008: Game Trailers - 7 reasons why every Game Developer should add a preview video to your Appstore page – and the one reason you probably shouldn’t.
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In today's show, we answered Podcast listener Brad's question on should we add a Game Trailer to our Appstore product page. With this in mind, we put together our Top 7 reasons for adding an App Preview on the Appstore and the 1 reason why you shouldn't. Generally speaking, adding a game trailer, or App Preview Video, to your Appstore Store pages is a positive move. Although screenshots allow you to showcase your games best moments, there's really no substitute for seeing the game in action and watching a demo first hand. Motion is hard to convey in the static of the screenshots, and for this reason alone it's worth it. Your Appstore page is essentially your shop window and what all your hard work has been about. You've spent weeks or months creating your masterpiece, so don't fall at the last hurdle, grit through the final stages and put that video together. If your game deserves more than 1 video, then it's certainly worth doing we'd day, but there's no need to feel compelled to fill space just for the sake of it.   Highlights, Quick Wins & Takeaways: 1. Apple allows us to add 3 App Previews, we should use them. 2. Conversion Rates are believed to be between 15 - 30% increased with games with App Previews. 3. You can show all the best and exciting parts of your game, explosions and effects. 4. Showcase your games personality and the actual speed of the gameplay. 5. The use of Music set the overall tone of your game. 6. You can add additional marketing messages and calls to actions. 7. You'll need a video for your game regardless, so you might as well! Bonus! If your game is so simple or is in essence not at all visually compelling, we highly recommend not including an App Store Preview Video in your store listing. It could well be that a poorly executed video may hurt your downloads. Links mentioned in this Episode: Best Fiends App Preview Video Creation Software Camtasia iMovie Screenflow ( Mac ) Courses Create an Appstore Preview Like A Boss! Course Included Free inside the RisingHighAcademy Membership.
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