Hitting the road with your family soon? We're diving into the nitty-gritty of keeping your family healthy while traveling – a topic close to our hearts and absolutely crucial for any rainmaker family on the move! Whether you're a seasoned traveler or planning your first family adventure, there's something in this episode for everyone. Our conversation this week is an exploration of how a holistic approach to travel health can transform your family trips. We’ve been there: returning from a...
Published 01/05/24
Hey Rainmakers! This week's episode is a real gem for those who aspire to simplify their lives while amplifying their impact. We're thrilled to bring you an engaging conversation with David and Katie Marie Hughes, a couple who've mastered the art of minimalism in both their personal and professional lives. David and Katie’s story isn't just about decluttering spaces; it's a deep dive into how minimalism can profoundly shape your lifestyle, family dynamics, and business success. They openly...
Published 12/29/23
Hey Rainmakers, Chelsey here! Today's episode is a deeply personal and inspiring one, as I open up about my health transformation journey over the past year. This episode is a heart-to-heart conversation, diving into the ups and downs, the discoveries, and the breakthroughs I’ve experienced on my path to wellness. We know many of you in our community are navigating your own health and wellness journeys, balancing the demands of motherhood and entrepreneurship. If this resonates with you,...
Published 12/22/23
Hey Rainmakers! Today is all about aligning visions, boosting business revenue, and balancing entrepreneurial spirit with family life. In this episode, we had the pleasure of hosting Kyle and Ariel Tresh, founders of Couplepreneur. This discussion is perfect for anyone navigating business and life as a dynamic duo. Kyle and Ariel's story isn't just about business success; it's a real, raw look into merging life, love, and entrepreneurship. They candidly shared their experiences, from the...
Published 12/15/23
Welcome back, Rainmakers! Today's episode is a special one, as we had a company recently reach out, wanting to write an article about us. They sent over some questions and we thought it would be fun to answer them in this episode! This conversation offers a glimpse into our thoughts and experiences on motherhood, business, and the unique challenges that come with balancing the two.  In our community, we often talk about the hurdles that hold many moms back from diving into entrepreneurship....
Published 12/08/23
Welcome back, Rainmakers! On today’s episode, we had the opportunity to interview the incredible Jennifer Allwood. She’s an incredible entrepreneur, business coach, and the author of "Fear is Not the Boss of You."  From managing a painting company to becoming a sought-after business coach, her story is an inspiration.  In our community, we have seen a common barrier that holds many back from achieving their dreams is facing and conquering fears… If you can relate, this episode is for you!...
Published 12/01/23
Hey Rainmakers! Today, we kicked off with a nod to the inspiring generosity of Jimmy Darts, known for his heartwarming acts of kindness videos on social media. His unique approach to giving, often focusing on the recipient rather than himself, sets the stage for our deep dive into the diverse ways we can all be generous in our daily lives. Generosity extends far beyond financial means. It's about sharing time, attention, and creating meaningful moments. Simple acts like paying for someone’s...
Published 11/24/23
Hey Rainmakers! Today, we’re recapping our biggest takeaways from this year's Funnel Hacking Live. This conference had our minds racing with fresh insights and actionable ideas that we can’t wait to share with you!  This conference taught us that the real magic happens in the lobbies, at shared tables, and in every conversation. It's where ambitious minds meet and collaborative futures begin. Building relationships with like-minded individuals and mentors is an investment that goes beyond...
Published 11/17/23
Hey Rainmakers! We were recently featured on Stephanie Blake's "Powerful Parenting Podcast Journey," where we had the opportunity to dive into the reality of balancing entrepreneurship with family life. It was a fantastic experience, so we decided to share the full episode from her show here with you today!  During our conversation, we go into what motivates us, how we manage our busy schedules without mom guilt, and learning to balance screen time - and more! This episode covers all things...
Published 11/10/23
Welcome back, Rainmakers! Are you ready for a game-changing conversation that could reshape your perspective on business and life? We're about to share a technique that transformed our financial trajectory, and it's waiting to do the same for you. No matter your industry or niche, there's a blueprint to unleashing unparalleled potential and life-changing wealth. Are you intrigued yet? Picture a packed auditorium buzzing with excitement and the music blasting, resonating with the energy of...
Published 11/03/23
Get Jenna’s FREE Podcasting Masterclass: https://jennakutcher.com/rainmaker  We had the incredible opportunity to chat with Jenna Kutcher, a marketing genius, successful entrepreneur, and a super mom. You may know Jenna as the voice behind "The Gold Digger Podcast," a show that has touched us, and the lives of so many around the world! In this episode, Jenna is here to spill the beans on her podcasting journey and share some invaluable insights we all can learn from. Plus, she’s giving us a...
Published 10/27/23
Hey Rainmakers! We had an incredible chat on our podcast today with the brilliant Austin Netzley. He introduced us to this fascinating idea from his book, the “2 Week Vacation Test.” And let us tell you, when we first heard about it, we knew that we had to learn more! Between the three of us, we've experienced the highs and lows of entrepreneurship, and Austin's perspective added a whole new layer of understanding. We were genuinely moved hearing about Austin's journey. Here’s a guy, in his...
Published 10/20/23
Hey there Rainmaker fam! Today, I've got a juicy story to share, all about the rollercoaster that was my journey "From Fast Food to Inc 5000". So, buckle up, it's gonna be a ride! Picture this: I'm 16, wearing this white outfit, topped with a red hat and apron, clocking into one of my first high school jobs. It was lunchtime, and I was the only person at the register. Trust me, it was intense. I genuinely loved interacting with people and flashing a big smile. But, just as I started to think...
Published 10/13/23
Hey Rainmakers! We're excited to have you back with us, ready to dive into a topic that’s been huge for us – Key Performance Indicators, or KPIs. These guys have been a game-changer in our business and personal growth journey. But hold on, because there’s something else we're excited to share: scorecards. Thinking back to a time before we became the Rainmakers, navigating the unknown waters of entrepreneurship as wedding photographers without KPIs or scorecards. It was all gut feelings and...
Published 10/06/23
Hey there Rainmakers! In today's episode, we're revealing 10 powerful phrases designed to make you some serious cash on social media, with potential earnings between $500 to $3,000 in just a week.  These prompts, reminiscent of our community's concept of seed money, are your ticket to financial gains, be it for business, a much-needed vacation, or festive celebrations. The power lies in the strategic copywriting behind each prompt, designed to captivate. If you score big using our advice,...
Published 09/29/23
Hey there Rainmakers! Today we have an inspiring interview with Jaime Cross, an entrepreneur, mom, and powerhouse who built an eight-figure business from scratch. This episode is filled with hope and inspiration!  Jaime started her journey in her kitchen, crafting organic skincare products. With her unyielding passion for quality and her tenacity, she launched a skin care company, which quickly grew from a small passion project to a household name. The real secret to her success? A deep...
Published 09/22/23
Hey there Rainmakers! It’s Stephen and Chelsey! The term "overnight success" is thrown around so casually in today's world, making it seem as if success appears out of thin air. But if we've learned anything from our journey, it's that real success resembles tending to a garden more than a lightning strike. Think about it: a garden requires patience, nurturing, care, and a lot of continuous effort. Sure, there are days when the flowers bloom suddenly, making all your hard work seem magical,...
Published 09/15/23
Welcome to another episode of the Rainmaker Family Show! Today, we've got a fantastic guest with us – Mindy Linscomb. She's not only the owner of one of the largest bridal stores in America, but she's also the host of the popular Something New show across various platforms. And guess what? She's been running her business for over 14 years while being a dedicated mom.  Mindy's journey is a powerful blend of entrepreneurship and motherhood, proving that these paths aren't separate but can...
Published 09/08/23
Hey there, Rainmakers! We've all heard about credit scores, credit cards, and debt. The word ‘credit’ often evokes fear in many, thanks to the numerous misconceptions surrounding it. However, on the show today, we had the privilege of hosting a unique guest, Brandon – someone who takes the art of credit and turns it into something spectacular. He is the guy you'd want on your team if you want to debunk the myths about credit! It's surprising how many myths are out there about credit. Some...
Published 09/01/23
What does your future hold? Welcome back to the Rainmaker Family Show! Today we dive into what we think is going to happen. Ect in the exciting future of Rainmakers, Tech, Amazon, AI's impact on human connections, and the evolving income landscape plus more!  Picture this: a future where Rainmakers is a household name, synonymous with transformation and empowerment. Our community is on a journey to empower mothers through personal development. But it doesn't stop there. We're expanding our...
Published 08/25/23
Hello Rainmakers! In this episode, we delve into a topic that's a must-listen for parents with kids and an interest in finances. If you're someone who's got both these aspects in your life, or even if you're planning to have kids someday, this episode has some valuable insights in store for you. Chatting with Scott, a leading figure in the realm of financial education for children, we get the scoop on when and how parents should start discussing money matters with their little ones. It turns...
Published 08/18/23
Hey there, Rainmakers! Today, we want to share with you our step-by-step framework for hiring rock stars. Whether you're looking for a nanny, an office assistant, a tech automation specialist, or someone in your business, this process can be applied to help you find the best candidates. So, let's dive into our hiring funnel. Picture a funnel in your mind—wide at the top and gradually narrowing down until only the best candidates remain. That's how you should approach the hiring process. It's...
Published 08/11/23
Hey there, Rainmakers! Ready for a dose of inspiration? Let's dive into the powerful concept of "go before you know." Life is full of uncertainties, and sometimes you have to take fearless leaps without having all the answers. As a planner myself, I love having everything organized and mapped out, but I've learned that success often requires embracing the unknown. Take naming our son, Oliver Wave, for example. It was a decision that puzzled us for months until one late night, the name "Wave"...
Published 08/04/23
Hello, Rainmaker Family! Today, we're bringing you an extraordinary story that's sure to inspire. Imagine spending eight hours with a billionaire whose business generates over $8 billion in sales annually. Sounds incredible, right? Well, that's precisely what happened when we met David Green, the founder of Hobby Lobby! We can’t wait to tell you all about our experience.  This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity came to us through a fantastic mastermind group we are apart of! But our meeting with...
Published 07/28/23
Hey there Rainmaker Family! We are so excited to share our latest podcast with you! We had the pleasure of interviewing the amazing JaLynn Manser, a real estate mogul from Arizona who has achieved incredible success. JaLynn's journey is nothing short of inspiring. She started as a barista and a single mom, going through a tough divorce. But she didn't let those challenges hold her back. Instead, she seized opportunities and turned her life around, becoming a millionaire through her real...
Published 07/21/23