Messages are claiming homoeopathy, vitamin C, hot air and onions can prevent or treat the COVID-19 infection. But they are all wrong!
Published 03/27/20
Many people think having frequent, small meals help you lose weight quickly. In this episode, we explore if that is true or not and give you ways you can use to lose weight.
Published 03/09/20
A message claiming you can protect yourself from the Coronavirus by drinking water and eating garlic has been doing its rounds. I investigate each claim to find which are true, and which false. Spoiler Alert: Most of them are the latter.
Published 03/06/20
Doh broke out of her pseudoscientific beliefs and doubts about vaccine safety by staying curious and constantly looking for new, reliable evidence. This is her story.
Published 02/15/20
There were 5 crucial incidences that made me question my beliefs and become a better critical thinker in the process.
Published 01/21/20
This is happening right now and it's killing children.
Published 12/23/19
I got a Whatsapp forward talking about the foods and nutrients you should consume to fight the effects of pollution. We find out if it holds up to scrutiny.
Published 11/24/19
My knee jerk reaction turned out to be wrong.
Published 11/05/19
Detoxing is one of the biggest, most successful scams in recent times. Today, I'll tell you my own story of how I found this out.
Published 08/27/19
If you ever see any negative information about vaccines, or any other health information, from these groups, walk away.
Published 08/12/19
We do a deep dive into anecdotes and anecdotal evidence. Exploring the importance of anecdotes for humans helps us understand its value and its weaknesses as evidence because of human cognitive biases and the fallacies we use to defend them.
Published 07/31/19
The truth about the antivax movement and how we can stop it.
Published 07/20/19
An age-old comment to defend unscientific ideas needs to meet its end.
Published 06/29/19
Explore what evidence is, why it's important and how you can wield it!
Published 06/11/19
Does curcumin work? If it does, will eating turmeric have the same effect? What are the side effects of turmeric? Is it medicine yet or still in the realm of alternative or complementary medicine?
Published 05/01/19
Recently, a network of radio telescopes spread across the Earth called Event Horizon Telescope pieced together petabytes of data to unveil the first-ever image of a black hole. In this episode, I figure out what a black hole is, how we took that picture and why it's one of the most amazing things science has achieved in recent times.
Published 04/16/19
The Indian ASAT project or “Mission Shakti” as it’s been called by the government, has made a big splash across the headlines all over the world and has definitely ruffled some feathers over at NASA. But are they justified in being concerned?
Published 04/03/19
Homoeopathy is one of the most popular alternative medicines in the world! Thousands swear by it, and chances are, you've tried it. But does it work? If so, how does it treat you? We delve into the history and science of homoeopathy and my encounters with it too to get to the bottom of it.
Published 03/20/19
This is the first episode of The Rationable Podcast! So I'm going to be telling you about how Rationable came to be and what you will find in its episodes.
Published 03/13/19
Dr Oz called green coffee a “miracle pill” and then got shamed in front of the US Congress for saying so. But green coffee beans just don’t seem to go away! But does it work?
Published 01/09/19
Recently, you may have received a message or a video on WhatsApp claiming that cancer is a hoax and is caused by a deficiency of Vitamin B17. But is it true?
Published 12/17/18
I used to think that the Ketogenic Diet was the ideal way humans should eat. Then, I discovered I was completely wrong. And here’s how I figured it out.
Published 11/19/18
Last year, I wrote a blog about the future of the LGBTQ+ community in India after the overthrowing of Section 377. This is what Indians need to do to make ours a more inclusive society.
Published 09/25/18