Hello Projectors. Welcome back to a very personal episode that I’ve recorded in the portal of death. Experiencing the loss of something we love can be devastating, confusing, and hard to understand. So it felt right to share with you all how I got to looking the star charts, and read the codes of current time; in order to make a conscious decision around death.  I will be talking not only about death, but potentially some triggering topics about personal losses I’ve experienced, and how...
Published 10/19/23
On today’s episode we are drawing upon the guidance of the eclipse in Libra and talking about the Projector’s gift for balancing the fields through our relationship to the other.  Projector; you have a gift, you are a leader. You have an important purpose here to serve, and life- humanity is calling out for new leaders. Ones who can be trusted with power. Ones who can be trusted with the sanctity of human lives. Ones who walk as embodiments of the future that we are all praying for, hoping...
Published 10/15/23
Hello Projectors, and friends of the playground! On today’s episode we are talking about a situation that one of you experienced recently where an HD coach told you that you couldn’t receive invitations from your guides.  This dogmatic approach to HD is exactly what we are moving away from in this space. People have been being indoctrinated into systems for lifetimes; giving their power away to people who seem to “know more” have “studied more” or who had the privilege of learning from...
Published 10/13/23
Welcome back Projectors to another season at the playground. Today we meet in the forest, riverside; to ground with the nature spirits and invoke a message for this season together!  As we turn towards darkness, the playground is calling us out to get even more authentic with our conversation, resonate our truths into the field, and step up as Projectors sharing our unique voice and perspectives on life.  This season will be filled with magic, guidance, and opportunities to receive from...
Published 10/10/23
In the spirit of earth’s equinox transition, we will be closing down season 2 and opening a new doorway into a season 3! Thank you all so much for tuning into the Playground and weaving this web with me. For the season finale, I pulled some cards for us and have a final download for Projectors as we enter into the wheel ahead.  We are more than halfway through the year and reaching an apex between the light and the dark. No matter where you are in the world, we are all attuning to a point of...
Published 09/17/23
PLAY! You hear it all the time as a Projector; play is both your medicine and your gift to the world. It expresses a frequency of joy that is felt by all. Most who meet a Projector, will notice that we have a depth, focus, and attention span that is rare. But for those that are really attuned to their play- the other thing people appreciate is how a Projector can go really deep, but yet keep it all so playful and filled with energetic potential. My Manifestor friend recently told me that...
Published 08/18/23
In this episode we are having a psychedelic conversation about the different dimensions of reality available to us on planet earth. We discuss the awakening mystery schools and our devotion to guardian and protect the sacred passageways.  I recently heard a teacher talk about reconnecting with our inner knowing and to stop outsourcing our powers to things like Human Design for what we know to be true about ourselves. I love this perspective and resonant, but also want to add how vital HD can...
Published 08/14/23
Today is a bit of a continuation from last episode. After offering that conversation on the podcast, I received some beautiful recognition that happened directly after we closed. It reminded me that sometimes recognition is happening behind the scenes, and if we are willing to show up and share ourselves, our gifts, our personal offerings to the world- then we will always be replenished and refilled tenfold of what we put out. This conversation leads us into a potent download I’ve been...
Published 08/08/23
Individual recognition and attention is not only our gift as Projectors to give to others, but it is also the gold that we ourselves need to feel replenished and refreshed. Oftentimes the projector aura can get swept up in the open and enveloping aura of generators, especially when they are leading group experiences. We can feel carried by the moments of building, doing, and generating; and still not have the space and recognition we require to be our sensitive selves within the generator...
Published 08/06/23
On today’s episode we’re going on a journey through different realms. We begin by talking about the upgraded frequencies from July, moving into August. How we are entering into the higher octave of the heart and are making vows aligned to this prophecy. We continue on with the journey of deconditioning and how important it is to find our own personal ways of doing so; with or without HD. It is vital, especially for Projectors, to remember that we came here to be conditioned- so we could...
Published 08/04/23
On this episode we are talking about the relationship with our beloved Generators and how it is so important for us Projectors to honor and respect the energy that the Generator type has the potential to bring into our lives. We talk about how being seen gives Generators something to respond to, how magical our relationships with the spirit of Generators can be, and what it feels like to be rewiring our nervous system to understand the difference between sacral energy coming into our aura-...
Published 07/26/23
On today’s episode we are going deep. The guides were really clear about opening up more conversations on this topic and getting really real about what it means to be on a medicine path in the modern world. So, what does it mean to be serving up and being served by the medicines that we are here to both receive and offer in this lifetime? In this episode we are talking about the reality and sobering truth of being on this path; both the gifts and also the grief, and how one gets called out...
Published 07/22/23
This is an episode for the Projector entrepreneurs, creators, and business owners out there. Today we are talking about being paid for your worth valuing your energy and what it is you’re actually offering. This is a call out to Projectors to recognize the magic that you are exchanging with the other, and how it should be marketed and priced as such. We are also discussing, one of my favorite things- the spirit of your business. How to recognize your business as its own energy that has its...
Published 07/20/23
On this episode we have a divine directive from the guides to get right with our Projector rest. Yes, of course for ourselves and the longevity and vitality of our energy and life source; but also because we are here to be leaders, and facilitators of a more restful template here on earth.  We begin this episode with an energy practice and opportunity to get grounded and embodied in the conversation. Then we open up to why it is so important for Projectors to not only have a daily rest and...
Published 07/10/23
Did you ever meet a Projector, or learn that a friend of yours was a Projector, and think- dang we aren’t alike at all? Well thats because Projectors are the most diverse species of energy types. Not only do we have different classifications of Projectors, but we also have 7 different authorities, different environments, personality lines, and various center definition. This makes us Projectors, the same in some ways and also completely distinct in others.  On this episode we’re talking...
Published 07/07/23
Hello Projector Crew! This is a quick episode to give you all some updates of a couple magical Projector offerings that I've created for us this month (July 2023). The guidance was clear. The invitation was crystal. The group codes are coming online! Something magic happens when Projectors gather. Divine downloads are pulled from the Akashic mysteries and prepared to be dropped into our guiding auras. The spiritual realm knows that we are destined for success. They trust us to take the...
Published 07/07/23
Today's message is coming at you from 4:44 my time, and is all about the gift of listening. As Projectors who are here to be in service to others- it is our purpose to also be listening to the cues and clues of life. It is vital that we listen to the advice that we give others, and also that we listen to how and what other people are receiving through our guidance. Life is always speaking to us. Sometimes it is going to tell and teach us really important messages through things that don’t...
Published 07/04/23
Projectors- the world needs your wisdom codes, your creativity, your guidance, your prophecy! Even if you feel like a beginner. Even if you feel brand new to what it is you’re sharing. It’s time to get yourself out there. One of the ways you can start to gently step into the pool of sharing your magic is by asking questions. In asking questions, you start to draw the right people to you. In asking questions, you see who is not healthy for you. In asking questions, you get to hear the answers...
Published 07/01/23
So we know our Project signature is success, we know it is the key to our design, and yet there are so many Projectors who fear becoming successful. Why? Because we’ve been given so many blueprints and scales of success from the outside world, usually from other types, that don’t feel safe to hold in our Projector aura and our body’s nervous system.  On this episode we are talking about the sensation of fear, the zone of coherence, and how we can retrain our nervous systems to hold the...
Published 06/28/23
On today’s episode we are talking about just how valuable and precious your focus and attention are. As a Projector these qualities are some of your most valuable resources and should be treated as such! Your energy, the way your aura penetrates and absorbs other beings and reads them for their individuality and uniqueness is liquid gold.  It is time to start honoring how valuable your attention is! In this way you create boundaries, you set a price on your precious resource. You honor...
Published 06/26/23
This episode we are talking about the power and potency of emptying out our sacral centers, getting clear about your purpose and play, and setting everything down when we are in a place of confusion or at a choice point. The streams of thought on this planet love to carry humanity down certain rivers of awareness that may or may not be in harmony with the Projector's way of being with life. Our power in this lifetime, really is in the ability to sit down, find stillness, rest, and silence...
Published 06/23/23
This was one of those episodes where the message was clear, charged, and ready to come through for those who are meant to tune in. As Projectors, our story is such an important part of humanities future. We live differently, our bodies are coded to use less energy, and we are meant to repurpose and recycle what is already available on this planet; more wisely. Projector, your story is spiritual nectar for others. You are guiding those you are invited in by; into new paradigms of purpose,...
Published 06/17/23
Your 2/4 Projector Playground host is getting vulnerable and sharing a very personal perspective and life interpretation of what being a 2/4 feels like in the observed experiment. In true 2 fashion- we're revealing whats been happening behind the scenes and hoping to offer a glimpse inside the window of 2ness, while also talking about the influential characters and qualities of networking as a 4. This episode could potentially be for anyone, as we all carry these lines somewhere in our chart...
Published 06/15/23
Let's get into some Human Design specific information shall we? In this episode we discuss the six profile lines and how they each weave together to form a potential personality blueprint. The profiles are so interesting because two totally different energy types could feel really familiar to each other because they share the same profile; even though they run a completely different aura. This is why getting to know the many layers of your chart is going to open up more and more doors for...
Published 06/13/23
Projectors; you are here to create a new template in business. You are embodying a new way for our future. You are being invited to do things differently. Not just for you, but for all those who will follow in your footsteps. There is a reason why the "tried and true" methods don't work for you like they do for others. There is a reason you don't want to show up like everyone else does. As a Projector; you are not here to do it like the rest of the world! Your intuition is your invitation....
Published 06/06/23