RL 112: Dineen Wasylik — Utilizing Your "You Time" to Maximize Your Billable Hours
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In this episode, I am excited to have Dineen Pashoukos Wasylik on to talk about being an active mother and lawyer, and how utilizing the morning hours can revolutionize your days and allow you to maximize your billable hours. Dineen is the founder of DPW Legal in Tampa, Florida, a boutique intellectual property and appellate litigation firm where her team helps entrepreneurs protect everything that they have worked so hard to create and protects litigants in appellate courts. She is the only lawyer in Florida who is board certified both in intellectual property and in appellate practice. Dineen's husband is also a lawyer-entrepreneur, and they have two teen sons.   Topics Covered What her self-care practice looks like and what willing yourself to be a morning person can look like so you can carve out time for your personal health. Fighting the sedentary lawyer nature and utilizing exercise as a key element to mental clarity. Putting yourself first while parenting teens.     Questions? Comments? Email Jeena! [email protected]. You can also connect with Jeena on Twitter: @Jeena_Cho For more information, visit: jeenacho.com Order The Anxious Lawyer book — Available in hardcover, Kindle and Audible Find Your Ease: Retreat for Lawyers I’m creating a retreat that will provide a perfect gift of relaxation and rejuvenation with an intimate group of lawyers. Interested? Please complete this form: https://jeena3.typeform.com/to/VXfIXq Free Webinar Learn to relax the mind, worry less, and decrease stress. https://jeenacho.com/podcastwebinar/ MINDFUL PAUSE: Bite-Sized Practices for Cultivating More Joy and Focus 31-day program. Spend just 6 minutes every day to practice mindfulness and meditation. Decrease stress/anxiety, increase focus and concentration. Interested? http://jeenacho.com/mindful-pause/ Thanks for joining us on The Resilient Lawyer podcast. If you’ve enjoyed the show, please tell a friend. It’s really the best way to grow the show. To leave us a review on iTunes, search for The Resilient Lawyer and give us your honest feedback. It goes a long way to help with our visibility when you do that so we really appreciate it. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you next week.
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Published 11/19/19