Iyanla shares the show today with her incredible guest Tony Porter. Tony Porter is an author, TED talk speaker, and activist working to deconstruct and reconfigure masculinity. This episode is all things men: how they relate to themselves, each other, women, and the larger community. In this...
Published 09/11/24
Grab a pencil because Ms. Iyanla is taking us to relationship school! Certified relationship coach Kittie Rose joins the show to explore the essential building blocks of strong and lasting relationships. Kittie shares her expertise by identifying harmful relationship behaviors and offering...
Published 09/04/24
In this episode, Iyanla asks callers what their loved ones do that drives them CRAZY? What are the deal breakers and what problems can make the relationship stronger? What must we do to communicate our issues and how do we express them with love? We have several guests who unpack what drives...
Published 08/28/24