23/20
What's going on? Here we are at episode sixty of The Presentation Boss Podcast. We know you're probably still at home a lot, especially if you're listening from the USA. And with so many students unable to have a graduation ceremony, NBC put on a special event for virtual graduation. The selection of speeches have been making their way around the internet and Barack Obama was one of them. Honestly, Kate and Thomas have been looking for an excuse to analyse an Obama speech, and this...
Published 06/16/20
Gather around for episode fifty-nine of The Presentation Boss Podcast! The use of storytelling in any presentation is powerful. But never moreso than in the art of persuasive speaking. That is, giving a presentation to convince an audience of something. Whether you're selling an item or an idea, asking them to make a decision or consider recommendations. While the stories we use could be about our own personal experience, they can also be of a previous client, from a customer experience or...
Published 06/09/20
On episode fifty-eight of The Presentation Boss Podcast, we are joined by the world's number one presentation performance coach and co-founder of Heroic Public Speaking in New Jersey. Both Thomas and Kate have listened to hours of him in audiobooks, podcasts and speeches and had added him high up on the 'one-day wish-list' of guests. They didn't expect to have him on the show so soon! But he was happy to join us when we reached out and the recording session went by quickly. Michael has a lot...
Published 06/02/20
Let's get cracking on another episode of The Presentation Boss Podcast - episode fifty-seven! And we're back with another speech breakdown. This TED Talk was recommended either by Kate or by a listener, that slight detail has been forgotten. But it is a topic close to both hosts, especially Kate who is a productivity and efficiency nerd (her words!). We listen to Rary Vaden's talk and pause several times to highlight what he is doing that works in favour of his delivery and a couple things...
Published 05/26/20
Hello bosses, it's episode fifty-six of The Presentation Boss Podcast! We all know that every human and their brain is effectively diluted water transmitting tiny amounts of electricity, flavoured with a few hormones. We can easily forget that other people think differently. One of the greatest mistakes we can make when communicating is to assume that others think the same way we think. But, there are trends that are common to most of us. They're called 'cognitive biases'. Some of these...
Published 05/19/20
We're having a chat for episode fifty-five of The Presentation Boss Podcast. Today we have on the show the very first presentation skills coach that Kate ever had as a mentor. Gerald is a unique individual with a presence both as a presentation coach, a successful YouTube series and his expertise of defusing dangerous and hostile situations. All that gets brought together today in this show that will be super beneficial to anyone giving presentations or facilitating workshops. Not to mention...
Published 05/12/20
Jump on in to episode fifty-four of The Presentation Boss Podcast! This week Kate and Thomas are listening in to a TED Talk recommended by a listener. Thank you to Steve Bates for putting us onto this talk. It's lovely to watch this talk, it's so compelling and a slight peek back at what TED was like in 2004. This talk cleverly leverages the hefty use of metaphor to anchor a concept in the mind of the audience, and the ending even takes Kate by surprise. Listen in as Kate and Thomas play the...
Published 05/05/20