#11 Gut Health - Why Meat Is Better Than Plants
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Welcome to Episode 11 of The Road to Carnivore Podcast! In this 16-minute episode we talk all about gut health.  The conventional advice on gut health is to take probiotics and drink kombucha, but did you know that probiotics actually do not populate your gut? Gut doctors know and acknowledge this, and researchers have found that taking a probiotic after an antibiotic actually delayed the restoration of bacteria compared to doing nothing. As we continue to learn more about the microbiome, more and more evidence keeps arising that many of the ideas that we accept as true, like more bacteria diversity is better, may not be true. What we know definitively about plants is that they contain toxins that damage the gut in varying degrees. Carnivore gives the body a break from plant toxins, and has been an effective way for people to put both gut diseases and symptoms into remission.  Digestive problems don’t have to be taken as a given. The food you choose to put in your body can have a huge impact on the health of your gut and digestive system. Show Notes and Resources: https://theroadtocarnivore.com/episode-11-gut-health-why-meat-is-better-than-plants/