Help! The supermarkets are pushing mince pies onto me and there's only so much willpower we have to resist. But sometimes it's all a matter of perspective.Support the show Social Media Links Threads https://www.threads.net/@richardnichollsreal Instagram https://www.instagram.com/richardnichollsreal Twitter https://twitter.com/richardnicholls Facebook https://www.facebook.com/RichardNichollsAuthor Youtube https://www.youtube.com/richardnicholls TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@richardnichollsauthor
Published 12/08/23
I might not the young man I once was, but there is a certain childishness to me that I'm hoping can keep me young. Looking at the studies into attitude and ageing the odds are in my favour! Support the show Social Media Links Threads https://www.threads.net/@richardnichollsreal Instagram https://www.instagram.com/richardnichollsreal Twitter https://twitter.com/richardnicholls Facebook https://www.facebook.com/RichardNichollsAuthor Youtube https://www.youtube.com/richardnicholls TikTok...
Published 12/01/23
People often use the word panic to mean the same as anxiety. But in my world the 2 are separated so as to ensure people get the right sort of therapy.Support the show Social Media Links Threads https://www.threads.net/@richardnichollsreal Instagram https://www.instagram.com/richardnichollsreal Twitter https://twitter.com/richardnicholls Facebook https://www.facebook.com/RichardNichollsAuthor Youtube https://www.youtube.com/richardnicholls TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@richardnichollsauthor
Published 12/01/23
It's no secret that stretching our comfort zone to include more situations is a good idea. But it's called a comfort zone for a reason isnt it? It's comfortable there. So if life is comfortable and the alternative is uncomfortable then we're not going to have a great deal of motivation to make a change. But do we even need to? And if so, how?Support the show Social Media Links Threads https://www.threads.net/@richardnichollsreal Instagram https://www.instagram.com/richardnichollsreal Twitter...
Published 11/24/23
Understanding a little bit about the effects of different parenting styles can really help us understand ourselves better. As well as help us to understand others. Let's have a peek into some of the basics shall we? Support the show Submit a question https://richardnicholls.net/question/ Social Media Links Twitter https://twitter.com/richardnicholls Instagram https://www.instagram.com/richardnichollsreal Facebook https://www.facebook.com/RichardNichollsAuthor Youtube...
Published 11/17/23
People sometimes make the mistake of thinking that accepting reality and moving on from the past makes them weak or naive in some way. So they hold onto their pain. It takes a lot of strength to be the bigger person and say "You know what, the only one this is hurting is me, I'm moving on from that." But it doesn't mean you have to forgive and forget.  Support the show Submit a question https://richardnicholls.net/question/ Social Media Links Twitter https://twitter.com/richardnicholls...
Published 11/10/23
Mixing negative beliefs about self with the idea that we can mind read is not a good idea. It can easily lead us down the path of feeling like an imposter at the first hint of any success.Support the show Submit a question https://richardnicholls.net/question/ Social Media Links Twitter https://twitter.com/richardnicholls Instagram https://www.instagram.com/richardnichollsreal Facebook https://www.facebook.com/RichardNichollsAuthor Youtube https://www.youtube.com/richardnicholls Mastadon...
Published 11/03/23
Having free will is generally thought of as a good thing but it also comes with responsibility. That's why decisions cause anxiety, whether it's about the little things or the big things. Support the show Submit a question https://richardnicholls.net/question/ Social Media Links Twitter https://twitter.com/richardnicholls Instagram https://www.instagram.com/richardnichollsreal Facebook https://www.facebook.com/RichardNichollsAuthor Youtube https://www.youtube.com/richardnicholls Mastadon...
Published 11/01/23
Freud had some weird ideas back in the day. But this one really has stood the test of time.Support the show Submit a question https://richardnicholls.net/question/ Social Media Links Twitter https://twitter.com/richardnicholls Instagram https://www.instagram.com/richardnichollsreal Facebook https://www.facebook.com/RichardNichollsAuthor Youtube https://www.youtube.com/richardnicholls Mastadon https://mastodon.social/@richardnicholls
Published 10/27/23
Some specialists say we need 8 hours every night, some say we need more. In truth, there's only one person who knows how much sleep you need. You.Support the show Submit a question https://richardnicholls.net/question/ Social Media Links Twitter https://twitter.com/richardnicholls Instagram https://www.instagram.com/richardnichollsreal Facebook https://www.facebook.com/RichardNichollsAuthor Youtube https://www.youtube.com/richardnicholls Mastadon https://mastodon.social/@richardnicholls
Published 10/20/23
According to multiple studies, fear of judgement is the number one biggest fear, above dying. The author Elbert Hubbard once wrote, "Do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing, and you'll never be criticised." And that's probably the only way to avoid criticism, isn't it?Support the show Submit a question https://richardnicholls.net/question/ Social Media Links Twitter https://twitter.com/richardnicholls Instagram https://www.instagram.com/richardnichollsreal Facebook...
Published 10/13/23
I once heard someone say that if you're on your own and lonely then you obviously don't like the company you're in. And when listening to clients talk about their loneliness that really does ring true. Support the show Submit a question https://richardnicholls.net/question/ Social Media Links Twitter https://twitter.com/richardnicholls Instagram https://www.instagram.com/richardnichollsreal Facebook https://www.facebook.com/RichardNichollsAuthor Youtube https://www.youtube.com/richardnicholls...
Published 10/06/23
Most people live their life based around making other people happy to some degree. It's just how far we take it that determines whether or not it becomes a problem.Support the show Submit a question https://richardnicholls.net/question/ Social Media Links Twitter https://twitter.com/richardnicholls Instagram https://www.instagram.com/richardnichollsreal Facebook https://www.facebook.com/RichardNichollsAuthor Youtube https://www.youtube.com/richardnicholls Mastadon...
Published 10/01/23
Today is all about why having an optimistic and positive mindset can make a big difference in our life.Support the show Submit a question https://richardnicholls.net/question/ Social Media Links Twitter https://twitter.com/richardnicholls Instagram https://www.instagram.com/richardnichollsreal Facebook https://www.facebook.com/RichardNichollsAuthor Youtube https://www.youtube.com/richardnicholls Mastadon https://mastodon.social/@richardnicholls
Published 09/29/23
Most people think of boundaries as being like a physical thing as if there's a chalk outline on the ground everywhere you go and if someone steps into it it makes you upset. The thing is the only one that knows the boundary is there is you. Today is all about why boundaries are important, how to set them and how you know if someone's crossed the line.Support the show Submit a question https://richardnicholls.net/question/ Social Media Links Twitter https://twitter.com/richardnicholls...
Published 09/22/23
The idea of our thoughts influencing our emotions, which influence our behaviour is regularly talked about in therapy. But often misses out the important bit in-between. Emotions and behaviour, which is our world view, our beliefs. Support the show Submit a question https://richardnicholls.net/question/ Social Media Links Twitter https://twitter.com/richardnicholls Instagram https://www.instagram.com/richardnichollsreal Facebook https://www.facebook.com/RichardNichollsAuthor Youtube...
Published 09/15/23
What's the difference between someone who has all the motivation and enthusiasm you could wish for and someone that, even though they don't have depression, still can't feel motivated? Well in order to answer that I think it's worth looking at what motivation actually is. Support the show Submit a question https://richardnicholls.net/question/ Social Media Links Twitter https://twitter.com/richardnicholls Instagram https://www.instagram.com/richardnichollsreal Facebook...
Published 09/08/23
Who's responsible if we fall flat on our face and nothing goes right? More importantly, who's responsible if we don't pick ourselves up again? Support the show Submit a question https://richardnicholls.net/question/ Social Media Links Twitter https://twitter.com/richardnicholls Instagram https://www.instagram.com/richardnichollsreal Facebook https://www.facebook.com/RichardNichollsAuthor Youtube https://www.youtube.com/richardnicholls Mastadon https://mastodon.social/@richardnicholls
Published 09/01/23
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and its counterpart Complex PTSD, are life-altering conditions. And although the symptoms may often resemble Anxiety and Depression, they need to be worked on in slightly different ways.Support the show Submit a question https://richardnicholls.net/question/ Social Media Links Twitter https://twitter.com/richardnicholls Instagram https://www.instagram.com/richardnichollsreal Facebook https://www.facebook.com/RichardNichollsAuthor Youtube...
Published 09/01/23
Carl Jung once said " those who look outside dream, those who look inside awaken." And if you've ever seen an analytical Psychotherapist you'll know what he meant. One way of learning what makes us tick is through a concept called Ego States.Support the show Submit a question https://richardnicholls.net/question/ Social Media Links Twitter https://twitter.com/richardnicholls Instagram https://www.instagram.com/richardnichollsreal Facebook https://www.facebook.com/RichardNichollsAuthor Youtube...
Published 08/25/23
Your brain has a remarkable ability to filter and remember important experiences while discarding the less significant ones. It does so by comparing new experiences with past ones and using emotional reactions to determine their importance. Let's look at how we can train it!Support the show Submit a question https://richardnicholls.net/question/ Social Media Links Twitter https://twitter.com/richardnicholls Instagram https://www.instagram.com/richardnichollsreal Facebook...
Published 08/18/23
In short, re-enactment in response to trauma means repeating past events as a way of trying to resolve them. But until we are made aware of it we often compulsively and unconsciously make things worse for ourselves. Support the show Submit a question https://richardnicholls.net/question/ Social Media Links Twitter https://twitter.com/richardnicholls Instagram https://www.instagram.com/richardnichollsreal Facebook https://www.facebook.com/RichardNichollsAuthor Youtube...
Published 08/11/23
People often think that avoidance is all about procrastination, avoiding the pain of being thought of as having done a bad job by not doing the job in the first place. And although that is avoidance it can also extend into many areas of your life. Support the show Submit a question https://richardnicholls.net/question/ Social Media Links Twitter https://twitter.com/richardnicholls Instagram https://www.instagram.com/richardnichollsreal Facebook https://www.facebook.com/RichardNichollsAuthor...
Published 08/04/23
Prompted by a few emails over the years. Today is all about dealing with having an insecure attachment style and how to best cope in a relationship despite it.  36 questions that lead to love. Support the show Submit a question https://richardnicholls.net/question/ Social Media Links Twitter https://twitter.com/richardnicholls Instagram https://www.instagram.com/richardnichollsreal Facebook https://www.facebook.com/RichardNichollsAuthor Youtube https://www.youtube.com/richardnicholls Mastadon...
Published 08/01/23
We often look at mental health as being a brain thing rather than a body thing but of course our brain is part of our body, it's an organ that needs looking after like every other organ does. Support the show Submit a question https://richardnicholls.net/question/ Social Media Links Twitter https://twitter.com/richardnicholls Instagram https://www.instagram.com/richardnichollsreal Facebook https://www.facebook.com/RichardNichollsAuthor Youtube https://www.youtube.com/richardnicholls Mastadon...
Published 07/28/23