Why Self Discipline Is So Hard. It's one of the most challenging aspects of the human experience. Sure, you want to change your life or experience a new reality for yourself, but you always seem to self-sabotage yourself or have difficulty in building momentum. You are not alone. In today's edition of the Remarkable Man Show, we'll explore the reason behind why self-discipline is so hard and some practical steps you can take to change your reality. If you found this episode of value, please...
Published 08/17/22
Stop fighting for your limitations. That may sound like a triggering statement. If so, then this video will help. In today's Fearless Friday Edition of The Remarkable Man Show, we'll explore how most people at some point would rather fight for their limitations than face them head-on and defeat them. You have to approach every new way of being with a new mindset. However, the ego does not like you playing in the scary and unknown world outside your comfort zone so it will find every excuse...
Published 08/12/22
How To Stop Waiting And Start Living Your Life, This is something I also struggled with. Seems there was always something that conveniently got in the way. Today I am going to share with you the foundational pieces to help you to stop waiting and start living your life. If you found this episode of value, please like, share, and comment on it. And of course, hit that "Subscribe" button. Your engagement goes a long way in helping the show rank in the algorithm. Get your FREE instant PDF...
Published 08/09/22
The Power Of Your Choices. How will you show up the next time you are being tested or triggered? Will you react or respond? The choice will be predicated on your current level of awareness. In this video, I'll share some insights and coaching around the power of your choices so you can move forward experiencing better and more empowering outcomes. If you found this episode of value, please like, share, and comment on it. And of course, hit that "Subscribe" button. Your engagement goes a...
Published 08/03/22
Are You being MAN enough in this crazy world? There's a lot of disconnect and confusion around the topic of men and masculinity. Today we'll dive into what #estherperel describes as the Paradox Of Masculinity. As she describes Masculinity is often presented as an imperative, a badge to be continuously earned through actions, rituals, and ongoing duties. As the definition and associated expectations of masculinity have changed dramatically in the last several decades. Here's a link to her...
Published 07/27/22
Today on the Remarkable Man Show, We'll dive into one of the most paralyzing fears, The fear of what other people think. However, we are going to take it a step further and look at what judgments, thoughts, stories, and dramas are being created within your own mind. The real issue is not out there or from other people. The real issue may surprise you. I'll share a few insights to help you overcome this fear. If you found this episode of value, please like, share, and comment on it. And of...
Published 07/22/22
Why you really matter. That's a deep existential question but one worth exploring. So many people are feeling a profound level of insignificance right now and are making decisions that do not serve them. In today's Remarkable Man Show episode, I want to ensure you that you truly do matter and that your life has more meaning than you can imagine. If you found this episode of value, please like, share, and comment on it. And of course, hit that "Subscribe" button. Your engagement goes a...
Published 07/13/22
If life is not changing you don't want it bad enough. That phrase used to trigger me,  now I see it as a fundamental life truth. No matter where you are in life, there are things you want and things you are committed to. In today's video, I deliver a few insights that will help you amp up your efforts in your quest of having greater success in your dating, your relationship, business, and health. If you found this episode of value, please like, share, and comment on it. And of course, hit...
Published 07/06/22
How To Believe In Yourself (When Life Gets Hard)  There's no doubt that parts of your life are challenging. There's a good bet that there's a part of you that has a hard time believing in yourself. In today's Fearless Friday edition of The Remarkable Man Show, Join coach Dwayne Klassen and he shares a few nuggets of insight to help you understand where your beliefs are rooted and what you can do to crank up your self-worth and trust in yourself, with your beliefs leading the charge. You are...
Published 06/17/22
Can A Man Experience Unconditional Love? This episode was inspired by a video of Chris Rock from back in 2018 where he talks about the reality men are faced with in relationships and society. There's a lot of truth to the idea that men are loved based on their value and the contribution he brings to the relationship. What are your thoughts? In today's Fearless Friday episode of The Remarkable Man Show, We'll explore the difference between "Romantic Love" and self-love, something a lot of...
Published 06/10/22
How To Trust Yourself More to create the life you desire. In today's Fearless Friday edition of The Remarkable Man Show, we'll explore that there's a lot to be said about the path to success, happiness, and fulfillment.  However, to truly expand beyond where you are at and Be The Remarkable Man you must be is going to require you to trust yourself and your abilities like never before.  I'll share with you a few key points to help you amp up your self-trust to feel more in alignment with the...
Published 06/03/22
The Stink'n Think'n won't go away. And what to do about it. Negative self-talk can be all-consuming at times. In fact, for most people, it is a default thinking norm. In today's Fearless Friday Edition Of The Remarkable Man Show, we'll explore the insidious nature of negative self-talk and explore what to do about it. So you can break free of limited thinking and create the thoughts that bring you the joy and energy you want to feel.  If you found this episode of value, please like, share,...
Published 05/27/22
In today's edition of The Remarkable Man Show, we are revisiting an important topic I did almost a year ago. The Power Of Letting Go is an idea a lot of men (and women) know about conceptually, but have a hard time putting into practice. I know, because I too had a very difficult time letting go and surrendering to the process. Letting go is not about shirking your responsibility and having a cavalier attitude about the things that matter most. However, if you find yourself doing and doing...
Published 05/19/22
Why are 70% of women leaving their relationships? When it comes to break-ups women are leading the charge by a wide margin. Why is that? In today's Remarkable Man Show episode, Coach Dwayne dives into a number of reasons. Plus, we'll cover a bit of history that led up to this moment in time.  You'll get a few nuggets as to why relationships are the best place for growth in the entire human experience and why you should fight for it. If you found this episode of value, please like, share,...
Published 05/04/22
James M. Powell joined me on the Podcast and we got deep into his incredible journey. From his childhood development to going up against the health care system with multiple cancer battles, James shares his unfiltered truth. Plus, he shares with us the power of unlocking and listening to your intuition. Something we men can certainly do more of. James is the founder and host of The Spirituality Podcast where he explores spirituality and self-development with some of the world's...
Published 04/27/22
Relationship Rescue - Why She's Not Attracted To You Anymore. So many men are in sexless relationships right now and don't know how to get the attraction back.  In today's episode of The Remarkable Man Show, we are doing a Relationship Rescue and exploring why so many women lose the attraction to their men. Plus, I'll share some relationship tips to help you rekindle the magic. Be warned: a sexless relationship should be a sign that you are not in alignment with one another. What values,...
Published 04/13/22
Today on The Remarkable Man Show, Sons Becoming Fathers With Jay Rooke. Jay is the founder of Gonzo Parenting, a comedic and cathartic Facebook community to help parents laugh and heal with like-minded moms and dads.   He’s a writer, healer, and mentor who thinks that the biggest challenge of child-rearing is doing the personal work necessary to become the parents we want to be. His podcast teaches how to embrace conscious parenting as a transformational tool to heal ourselves. He’s also a...
Published 04/06/22
Fearless Friday! How To Stack Personal Victories. It matters how start, do, and end your day. On this Fearless Friday. It is important that you adopt the idea of stacking personal victories in your day.  They can be small like keeping your office, car, or place clean and orderly. It could be about being part of The 5 AM Club and rising at 5 AM, or rising before the sun and watching the sunrise. What you are doing is proving to yourself that you are a winner. And with these personal...
Published 04/01/22
Simp Or Swim - How To Get Your Power Back In The Relationship.  In this Fearless Friday Episode of The Remarkable Man Show, we'll take a hard look at an issue impacting men and the quality of their relationships. Simping has become a real issue for a lot of men, but the real challenge is that few know they are doing it.  Today we'll unpack the simp vibe and explore if the relationship is even salvageable once the simp energy is present. Watch to the end as you just might be...
Published 03/25/22
Darren is an Entrepreneur, author, world-class speaker, investor, and philanthropist, For over 23 years, Darren Jacklin has traveled 4 continents and personally trained and developed over 1 million people in over 48 countries. He has mentored entrepreneurs and business owners on specific and measurable strategies for incredible growth. Darren is the author of his new book, “When I Become….Purpose, Perseverance, Payoff.” Which we’ll be exploring today. Darren Jacklin currently sits on...
Published 03/23/22
Like anything in life Results matter! In today's Fearless Friday Edition of The Remarkable Man Show we're talking about How To Get Better Results. No matter what, success leaves clues. So it's vital that you look at the HOW of the way you do things. Are they working? Are you experiencing success in those areas? I don't mean just in your work or your ability to make it rain, I'm talking about your health, relationships, and personal self-mastery. How To Get Better Results - It matters! If...
Published 03/18/22
Gentlemen, on this Fearless Friday Edition of The Remarkable Man Show we are talking about Men, It's Time To Roar! In a time of so much uncertainty, chaos, and threats to your sovereignty and well-being, we are seeing a shocking level of apathy, compliance, and silence from men. So many relationships are in trouble yet a lot of brothers are just letting them burn because they just don't have the fight for what they want left in them.  Today, my friends I am going to invite and challenge you...
Published 03/11/22
Fearless Friday - Pushing Beyond The Resistance. In today's Fearless Friday edition of The Remarkable Man Show, we are exploring what needs to happen to push beyond the resistance you might have with many of your challenges. Pain and resistance are typically where the growth happens, yet most people are wired to ease up or stop altogether when things get tough or uncomfortable. Today, we'll explore the lessons, and how to push forward in spite of your blocks to truly get the gift and...
Published 03/04/22
Are you being distracted from the big picture? I'm not talking about a sleight of hand from the system and the big picture they are doing, I am talking about your own personal growth and well-being. If the system can distract you with fear, frustration, and anger it can ensure you are weak,  passive, and easily manipulated. Today on the Remarkable Man Show we'll get into the truth and lies that hold you back and what to do about it. If you found this episode of value, please like, share, and...
Published 03/01/22
It's Fearless Friday And we are talking about The Business Of Fear. You can feel the collective energy in the world right now. There is a very palpable energy of fear most people are feeling. However, there's a deeper reason for this and it has nothing to do with what you might think it is. You are the innocent victim of The Business Of Fear. It has been going on for almost 100 years. It is clever, it is tactful and it is very dark to say the least. Today we tackle this insidious beast...
Published 02/25/22